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Interests: family, cooking, photography
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Thank you for sharing your family memory. It sounds like a tasty mistake, I think I just might try that the next time I make it koko
1 reply
Reid, I just add them to boiling water or stock. Most times I don't re-hydrate any of my dehydrated foods before adding it to what's cooking at the time. Hope this helps. koko
Toggle Commented Apr 23, 2024 on Dehydrated Hominy at koko's corner
1 reply
Sonia, I mainly use it for making posole, and green chili stew. I dehydrate it more for the convenience of having it available in any amounts I might need at the time. As far as grinding it into a flour for arepas, I'm not sure, but I think it might be something interesting to try. I don't have a grain mill so I don't think I could grind it fine enough to work. I think I'll grind some up in the blender and use it for enriching soups/stews. Thanks for the idea of grinding it, that opens a lot more possibilities for using it. koko
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2024 on Dehydrated Hominy at koko's corner
1 reply
It's a wonderful soup. I've been known to "dress it up" from time to time and I add green chiles and sometimes nopales. I remember John, I lived next door to the Givens.
Toggle Commented Sep 15, 2023 on Frila Soup at koko's corner
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I'm so happy you found the post, I think you'll really like having the dehydrated hominy on hand. I really need to dehydrate some more onions but I'll have to wait for the rain to go away. Hummm come to think of it, I haven't seen any dogs lately ;-)
Toggle Commented Jan 17, 2023 on Dehydrated Hominy at koko's corner
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Ummm you might want to read the post again. I did Have a nice day
Toggle Commented Jul 24, 2021 on Leek Prosciutto Gratin at koko's corner
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OMGosh yer killin' me. That's what I miss most about San Diego. Gotta get over there soon.
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Diable is French for Devil. Culinarily speaking expect something spicy/hot. Sorry for the late response.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2020 on Chicken Breasts Diable at koko's corner
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They were pretty darned good, you never would have known they were marked down. I'm doing very well, thank you Kirk.
Toggle Commented May 15, 2020 on Tomato Salad with Cucumber at koko's corner
1 reply
Thank you so much Kirk. I have a lot of family and friends, and wonderful people like you that care about me so I'm doing just fine. I'm excited about the next step in my life, getting my own place. Thanks again. I appreciate you so much
Toggle Commented Mar 16, 2020 on Thanks for one hell of a ride at koko's corner
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I don't believe I've ever heard of Broken Glass Cake, I'll have to look that one up and try it. Don't think I wasn't tempted to do the Jello mold thingy but never got around to getting the mold, maybe next time. I have to admit I probably would still like the jello mold salads, I'll have to make one sometime soon.
Toggle Commented Oct 2, 2019 on Retro 50's Dinner Party at koko's corner
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Kirk The egg thing is a bummer. I loved a sunny side up egg on pancakes topped with syrup. Then cut into the egg and let the yolk run into the sweet pancakes. OMGOSH!
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2019 on Lemon Grove Deli and Grill at koko's corner
1 reply
Thank you Kirk, it's sooo nice to be posting again. It's not been an easy year and half, but I'm still blessed beyond belief.
Toggle Commented Jun 6, 2019 on Henry's Korean Shabu Shabu at koko's corner
1 reply
Thank you Kirk, it was a lot of fun
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HI Susie Those are enoki mushrooms, they are wonderful. Sorry I took so long to answer.
Toggle Commented Jun 2, 2017 on Steamed Eggs at koko's corner
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It's not necessarily bitter, think bittersweet. You take the caramel to the almost burned stage so it has a bit of an "edge" to it, that's the tricky part. It would be great on ice cream and I'm thinking about adding a bit of it to a cream soda Mmmmmm
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2016 on Caramel Sauce Nước Màu at koko's corner
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That's great, I'm glad it worked for you. Thanks for letting me know
Toggle Commented Apr 16, 2016 on Easy Kimchi at koko's corner
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Shawn, nice to see you again. I make my potatoes a resistant starch right after cooking, before I do anything with them. In other words, cook and cool, then I continue with what I'm going to do. It's been my understanding that re-heating to 140*F is an acceptable temp. As a general rule, I only re-heat to room temperature. I hope all is well and my best regards to you and your family
Toggle Commented Apr 1, 2016 on Potato Patty at koko's corner
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My pleasure. :-)
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That's a great idea thanks peg.
Toggle Commented May 26, 2013 on Spaghetti with Oil and Garlic at koko's corner
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That's a great idea bbq. Wish I would have thought of that when I made that pot of chile the other day.
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Monica, I'm so sorry to hear that. When I remove the seeds from dried chilis, I break the chili in half and shake the seeds out. I don't know which chilis you used to make it so spicy; I guess some people are more sensitive to it than others. I don't know your knowledge of chilis, and I don't want to appear insulting to you but if you need it, here is a link that shows the different chilis and their heat factor. I use this site a lot. Thank you for your input.
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