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Stacy Berg
Recent Activity
I think this is funny because at the moment you were writing this post... I was calling to tell you about my $3.95 haircut surprise coupon! Got to love random phone calls with no purpose other than to laugh or talk about something that only few people would understand.
I am glad you are one of my "few". I love you and enjoy the blog.
I Just Called...
Ring. Ring. "OK, why would Papa's Murphy's Pizza not open until NOON? Do they think that no one wants to eat AT noon or even at 11:00?" announces the exasperated voice that I know instantly. Me: "That is stupid. I prefer to eat lunch at 10:30 sometimes." Exasperated Sister: "Thank you...
Stacy Berg is now following Jennifer Lee
Aug 24, 2010
Stacy Berg is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 24, 2010
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