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Mar 15, 2010
Have you seen Bright Star (the movie) yet? The clothes are so inspired. I'm guessing you'd love it.
Presents for You: Fabric Bundles!
Here's another batch of presents I've made for you guys! I have five lovely fat little bundles of 100% cotton custom Black Apple fabric designed by yours truly: To enter, again - just leave a comment! You can leave whatever you'd like, but I always love book, movie + recipe recommendati...
I thought this parody that Kirk posted was pretty spot on. The Bailout. Coming this January!
You probably thought it was smart to buy a foreign import of superior quality, with better mileage and resale value. Maybe you even thought that years of market share loss might prod us into rethinking our process and redesigning our products with better quality in mind. But you forget one thing: We spend shitloads of money on lobbyists. So now you're out $2.5 billion, plus the cost of your Subaru. Maybe next time you'll buy American like a real man. Either way, we're cool.
Aren't We Better Than This?
My wife and I are the proud owners of two Japanese cars, a Subaru and a Toyota. The first car I bought with my own money was a 1986 Honda Accord with 150,000 miles on it. I drove the car for five years, put another 100,000 miles on it and then sold it for $500 in 1997. I mention because I've fi...
Also, put that in your pipe and smoke it.
You're the boss, applesauce.
I wish someone would create a phrase dictionary filled with sayings to incorporate into everyday conversation. If I ever got around to doing this I'd make sure to include twist and shout - over and out and you're the boss, applesauce. Also, fuck that noise, what the what?, and [xyz] broke my bra...
BTW, where the hell was my heads up about the marathon this weekend? Good thing someone on my Twitter feed reminded me. What can I count on you for anymore? Did you go outside and cheer? Do you like films about gladiators? Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
This month being (not) Novemember I'm really into...
...Twitter mostly, working and when I'm not working avoiding updating any actual blogs I author. I did manage to check out the Lucy Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center and then I stopped at the Dahlia Bakery for a late lunch yesterday. Of course, this is all old news had you been staring at m...
I knew you'd love this post. You and Twitter are list this. [Crosses fingers.]
This month being (not) Novemember I'm really into...
...Twitter mostly, working and when I'm not working avoiding updating any actual blogs I author. I did manage to check out the Lucy Exhibit at the Pacific Science Center and then I stopped at the Dahlia Bakery for a late lunch yesterday. Of course, this is all old news had you been staring at m...
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