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Dominican Republic
Interests: gardening, watching funny movies, reading good books and spending time with family and friends. in the car: listening to good music; country, salsa, rock, at the gym: indoor cycling or spinning; body sculpting, pilate. at home: cooking, classic, hip hop, ballads and them all.
Recent Activity
It pays to be prepared for any physical activity, whether running to refocus or training for a marathon, stay focused, organized and don't forget to use the chafing stick. Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2012 at FamilyInShape
We moved to cuba and I became a runner, we're back and now I am an athlete with a few missing pieces --energy, motivation, desire to go. What's going on? Why have I allowed this most recent move to eat me up with stress and take away my natural motivation to exercise? Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2012 at FamilyInShape
The fact that being stressed is taking away my drive and motivation to run...I don't like it and can't seem to get out of it :-( Continue reading
Posted Aug 24, 2012 at FamilyInShape
"shadows of a walk" Walking has to be the cheapest, safest, easiest form of physical exercise out there. It is a great way to start a fitness program without actually paying gym fees or going to a gym, can be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2010 at FamilyInShape
Have you joined in the fun and fantastic workout from ? What are you waiting for? This is hundred push ups challenge week 1 day 2... 10+12+8+8+ max 12 I can't say ouch loudly enough. I'm sore from day... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at FamilyInShape
These are great ideas and great plan to help Haiti's people, one at a time. Every little bit helps and everyone can make a difference.
Toggle Commented Jan 18, 2010 on Help Haiti at A Journey to a Simple Happy Life
1 reply
Journaling, I've mentioned, is one of the best things we could do to help us stay on track with fitness and nutrition. It is a great way to be accountable to ourselves. Grab a notebook and start writing. What did... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2010 at FamilyInShape
This is a meal I make just about anytime of day. It's a great way to increase protein intake and also allows for a little change in how I eat my vegetables. I love this dish, any time of day.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2010 at FamilyInShape
When the going gets tough, the tough start walking or get weak and start eating. I admit to being on both sides of the meter when it comes to stress and how I react to stress. There have been times... Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2010 at FamilyInShape
Photo credit: alsfitness What we eat is probably responsible for 80% of the results we seek from a new wellness program. How do I know this? Because I've done it all and tried it both with and without paying attention... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2010 at FamilyInShape
I like the look and feel of the new version but the compose window takes for ever to load and now that my bandwidth is not as fast as it was in the states it's nearly impossible to post anything with any speed. I'm sticking with the old, I know exactly where everything is there :-)
Toggle Commented Jan 10, 2010 on Tell us why you are switching back at Switching Back
1 reply
Lance--yeah, why do we buy the stuff? Because we know we like it, we plan to control the portion or work it off somehow and that doesn't always happen. I'm better at working out harder then I am at controlling every bite, but I try and then I work at not stressing about it. Let's just stay healthy inside and out!! Thanks for stopping in. I'll be over at the Jungle to see what provoking thought you bring to us on the 2nd Sunday of the year :-)
1 reply
Hi Sally.Thanks for the well wishes. I appreciate you stopping by:-)
1 reply
Photo credit: LifeHack You know it's been a long time since you worked out if you can't remember where you last saw your workout shoes or clothes for that matter. How about that old water bottle? Many of us have... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at FamilyInShape
Hey Lance. Thanks for coming over, I wish I had coffee to offer ;-) Yes, I do agree that the best way for kids to learn sports and sportsmanship is to let them play, regardless of their skills. They will get better and soon learn but they first need a chance and encouragement. They seem to have a lot of that here!!
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Really Missing the Farmers Market at FamilyInShape
1 reply
Sara, thank you for being here. It is very challenging sometimes to make do with those little things we no longer have. It's a valuable lesson for us all, even my kids are realizing this. The other day my youngest daughter said "can't we just get some of those panda puff cereal from Trader Joe's?" Ummm no. I'm still doing my homework on how I can get things to grow in my sandy, salty back yard. Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. Terie
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Really Missing the Farmers Market at FamilyInShape
1 reply
Hi Janice. I'm so honored to have the author of this awesome book visiting and leaving a comment. This is so exciting :-) I'm just glad to have found you because the timing was perfect. I will continue to read and see what I find within me. Thanks again for visiting. Many blessings to you as well.
Toggle Commented Jan 8, 2010 on Really Missing the Farmers Market at FamilyInShape
1 reply
Photo: "Healthy Food" by Spin Diva I suddenly came to the realization that eating organic, market-fresh, good for me fruits and vegetables was going to be nearly impossible here in GiTMO and I am disappointed because this is, after all,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at FamilyInShape
Photo by SpinDiva "Windmill Walk" For the first time since I moved I purposely engaged in physical exercise. I figured since I've been getting my workout from running up and down the stairs, lifting heavy boxes and kids; and walking... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2009 at FamilyInShape
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