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squirrel momma
Recent Activity
Yes, unfortunately, insanity and a sick sense of humor both seem to be traits that are passed on. Unfortunately I think my kids got it from both sides of the gene pool...
Happy Fruit
I had just finished up best friends Ida and Red... ..when my mom dropped off a bag of--I kid you not--Little Buddies. I'm hoping for no worms in these, though.
squirrel momma is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Thanks for the kind words!
Have to say, aside from losing family photos, a empty hard drive is kind of refreshing. Sort of like having one of the those professional closet cleaners come to your house and throw away all the old sweaters you cant bear to part with. Definitely plenty of room in the old hard drive closet now!
Well, That Was Interesting
I now am a much older, wiser woman. I have undergone the hard drive death of our family computer--yes, everything was lost, most importantly three years of photos--and I have processed the seven stages of grief, including rage (why won't this #$%@!!! thing turn on?!) and denial (if we take it t...
Its the new studio--I am now Super Crafter! Also, it would be pretty embarrassing if I blogged about making a calendar, and didnt finish it until July ;)
Squirrel Accomplished!
There. Now 2010 can officially begin.
I just have to be careful when I'm weeding ;)
Dietary Question
FYI: more weedlings, seedlings and bats going up in the shop over the next week... And now, a dietary question that was just posed to me by Nut Boy. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?!! Ha!
Special license plate on a beginning driver's car? I'm all for that!
Dietary Question
FYI: more weedlings, seedlings and bats going up in the shop over the next week... And now, a dietary question that was just posed to me by Nut Boy. If vegetarians eat vegetables, what do humanitarians eat?!! Ha!
Hi Patti,
Glad you like the little guys! I am hoping to have some more weedlings done by the end of September, and some seedlings done shortly after that. I can certainly do a separate inchworm, too. If you want to look at my Etsy store ( SOLD items you'll probably get a better idea of all the seedlings...I can't remember if I uploaded all the various designs to Flickr...
Last weekend we drove to Saugatuck, an artists' community on the shores of Lake Michigan. While we waited for a table at our favorite breakfast joint we wandered down the street to grab lattés at an art gallery/coffee shop. Then we wandered back to read the paper outside the restaurant. Th...
Thanks for the kind words--and hello from the other side of the "big lake"!
Last weekend we drove to Saugatuck, an artists' community on the shores of Lake Michigan. While we waited for a table at our favorite breakfast joint we wandered down the street to grab lattés at an art gallery/coffee shop. Then we wandered back to read the paper outside the restaurant. Th...
I'm on a produce kick--more to come!
Dynamic Duo
I suddenly decided that the world needs fewer of these: and more of these: Now, if all the sewers in the world--or even HALF the sewers in the world--have owned a tomato and strawberry pincushion at one point in their lives, that means there's something like 50 bazillion of those thing...
I wish WE made them wait until 18 until they drove alone. Maybe I should paint tiger stripes on my old Volvo wagon, so that people see her coming!
Driving Like a Cat
Have I mentioned that Squirrel Girl is taking driver's education? In my state they start early--14!!!--but after driver's ed she'll be required to practice for 50 or 60 hours with a parent in the front seat before she's allowed to get a "real" license at age 16. So today Squirrel Girl is fini...
You are so lucky--Stephanie's adventures are one of my favorite things to listen to on my iPod while I sew!
And I've decided I'm going to be Grandma Mazur when I grow up ;)
Janet Evanovich
If you want to read something that will nearly make you wet yourself with laughter then I highly recommend Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum Series. Y'all probably know by now that I'm a major fan of the series. Well, this weekend Janet and I got together and hung out. Just me, her, her daught...
Best of luck--I hope you get your house!
Possible new house to stretch out in...
As everyone who knows us knows, we have been looking for a house to call home for the past..3 years? God that's a long time. It's taken so long because we are picky. We don't want to live in the typical suburb or city area. We don't want to be squished into a . lot. We want some land to stretc...
The hat and cape are magical...I can just imagine the snow settling on them as she trudges through the forest, her keys jingling on her belt!
And one last bit of advice for working with fake fur--get out your vacuum cleaner (a real one, not a dust buster). Then, every time you cut, suck off all the loose hairs. You have to hold on tight to little pieces, to make sure they don't get "eaten", but it should keep the flying fur to a minimum.
snow tomten (working with fake fur part I)
This is the snow tomten. He (the only male character Delia plays) is wearing a fur capelet and a fur hat, as you can see. The fur was kind of disastrous to work with. It's been over a month now since I made this outfit, so the fur particles floating in the air and on every surface in the sewi...
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