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Call Me Cal
Los Angeles
Aspiring crafter and adventurer living in Los Angeles with a boy and a dog.
Interests: Adventuring, travel, crafts, Belgian beer, films
Recent Activity
I am so in love with the look of this place! I've been trying to make time for a trip up north (pretty much just so i can stay here) but it just hasn't happened yet. Hopefully sometime this fall I'll get my act together and plan a weekend trip.
I'm pretty sure the next time I go to Tahoe I'll be staying at Basecamp. Holy cow this place has got style. I'm loving the trend of taking over run down motels and turning them into something extra special. (Exhibit A: Ace Hotel Palm Springs.) We love going to...
Greetings From Nova Scotia
I'm currently in Halifax, Nova Scotia for work and let me tell you, it sure is beautiful here! I had a chance to walk around the harbor last night and enjoy the local scenery. I can't wait to come back and actually have a chance to do some proper sightseeing!... Continue reading
Posted Aug 23, 2012 at Call Me Cal
It depends what the greeting is, haha!
Alt Summit, Here I Come
It's officially official, I'm going to the Alt Summit Salt Lake City conference and I couldn't be more excited! The conference is a place for bloggers to connect and exchange ideas, attend panel discussions and workshops and I have been itching to go ever since I first discovered its existence...
Happy Monday // La Roux
Mondays can be pretty rough, so here's an awesome tune to power you through. Let's try to make today a good one. La Roux - In For The Kill Happy listening! Continue reading
Posted Aug 20, 2012 at Call Me Cal
My Week In Instagrams
How is it already Sunday? This week flew by at super speed. I had some big deadlines, it was painfully hot in LA and I'm prepping for a week long trip to Canada starting tomorrow which obviously made me lose track of time. I still managed to spend a fun... Continue reading
Posted Aug 19, 2012 at Call Me Cal
A Travel Tip // Denver Airport
I'm in the middle of booking flights to NYC (woot woot!) and I thought of a little travel tip I wanted to share. Of course we all want nonstop flights, but unfortunately it's not always possible. I travel a lot for work which means I spend a ton of time... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2012 at Call Me Cal
I totally agree! Of course there are terrible movies out there, but sometimes you just need to have fun and enjoy yourself and not take it too seriously.
Indie Tuesday
The Husband was on set today so I didn't make it to a movie, but don't worry, I still have some "Indie Tuesday" thoughts for you. This is something that pops into my head almost every week when I see a movie. You know how when you leave a movie you always overhear someone say they hated the fi...
I loved Twilight! Totally ridiculous and fun :)
Indie Tuesday
The Husband was on set today so I didn't make it to a movie, but don't worry, I still have some "Indie Tuesday" thoughts for you. This is something that pops into my head almost every week when I see a movie. You know how when you leave a movie you always overhear someone say they hated the fi...
I am so ready for fall! I dont do well in hot weather an its been over 90 everyday. And I dont have AC, yuck!
I Love August
Here are my picks for this month's "If I could buy anything I want" wish list. Can you tell that I'm ready for fall? 1. Kate Spade Sailor's Knot Ring- So delicate and beautiful. Seems like something you could wear every day. // 2. Dahl Haus Stripe Bottle Vase - A cute and simple little vase t...
Yes! I really am going to buy the sweatshirt. I think it would be perfect for my September NYC trip :)
I Love August
Here are my picks for this month's "If I could buy anything I want" wish list. Can you tell that I'm ready for fall? 1. Kate Spade Sailor's Knot Ring- So delicate and beautiful. Seems like something you could wear every day. // 2. Dahl Haus Stripe Bottle Vase - A cute and simple little vase t...
Its in late January. I hope you can make it! I think it will be an awesome weekend.
Alt Summit, Here I Come
It's officially official, I'm going to the Alt Summit Salt Lake City conference and I couldn't be more excited! The conference is a place for bloggers to connect and exchange ideas, attend panel discussions and workshops and I have been itching to go ever since I first discovered its existence...
Glad to hear Im not the only one who feels this way :)
Indie Tuesday
The Husband was on set today so I didn't make it to a movie, but don't worry, I still have some "Indie Tuesday" thoughts for you. This is something that pops into my head almost every week when I see a movie. You know how when you leave a movie you always overhear someone say they hated the fi...
Indie Tuesday
The Husband was on set today so I didn't make it to a movie, but don't worry, I still have some "Indie Tuesday" thoughts for you. This is something that pops into my head almost every week when I see a movie. You know how when you leave a movie... Continue reading
Posted Aug 14, 2012 at Call Me Cal
Yeah! Mission accomplished :)
Happy Monday // My Week In Instagrams
This weekend I finally hosted the BBQ I've been planning on hosting for months. Of course the day of the BBQ it was more than 90 degrees (seriously hot for us Angelenos) and right before people arrived all I wanted to do was hide inside away from the sun. I decided to embrace the heat (and my pr...
Happy Monday // My Week In Instagrams
This weekend I finally hosted the BBQ I've been planning on hosting for months. Of course the day of the BBQ it was more than 90 degrees (seriously hot for us Angelenos) and right before people arrived all I wanted to do was hide inside away from the sun. I... Continue reading
Posted Aug 13, 2012 at Call Me Cal
Friday Roundup
Happy weekend, all! This weekend my big activity is hosting a BBQ, so I'm sure that will mean cleaning frantically and multiple trips to the grocery store. Here are a few fun links for those of you looking to have your own weekend adventures: The most beautiful wedding was featured... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2012 at Call Me Cal
You rock!! Im so happy you know the brand. Now when I look at the price Ill see if our love story can really start haha :)
I Love August
Here are my picks for this month's "If I could buy anything I want" wish list. Can you tell that I'm ready for fall? 1. Kate Spade Sailor's Knot Ring- So delicate and beautiful. Seems like something you could wear every day. // 2. Dahl Haus Stripe Bottle Vase - A cute and simple little vase t...
Thanks! Im totally nervous but so happy I decided to just do it :)
Alt Summit, Here I Come
It's officially official, I'm going to the Alt Summit Salt Lake City conference and I couldn't be more excited! The conference is a place for bloggers to connect and exchange ideas, attend panel discussions and workshops and I have been itching to go ever since I first discovered its existence...
Yeah!! So excited :)
Alt Summit, Here I Come
It's officially official, I'm going to the Alt Summit Salt Lake City conference and I couldn't be more excited! The conference is a place for bloggers to connect and exchange ideas, attend panel discussions and workshops and I have been itching to go ever since I first discovered its existence...
I Love August
Here are my picks for this month's "If I could buy anything I want" wish list. Can you tell that I'm ready for fall? 1. Kate Spade Sailor's Knot Ring- So delicate and beautiful. Seems like something you could wear every day. // 2. Dahl Haus Stripe Bottle Vase -... Continue reading
Posted Aug 9, 2012 at Call Me Cal
Alt Summit, Here I Come
It's officially official, I'm going to the Alt Summit Salt Lake City conference and I couldn't be more excited! The conference is a place for bloggers to connect and exchange ideas, attend panel discussions and workshops and I have been itching to go ever since I first discovered its existence.... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2012 at Call Me Cal
They are pretty cool, right! And I totally agree with what you said. It would be great for recognition to be the icing on the cake. I guess it gets especially tricky to answer the question if your level of recognition is directly linked to your income. Either way, you should see the movie. It was great!
Indie Tuesday // Searching For Sugar Man
On our second Indie Tuesday, The Husband and I went to see "Searching For Sugar Man." The documentary tells the story of Rodriguez, a Detroit musician whose two early 70's folk-rock albums were hugely popular in South Africa but completely unknown in the States. The movie was entertaining and ...
My Week In Instagrams
Happy Sunday (or Monday depending on when you read this), all! As usual, this weekend flew by way too fast. I made it to the movies ("Total Recall"), browsed through CDs at Amoeba, had a German feast and obviously took a lot of pictures of my dog. Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2012 at Call Me Cal
Friday Roundup
Happy Friday, all! Any fun plans this weekend? My big weekend plan is to buy a grill. No more mini camping grill for me. Plus here are a few links to help make the most of your weekend: Looking for a fun craft project? Check out these awesome DIY Pinhole... Continue reading
Posted Aug 3, 2012 at Call Me Cal
The Mixtape // August Edition
I am so excited to have The Husband as our monthly music guest blogger. Hope you all love his post as much as I do. And if you didn't have a chance to read his two columns, check them out here and here. ______________________________________ St. Lucia – “All Eyes On... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2012 at Call Me Cal
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