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Stash In The Attic
Interests: Scrapbooking, music, card making, funny films, reading, Madonna, my iPod Video, Singstar and The Sims Ugly Betty, Merlin and Glee!!!!!
Recent Activity
Mmmmmmmmm that icecream looks SO delicious. I've just been watching my Glee season 1 box-set :-) glad to see you have the soundtrack in your listening to list!
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2011 on We were lucky... at Kool Kitty Musings
Ooh not sure - this one is called Create a Critter but I can't see her name on it anywhere. Some of the shapes are SOOOO adorable & I can't stop playing with them. Have you updated your address on SF? If not can you email it to me. Thanks!
Toggle Commented Feb 13, 2011 on Cards and bits! at Stash In The Attic
Stash In The Attic is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Oh stash looks yummy. I know what you mean about the day disappearing. Been doing housework and a bit of knitting today but the time has flown by - hoping for a lazier day tomorrow.
Toggle Commented Feb 20, 2010 on Where has the day gone? at Kool Kitty Musings
Oooops sorry Nat - I thought it was this weekend just gone. I guess you ordering your photos so far in advance threw me off the scent!!! Plus I was working so I'll blame it on that, ha ha!!!
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2010 on Yum yum at Kool Kitty Musings
Blimey - isn't it a bit early to be so creative?? I'm off today so going to update my blog with my weekends crafty work.
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2010 on Monday Mornings at Kool Kitty Musings
aww how sweet that little owl looks. Have you watched the Madonna DVD yet???
Toggle Commented Feb 8, 2010 on Today's card at Kool Kitty Musings
Good luck with the crop packing Nat - I can't wait to see what you end up making!!! Got my birthday card today - thanks very much. It is so cute and scrummy as usual. I will add it to my display of Nat originals :) xx
Toggle Commented Feb 6, 2010 on Got to get organised at Kool Kitty Musings
Thats a really cute idea. I have a little cupcake dish that has sweets on. This may be a better use for it now I'm back on the slimming world!!
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2010 on A more immediate solution at Kool Kitty Musings
Wow they're fab. I love the little shoebox papers and might even cut into one myself tomorrow. Love the Love & sprinkles card...scrummy colours.
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2010 on Today's Banana Frog project at Kool Kitty Musings
Wow those are gorgeous photos. The colours are so vibrant esp the beach huts! Can't wait to see them scrapped. Sarah xxx
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2010 on Hamworthy Park at Dolly's Dreamings
1 reply
Karen you look AMAZING. You have done so well! Are you going to SF this april? If so I will see you there! Sarah xxx
Toggle Commented Jan 30, 2010 on Feeling more confident at Dolly's Dreamings
1 reply
Wellw, see - it was lovely weather & you could've run!!! Loved the classes Donna - will definately make something out of the fabric book and use the little fabric kit I got! Sarah x
Toggle Commented Apr 6, 2009 on off to England! at simply me
1 reply
Wow - thats a lot of Christmas music! I love how all the album covers look together. A great page. Also I love that all your pages use the pink and brown (my fave colour combo)
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2008 on >JYC 2008: 13 Dec 2008 at Complicated Simplicity
1 reply
Your christmas journal is looking great this year. Love this page. All the little trees are so cute. Your tree topper looks FAB! We've gone for a Santa this year :)
Toggle Commented Dec 14, 2008 on 11 DEC 2008 at Mrs. Geek
1 reply