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steven kennedy
I am an American Soldier
Interests: working out, muscle cars, rock & country, retro & vintage, goin fast!!!
Recent Activity
steven kennedy is now following Natalie Nicole(:
May 4, 2010
this is kind of scary if u think about it
if the school district can access their laptops web cams
then whats to stop some hacker to do the same thing
not only that but i often wonder what kind of surveillance
the government has us under since the Patriot Act was passed...
School District Allegedly Snapped Thousands of Student Webcam Spy Pics
It appears that a suburban Philadelphia school district has gotten itself into a bit of trouble with school-issued laptops. Word is that webcams took pictures of students at home while some of the them were at home, in bed or even partially dressed. The school district is claiming that pictures w...
steven kennedy is now following karen chapa
May 3, 2010
steven kennedy is now following Account Deleted
May 3, 2010
steven kennedy is now following karina mancha
Apr 28, 2010
steven kennedy is now following Melissa Zapata
Apr 28, 2010
steven kennedy is now following Monique Zapata
Apr 28, 2010
steven kennedy is now following Kathryn
Apr 28, 2010
steven kennedy is now following amanda ramirez
Apr 28, 2010
steven kennedy is now following Tony Piazza
Apr 22, 2010
steven kennedy is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 15, 2010
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