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Caro is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Isn't it funny how deadline knitting makes you want to knit anything but the project you're working on? My queue is outta hand but I'm deadline knitting for like, the next 3 years.
Could Summer Be Here?
i'm really old, so it's been decades since i've had a summer off. you know what i'm talking about. days of no job, getting up whenever i want, reading books, hanging with friends, the beach. DECADES. and yet, i'm still cranky about having to get up and go to work every day. i mean, really. ...
I tried to get back at it yesterday. Work is just not calling me. Well, it's calling me, I'm just not picking up the proverbial phone.
I Did Nothing Today
except work on a new sock! ************************** day 259 -- two more days of vacation. it's kind of depressing me.
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