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If you have Windows, you can download Movie Maker for free . It's pretty good and easy to use. If you are looking for something more advanced, then there's Adobe Premiere Elements. You can also usually get Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Elements as a bundle.
Got a question for those of you who use videocams...
Got a question for those of you who use videocams and such: what editing software do you use? And what recommendations might you have for a mid-level camcorder?
I don't think he will be there but I don't think there has been an official announcement. You may want to try asking on the main ZQC board just in case people don't open this post. Someone may have more info.
Ok, my sister and I are planning our trip to the...
Ok, my sister and I are planning our trip to the Las Vegas Star Trek convention this year. I have a question. Should we purchase the ticket package as advertised like the Gold package or Captain's Chair package or should we just get tickets to events as we go? Any help would be appreciated. This ...
I agree with SantaFeFan, if budget allows, I would recommend getting reserved seats. It's just more convenient. When I went, it wasn't worth getting Gold or Captains because the seats were only a little closer and I wasn't really interested in the autographs that came with the seats. If you do want autographs, Jonathan Frakes is really good about taking time with each person. ZQ and George Takei are also awesome about talking with fans but they aren't booked to appear. Please note: I am not saying there aren't other actors who are great with fans, these are just the ones I can personally vouch for :)
Also, keep your suitcase a little empty when you go as you will come home with more stuff than you ever intended. That's how I ended up with a chirping Tribble.
Ok, my sister and I are planning our trip to the...
Ok, my sister and I are planning our trip to the Las Vegas Star Trek convention this year. I have a question. Should we purchase the ticket package as advertised like the Gold package or Captain's Chair package or should we just get tickets to events as we go? Any help would be appreciated. This ...
You can rent the movie on Amazon for $6.99. I have done it before and was happy with the streaming quality.
know what else is coming out this week? MARGIN...
know what else is coming out this week? MARGIN CALL. check it.
I love the trivia features for movies on IMDB and I like some of the forum posts related to actual movies. But I stay clear of the ones for actor profiles. I don't want to read hateful things about people I don't like let alone ones I do. As SantaFeFan mentions, if you don't respond, they usually go away.
arguing against the homophobic backlash on the ZQ...
arguing against the homophobic backlash on the ZQ IMDb boards. I'd previously tried to make an effort to stay away from the negative stuff, but... if I manage to change even just one person's mind, it would be worth it. trying to be calm and polite. love your enemies and all that. it's worked in ...
I am really looking forward to his episodes. I heeded the spoiler warning so I did not read the article. Like Sunfell, the show isn't my usual thing but I definitely want to see at least through Zach's episodes.
Some new ZQ American Horror Interview *!Some...
Some new ZQ American Horror Interview *!Some Spoilers!! Be warned.
I love to have theme weeks where I just go through a whole season or series. And I still think that So NoTORIous is an underrated gem. Please post updates on how your week progresses :)
Just saw the trailer for Margin Call. Looks...
Just saw the trailer for Margin Call. Looks wonderful! I am very happy that it will be playing in Portland on Friday! I know where I will be on Friday evening! It's appearing as if my week off from work will be a Zachary Quinto week! Margin Call, So noTORIous, Star Trek, and Heroes (just bought t...
I love SOA too. It's what my co-worker calls a Man Soap. I didn't watch it first season because I thought it was a guy show. But its really good.
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I am anxiously awaiting this film. It doen't come out in the States until March. Please post a review if you go :) It's been a long time since Hot Fuzz came out.
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I don't think so. The movie is premiering at some film festivals so there will probably be some clips coming out. You may also want to "Like" Margin Call on Facebook, the updates seem pretty frequent. Even if you are not on Facebook, you can go to the page directly:
Good Evening! Hey, are they showing previews of...
Good Evening! Hey, are they showing previews of Margin Call in the movies yet??? Also, is Zach going to do any talk shows in NYC before the 30th And what about SNL? Still very much elated we got to see AiA. So real, so close, so visceral. Still hope there will be a video of this amazing theatrica...
Good to know I wasn't the only one who didn't pull together many decorations this year. I moved recently as well and still settling in. So I vowed to do better next year. I promise to try to try.
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I believe that's from the Next Gen episode, The Naken Now, where the Enterprise is investigating a drifting ship and get an illness similar to being drunk. It's a "sequel" to the TOS episode The Naked Time.
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January is now following nealdodson
Dec 3, 2010
January added a link at Zachary Quinto
Nov 30, 2010
"Don't look behind the curtain" "Nothing to see here. Move along". @LisaM makes a good point. I am not sure. It seems like he would stop time everywhere.
I have a Heroes question, spurred by someone here...
I have a Heroes question, spurred by someone here asking us to stop time. When Hiro froze time, did it freeze local time, the entire planet? Universe? Cuz we would next see a scene with other characters doing stuff. Just wonderin'.
I would also recommend the linked Details article:
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My favorite line, "This is not Metropolis. Wearing glasses is not a disguise."
Is it me, or is " S#*! My Dad Says " getting...
Is it me, or is " S#*! My Dad Says " getting better ? Especially with the introduction of his new " Maid ". The humor / relationship promises to be like that of Berta on " 2 1/2 Men."
Aren't plays usually 1 on Friday and 2 on Saturday/Sunday? There is usually a matineee and evening show on Saturdays and Sundays. How the actors are able to do two shows in one day is beyond me (especially one as long as AiA).
Sunfell & Kannbrown report there was no Zach on...
Sunfell & Kannbrown report there was no Zach on SNL. Wonder what he did mean by that tweet: "hey. five shows. what're you doing this weekend? maybe i'll see you around. something tells me." He's better than a crossword puzzle.
The show is on Hulu if you want to see whom you will be meeting :) There are full episodes and clips.
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Thanks for posting! Not only part of Star Trek history but those clothes are epic. So much synthetic fabric...
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I assume that you already have a viewing marathon planned? :)
Just wanted to stop in and say "hello" before...
Just wanted to stop in and say "hello" before heading out to work. After tonight, I have three days off in a row which hasn't happened since April. I'm especially excited since I'll be able to run out at midnight Tuesday to get my copy of "Heroes" season four! I hope everyone had a great weekend ...
I didn't really even realize how many lens flares there were in the movie until my friend said "boy that director never met a lens flare he didn't like". Still an awesome movie and I liked the linked video.
Star Trek: How It Should Have Ended
That would be great! If you end up here you should post and we can setup a NW meetup. We could probably setup something equal distances for everyone.
anyone here live in oregon or washington? thinking...
anyone here live in oregon or washington? thinking of trying to move there! trying to do some vocational schooling or something then moving there! any suggestions? gotta get away from these people and start anew!
I live in Western WA (Seattle side). It is an awesome place to live but very expensive. Unemployment isn't that high but you need a decent paying job due to cost of living. Not only is rent expensive but so is food, entertainment, etc. So you definitely would want to have a job lined up before moving. Having said that, it is a great place to live and tons of stuff to do. Spokane has more seasons. We have 2 months of summer and the rest is overcast/rainy season. It doesn't actually rain that much but is overcast. You should check out Portland also.
anyone here live in oregon or washington? thinking...
anyone here live in oregon or washington? thinking of trying to move there! trying to do some vocational schooling or something then moving there! any suggestions? gotta get away from these people and start anew!
January added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 18, 2010
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