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Williston Park
Born in New York
Interests: Baseball
Recent Activity
Social Networking: Different Uses in The Middle East
Social networking has been on the up rise through out the world in a very obvious fashion. Although many people use these networks to connect with friends and to share photos and videos, it has become very clear that these sites can be used in many other ways then the original sites intended. An example of how one of these social networking sites was used in a different was the use of twitter during the re-election of President Mouhamad Ahmadbinejad. Twitter is a social network that allows the subscriber to post up to 140 characters in one “tweet” to update... Continue reading
Posted Apr 19, 2011 at Global Media News
Afghanistan's New Media
The international aid community identified a need for new media outlets to help Afghans access information and to reunite their country after the fall of the Taliban regime in late 2001. It has been stated by Accuracy in Media: "Radio has played a key role in Afghanistan's political and social awakening, especially since 85 percent of Afghans are illiterate and many live in remote areas." Now a different media envirorment exists with several new and more diverse broadcast and print media. It was stated by UNESCO Communication Consultant Daoud Wahab: "The new media law is a positive development that takes... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Global Media News
Social Networking: Not Catching the Attention of Pakistani Internet Users
As everyone knows, social networking is one of the most popular attractions throughout the world when someone logs onto the internet. Although this may be true, in Pakistan, it's a different story. For many other countries that also do not find themselves on social networks, it is because they don't have the opportunity due to the fact that they are unable to log on to the Internet. This is not the case in Pakistan because they have a great connection to the Internet so the lack of Pakistanis using social networks is primarily because they are not interested in doing... Continue reading
Posted Apr 4, 2011 at Global Media News
Pakistan: Lack of Social Networking
As everyone knows, social networking is one of the most popular attractions throughout the world when someone logs onto the internet. Although this may be true, in Pakistan, it's a different story. It has been stated by forum Pakistan: "Pakistan has emerged as a great potential market for social networking, but still only has 1% of internet users using social networks." As of now, there are only around 117,000 Pakistanis on Facebook, and only a few thousand users logging onto MySpace. Pakistan has social networks of their own that are very similar to Facebook (Circle!) in the sense that people... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Global Media News
Tencent: China's Multi-Purpose Social Network
Tencent is one of China's largest internet sensations since it was founded in 1998. After just a few years, the site eventually became such a hit that it ended up making over one billion dollars in a time span of one year. The reason that Tencent became one of the most popular used internet sites in China is because it's not just used to communicate to other people like Facebook is used in the United States. This one site is used for many different things that attract the people of China everyday. Although it does have ways to communicate with... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at Global Media News
Social Networking in China
Many people know that China's population is much higher than the United States. Consistent with the amount of people, the use of social networking is also used is enormous amounts. There are 221 million blogs and 176 million social network users. Many people think that China uses Facebook just like us in the United States, but the fact of the matter is that Facebook is actually blocked in China. They actually use their own social network that is called Qzone which was actually built by Tencent. Many people wonder what Chinese people do when they sit down at their house... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at Global Media News
Eastern European Social Networks
Social networking is very popular through out the world just like it is in the United States. Although Facebook, Twitter and MySpace are the most popular in the US, in Eastern Europe, it's a different story. In countries such as Poland, Ukraine and Hungary, they have their own types of networks and for the most part no one really uses Facebook like they do in the US. In Poland, the most popular social network that is uses is called This social network hasn't actually been running that long. It was actually created on November 11th in 2006 so its... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at Global Media News
Use of Social Media to Communicate With the World
Egypt is an excellent example of how the internet and social media can be used to quickly unite people and to inform the world on current situations. With the continuous protests, demonstrations and riots having to do with the people of Egypt going against the government, many of the people have used the internet, including the social networks to their advantage. From the use of the world wide famous Facebook, to the posts online from local news stations, information about the violent protests can be brought up on a computer screen almost instantly. CNN's Jack Cafferty has posted articles stating... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2011 at Global Media News
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Feb 7, 2011
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