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wait. Caramel? Is it just regular old caramel? I LOVE caramel. Course, not eating it now, but I love it!
Dulche de Leche - The easiest caramel you will ever make!
I love caramel. I think it makes everything good go just over the edge. My family loves it too, so I am always making homemade caramel. It's pretty simple with the right instructions. But this is even easier. I'll get to the caramel recipes, but I thought I would start with something reall...
ok, interesting but (and I'm embarrassed to admit this) what exactly is dulche de leche and what do you do with it?
Dulche de Leche - The easiest caramel you will ever make!
I love caramel. I think it makes everything good go just over the edge. My family loves it too, so I am always making homemade caramel. It's pretty simple with the right instructions. But this is even easier. I'll get to the caramel recipes, but I thought I would start with something reall... is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 17, 2011
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