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Durham, NC
Printing custom fabric, wallpaper and gift wrap for the people.
Interests: technology, sewing, blogging, crafts, internet, fabric, crafters, custom fabric, printing fabric
Recent Activity
Hey Alicia, there was actually a typo in the tutorial -- the finished cut dimension for each piece should be 28" x 72" after cutting the selvage. Sorry for any confusion!
1 reply
We agree! "One for me, one for you" is our favorite sewing philosophy!
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Glad you enjoyed it! We'd love to see what you create!
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thanks Leslie! We're so glad to hear this tutorial was easy to follow along with! Happy sewing!
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a dark colored fabric would definitely help hide dirt-- but when you're out in the garden, a little dirt is just par for the course! This can definitely be used for any kneeling task, including sewing projects in which one is working on the floor because it's the only work surface big enough! :)
1 reply
This post was originally written 2 years ago, and let me tell you it has seen its share of mud and dirt since then and is no longer looking this bright white! A great option would be to use a Drylok bag: or to just sew this project (in any old fabric) and create a separate cover that you could take off and wash
1 reply
As long as you apply the Mod Podge correctly, they shouldn't! The Mod Podge creates a moisture barrier.
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