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A huge congrats to Dana! Sooooo well-deserved.
Weekend Faves (March 29)
Dogs of C-Kennel by Mick & Mason Mastroianni As someone who minored in Sociology, all I can say is, "No kidding." --Julie F Minus by Tony Carrillo Surely there's a merit badge for "online resourcefulness." --Lucas Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller I may be talking in this accent fah the ...
Wiley Miller: Genius
2006: Kevin gets Non Sequitur banned in Malaysia The HuffPost concert story (link above) came out earlier in the Fall, but Wiley had them beat by years. In 2006, the above comic ran in The Malaysia Times and the subsequent fallout lead to death threats, resigna...
I love this site, I love the creators on this site, and I love posting my strip here.
Now...where's the new washer and dryer that comes with being the pick of the week?
NEW! Comics Sherpa Pick of the Week
Over the past few years, we've learned a lot about our readers through our social media engagement and surveys. One, you're pretty awesome -- this is a quantifiable statement for the research analysts reading this blog post. Two, our readers like to discover what's new and exciting. T...
I think you hit the nail on the head. Social media has replaced the Christmas card. The good news is that I no longer receive an Annual Report from a couple of people who sent Christmas letters that were so long I had to put them on my reading list.
The Death Of The Christmas Newsletter?
I have an unhappy relationship with holiday greetings. I have not managed to send out a Christmas card - or holiday card of any kind, actually, since 2000. That was the year I lost my address book. My first reaction, upon learning I had lost all those addresses should have been one of des...
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Dec 8, 2011
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