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Sprite's Keeper
Married, mother, my god!
Interests: my daughter, my husband, our dogs, reading, writing, treadmill (if I list it, maybe it will inspire me to run more...)
Recent Activity
"I can't stand those type of people that have to have an issue with anything you do or say. You say 'the box is brown'. They say 'it's not brown ENOUGH.' I like your theory, John. Tell them 'it's pink.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 11, 2013 at Sprite's Keeper
"Tonight is your last night as a five year old. And tomorrow?" "I will be six." "Are you excited?" "Yes, but will ALL my teeth be loose tomorrow?" For some reason, Sprite has placed all of her expectations for turning... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I've been short on time lately, too short to even comment on my reader, but hopefully things should pick up. And of course, I had to Spin for Halloween. The Kindergarten block in Sprite's school held a Storybook Character Parade... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
He wouldn't say it outright. Not with Sprite sitting right there and "examining" her own rest friend, a puppy named Rosebud. I couldn't understand it at first. We both talked around the elephant, trying to keep it as light as... Continue reading
Posted Oct 16, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Four weeks into the academic year and already, I'm being schooled. First of all, let me apologize for the scant posting of late. I have been busy with Sprite, her lessons, and even that pesky thing called a job since... Continue reading
Posted Sep 6, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I thought the first day of Kindergarten would be more emotional than this. Thinking back to the Facebook updates I had seen in the past, I thought there would be the tearful walk to the new classroom, the picture of... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
"Tomorrow is America's birthday. We should buy a present." "America kind of already has everything. What would you suggest?" "....A hug. America needs a hug." "Aw, that's sweet, Sprite!" "But for my birthday, I want a Fur-Real Pet." And THERE'S... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
What do you do when your five year old is at her grandparents' for the entire week and shows no sign of wanting to come home as evidenced by video texts and Facetime? You answer tag requests, of course! (Or... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
"Mommy, can I have a snack?" "What would you like?" "Graham crackers." "Okay. One for you." "Um, can I have two?" "No, one is enough." "But Simba wants one." "Simba is a rest friend. Rest friends don't eat real food."... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
iPhones! Thanks to my iPhone, I am able to join this week's Spin Cycle which is "Things I love". Since time is short for me lately, not loving that, let's start with the obvious: Yeah, what's NOT to love about... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
"You want turkey for sandwiches when you start summer camp?" Sprite looks over from her perch in the "cab" of the shopping cart. "Yes! And goldfish crackers and juice and an apple because you have to have fruit in your... Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Would you believe that one of the first thoughts that registered with me about my baby daughter was: "Gah, she blinks like an alien." I lose my Mommy mug now, don't I? I will completely admit it. I'm not a... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Yikes, Thursday evening is staring me in the face...along with the promise I made to the lovely Gretchen... "I will spin this week! Promise!" Multitudes of ideas still sit in my head, in fact, the weight of those words alone... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
You asked for pictures of the new do. Well.. Behold, the powers of Instagram: (Damn, I'm cute.) (That completely negated the anti-narcissism clause built into my title.) (And everyone trying to beat it into my head over the years about... Continue reading
Posted Apr 18, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
13 shout all the working moms and dads who send their underagers to preschool. I admit, I am excited for next year's Spring Break when I actually have an excuse to take a week off of work since Sprite will... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Really, this kind of post should go out on a Tuesday, but here I sit on a Wednesday with a few minutes to spare and the itch to get these thoughts out of my head: I have recently learned how... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
(The title is actually taken from a song of the same name by Blue October, a song geared towards kids, but with pretty real messages. If you have the time, check it out. It's one of Sprite's favorites.) I'm not... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I have Psoriasis. I've only had it since last February, the first time I remember an itch on the top of my left foot, which I thought was an allergic reaction to the wood shavings of the headboard I was... Continue reading
Posted Apr 2, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I don't think she knows. John had sat her down and told her in terms a five year old can understand, but, to me, at least, the words aren't registering. "Come on, Sprite. We have to get you to school."... Continue reading
Posted Mar 29, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I have written here before about Sprite's hair: No one in their right mind would want to get within two feet of it while it's in motion unless armed with detangler and the 1-800 emergency number to Pantene. I've written... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Only the true Potter fans will call out any blatant mispellings in my title. It's Spin Cycle time and Gretchen is taking us all to the movies! Popcorn on her. Just email her your ticket stub and she'll do the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
Didn't think I would update on the cruise, did you? I wondered myself.. Part I here. Part II here. Part IV somewhere between my cerebellum and cortex.. (There's also the fact that John hasn't really edited most of the pictures... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
You MUST try the sweet and sour meatloaf. It has become a monthly staple in our home. Delicious!
Toggle Commented Feb 10, 2012 on Mary & the Marias at Unmitigated
Her mouth quirked upward and her hands shot to position to cover the smile before I could see it. Apple. Tree. Dejavous. My anger faltered, because my knee-jerk reaction is to smile in response when my personality's twin brings me... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper
I can't believe I didn't remember my own anniversary. I am so bad at that. On January 23rd, Sprite's Keeper celebrated its fourth year, albeit very quietly. This site, one started out of desperation in an effort to find my... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at Sprite's Keeper