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T Scott
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John -- thanks for the comment. There are, of course, millions of people who do believe that the newly fertilized egg is a person with full human rights. Many of the new anti-abortion laws are explicit about this. Your comment suggests that you do not think these people are "reasonable", which, I suppose, depends on how you define "reasonable".
Certainly the reality of an aborted fetus may be disturbing and upsetting, but the long thoughtful literature on human rights would suggest that basing those rights on the degree to which a fetus resembles a baby may not be sufficient.
You're right that if you disallow the moment of conception, there is no bright line to bring comfort to the decision to abort. That ambiguity is very hard for people to deal with. But the only way to eliminate the ambiguity is to stick with the moment of conception. And that ultimately requires a religious basis for giving the zygote full human rights.
"This has nothing to do with concern for babies. It has to do with power over women." The second sentence (from a letter to the New York Times) is clearly true, the first sentence is demonstrably false – just talk to some of those passionate, committed women on the picket lines outside abortio...
Thanks. I think it's worth struggling with. I'm always trying to get a better handle on what's really going on in the minds of people who have views so fundamentally opposed to my own. Most people believe that they're doing "the right thing," even when it's something that causes pain to other people.
"This has nothing to do with concern for babies. It has to do with power over women." The second sentence (from a letter to the New York Times) is clearly true, the first sentence is demonstrably false – just talk to some of those passionate, committed women on the picket lines outside abortio...
Tom -- thanks! I learned some things myself. The surprises are part of the point of my doing these longer pieces, I think.
Heaney At The Hirshhorn
Watched him chat politely. They'd hand him a book. He'd ask a question, then nod, sign, hand it back smiling. Then he’d look out over the big crowd loosely lined up, inching toward the table. Cloud of curly hair, the thickets of sideburns framing his face, kind eyes, inquisitive, the rectangl...
Very nice rendition by Mike Farris! Thanks. There's actually tons of great music that gets labeled "country" -- you just won 't hear much of it on contemporary country radio.
Yes, I was feeling cranky about Facebook the other day. I’m not taking anything back, but of course it’s not the whole story. The other night I had a brief exchange with the guy who sold me the Takamine that I’ve travelled around the world with. It was 25 years ago and I haven’t seen him or t...
Tom -- love that
For the sake of argument
There was an argument about keeping libraries open. Kids who didn’t have computers at home could do their schoolwork. People could use the computers to look for jobs or apply for unemployment. This led to arguments about putting library workers at risk. And whether you could apply for unempl...
And here's one more marvelous reason for hope:
"Put Hope Away"
It’s usually one of the last things I hear before heading into bed at night. I’ll be sitting at the antique rolltop, sorting out my pills for the next day, dropping them into the appropriate compartments of my Mad Hatter pillbox, and Lynn will be calling, in her sing-song encouraging voice, “Pu...
Bev -- I blush. I certainly expect to be involved for quite some time. I'll continue going to Charleston and I'd love to get to UKSG again in the next couple of years.
Kay -- sounds like you're making a success of your retirement this time 'round. Seems it hits everybody differently and each of us has to find our own way. Which, I guess, is no different from what it was like before retirement.
Retirement -- The Score So Far
Lynn says I shouldn't joke that I'm "failing at retirement." She fears it calls up images of me sitting vacantly in a rocking chair, despondently wondering what I'm going to do now. "No, no," I tell her. "I always explain it's that I'm ridiculously busy." I'm having a good time. Josie stayed...
Tom -- actually, it's worse then that. I'm picking up one extra evening of cooking, which I'll enjoy, but I'm going to do cleanup every night. And Lynn can be a very messy cook. But it's only fair. These last few years she's had to take over almost all of the household chores which has interfered with her own retirement. So I need to take on some of the things that I can manage.
What Comes Next
"Are you moving?" It's a common question when I tell people I'm retiring from UAB this fall. I explain that we moved into Lynn's dreamhouse 17 years ago, that it's stuffed with artwork and books, perched up above a pretty little lake with swans and great blue herons, that Marian and Josie live j...
Counting the refugees is tricky -- the numbers I quoted are here: But you're quite right that the numbers don't answer the ethical question.
Mr. Lucky posts to his timeline: If only we had a seasonally appropriate story about middle eastern people seeking refuge and being turned away. Nicely done, I think, and indicate approval. As do a couple of others. But very soon, not surprisingly, comes the dark side. "Why are they all young m...
As I pointed out in my Doe lecture ( librarians contribute to this misconception by continually talking about what "the library" does, rather than what librarians do.
What Librarians Do
Kevin Michael Klipfel posted a thoughtful piece to Ethos a few weeks ago, "Librarianship: A Philosophical Investigation." Here's a brief reaction. Klipfel documents the universal experience academic librarians have, in which most people have no idea what we do. Jokes about dusting the books, car...
For our Boston gig I was actually toying with sticking a rap verse into something but I didn't get around to figuring it out. Mostly I just wanted to blow my bandmates' minds.
Hip-Hop Fan
I’ve often thought that if I were ever filling out one of those profiles that includes the question, “What is the one thing that people would be surprised to know about you,” I’d say it’s that I’m an Eminem fan. Although, to be accurate, it’s much broader than that. I remember being astounded b...
Yes, the filter caught it (nothing personal!). Let me see if I can release it.
The Magical Thinking of Professor Harnad
One watches with awe the relentlessness of the hedgehog mind. Would that I were as certain of anything as Professor Harnad is of his vision of the open access future. Surely one can be sympathetic to his frustration at those who bring up irrelevant issues or divergent points of view. To his l...
Many congratulations! This bodes well for CILIP and as a very interested observer from across the pond, I am very pleased.
Elected to CILIP Council
I'm in a student room in Oxford, ready to attend a CASP critical appraisal training course for the next three days. I've just eaten moules-frites, followed by cheese, in a French restaurant. Every other customer was, like me, a solitary middle-aged man, with a book open in front of him, here a tr...
ILPUK. Lovely way it rolls off the tongue (with a nice little click in the back of the throat).
My university ( is currently using "Knowledge That Will Change Your World" as our tag line (the U.S. version of "strap line"). Does this mean that we can all join CILIP/ILPUK since it is the organization for those in the "knowledge professions"?
The mountains have laboured...
….and brought forth a mouse, to wit ILPUK, or Information & Library Professionals UK. And we have a strap line too, The Chartered Institute for the knowledge professions [sic]. Unfortunately, the domain is already registered to a firm of financial lawyers based on Leyton High Stre...
I've been watching events with great interest and although your motion didn't pass, the vote tally indicates substantial concern among the membership with the way things have been proceeding. I hope you'll be able to leverage this to make CILIP a more open, transparent and responsive organization.
The General Meeting or whither CILIP?
The result was announced by Phil Bradley this afternoon: for the motion to halt the rebranding, 752 members, against 804, with 16 abstentions. At the time of writing, the Elections Panel report isn't yet on the CILIP website, but a press release is. The motion commanded the overwhelming su...
Kent -- thanks for chiming in. I think what was most significant about the STM session was simply the range of opinions and approaches reflected in the publishing community. If librarians would spend more time engaging with publishers they would realize that there are, in fact, many people in that community that we can work with effectively.
Not FASTR Enough
While the publishing industry continues to explore numerous avenues for providing full Open Access to the stewarded versions-of-record of the scientific literature, SPARC once again offers up the hope that the US Congress will save us from the evil paywalls. Is this really the best they can do...
Bill -- I'm not sure I follow you. Is this a case of sarcasm not playing well on the internet?
Mike -- I wish that SPARC would drop the adversarial stance and try to work with publishers to build on what they're currently doing in order to try to shape things in a direction that works for all of the stakeholders. I don't expect that to happen.
Professor Harnad -- your views are well known. Does cutting and pasting the abstract of a 3-year old article into a comment constitute spam?
Not FASTR Enough
While the publishing industry continues to explore numerous avenues for providing full Open Access to the stewarded versions-of-record of the scientific literature, SPARC once again offers up the hope that the US Congress will save us from the evil paywalls. Is this really the best they can do...
Marcus -- I'm glad you caught that. It was intended to be rather tongue-in-cheek.
Still Inconclusive
We're looking at my brain. Or, rather, at the MRI images of my brain that were taken earlier in the day (yesterday, that is). This is after my doctor's done the series of neurological tests that I've become so familiar with -- grip his hands tightly, pull him toward me, push him away, raise my...
I'm so glad to hear it's been restored. I was dumbstruck when I first saw it back in the eighties. When the renovations were finally done some years ago and I first had a chance to see the Folk Art wing, I was afraid it wouldn't be on display anymore. Then I saw what had been done with it and I actually cried. I get back to DC a couple of times a year (I lived there for several years in the mid-eighties) and I always try to stop by to spend a few minutes. It really is a sacred space.
FEAR NOT, The Hampton Throne is Reinstalled!
James Hampton's Throne of the Third Heaven of the Nations' Millennium General Assembly It seemed strangely appropriate that the art handlers were not wearing any shoes as they came in and out of the freshly painted niche on the first floor of the American Art Museum's west wing. The traditio...
I'm looking forward to it... See you there...
Back to the Planes
I've been home for just over six weeks. That's a rarity for me, and I've enjoyed it tremendously. The pattern for me, for several years, has been that after a couple of months when I've had a lot of traveling I'm aching to be off the road for awhile. But give me six weeks or so at home, and I...
Reminds me of one of my friend Lonnie's favorite quotes: "A moment's thought would have shown him his error -- but thought is difficult, and a moment is a long time."
Daniel Kahneman's Thinking, Fast and Slow
Recently Pi Wen ordered Daniel Kahneman's 2011 book Thinking, Fast and Slow. After it sat around for a week I picked it up, and now can't put it down. I'm halfway through, so this assessment is provisional. Kahneman won the 2002 Nobel Prize in Economic Science, for work he completed with his lon...
You may very well be right. It may be that the incremental approach that FRPAA represents is the best that we can do right now. And yet, when I talk to people in publishing I don’t hear much resistance to Open Access. Marty Frank, at APS, has been the most vocal of the society publishers in his opposition to FRPAA and to the NIH Policy, but he’s been a leader among the Highwire publishers in making content freely available and he’s the one who helped develop and push the linking proposal that I reference in this post. During the discussions that led to the report from the Scholarly Publishing Roundtable, it became clear that the big commercial publishers were quite willing to consider some form of funder-supported gold OA. The big publishers (commercial and not-for-profit), given their significant investments in infrastructure, definitely get the importance of standards for interoperability and the importance of preservation/archiving. So I think the sad irony is that the focus on FRPAA has actually been an impediment. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the folks at OSTP are smart enough to ignore all of the RWA/FRPAA noise.
We Can Do Better Than FRPAA
SPARC's greatest rhetorical achievement has been to establish the equivalence of support for FRPAA with support for Open Access. If you're on the right side of the issue and believe that the public must have free access to at least the author's final version of peer reviewed published papers, t...
I stand corrected! Kudos to ISTL.
What value do publishers bring to public access articles?
The complaint that publishers add little or no value to the scholarly publishing process is one of the most common soundbites used by the OA partisans. And yet, if this were true, why would the NIH Public Access Policy or FRPAA be structured the way that they are? Although the phrasing that is ...
And to Ben -- I'm not falling in with the publishers. I don't fall in with anybody.
I agree with some policies of some publishers and disagree strongly with some policies of others. I'm a strong supporter of OA (and helped to make the JMLA the first major open access library journal back in 2000), but think it should be to the version of record. I disagree with SPARC on tactics and I think FRPAA is a poor legislative solution.
I like the idea of funders setting up peer review mechanisms and wish that NIH would take a stronger role in supporting Gold OA.
All I'm trying to address in this post is that the policies make it explicit that there is something publishers do that the policy makers feel is essential. I would certainly agree that some publishers add little value and many are perhaps not being as innovative as we might wish, but I'm afraid that a blanket statement that "publishers" aren't doing this or that without acknowledging the tremendous variation among publishers is kind of meaningless.
What value do publishers bring to public access articles?
The complaint that publishers add little or no value to the scholarly publishing process is one of the most common soundbites used by the OA partisans. And yet, if this were true, why would the NIH Public Access Policy or FRPAA be structured the way that they are? Although the phrasing that is ...
To Joe: My point here is only that the publishers are apparently doing something that the policy makers feel is essential and which they, for some reason, have decided not to try to duplicate. In my previous post I suggest something similar to what you say here -- let's have a requirement that funded researchers publish in OA journals, and provide, within the grant, some mechanism for funding that.
Regarding Elsevier just refusing to publish those papers, yes, in theory they could refuse to take those articles, although for any journal that publishes a substantial number of papers that come from funded research that would be suicide. When you offer somebody two options (refuse to publish the papers, or comply with the policy) and one of the options will put them out of business it's not really much of a choice.
It kinda reminds me of the reactions of librarians to the suggestion that they should just quit buying Elsevier products if those products are so grossly overpriced.
It's also worth pointing out that Elsevier was providing authors' final versions of NIH-funded papers back when the policy was voluntary. Before the policy became mandatory, compliance was hovering around 7%. It would've been around 3-4% if it weren't for the documents that Elsevier was supplying. It's not the deposit that Elsevier objects to, it's the compulsion.
I'm not defending Elsevier here -- I strongly disagree with their support of RWA and I'm one of very few librarians who has walked away from the Big Deal. I just think that the situation is more complex than many of Elsevier's most vocal critics apparently do.
What value do publishers bring to public access articles?
The complaint that publishers add little or no value to the scholarly publishing process is one of the most common soundbites used by the OA partisans. And yet, if this were true, why would the NIH Public Access Policy or FRPAA be structured the way that they are? Although the phrasing that is ...
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