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stencil helen
Northumberland, UK
If it stays still...stencil it.
Recent Activity
I will be back May 23rd. I will be checking emails for The Stencil Library daily, your orders will be processed and cut but unless you tell me that they are needed urgently they will not be posted until I... Continue reading
This blossom stencil is one of my favourites. It is an inexpensive border stencil with some additional motifs and the name is SIB4-S Blossom. Here are four projects that I stencilled with this design. Continue reading
This year I intend to stencil fabric to use as gift wrap instead of stencilling paper. A simple star stencil is a suitable motif for the festive season but could be used at any time of year. It can decorate... Continue reading
All the rooms in Stocksfield Hall are decorated with stencils. It is the home of the The Stencil Library partners. The stencil workshops and tours are hosted here. The house has been featured in many books, magazines and television programmes worldwide. Our tour visits 12 stencilled rooms and your guide will explain the decoration of the different surfaces. Continue reading
Would you like a free stencil? Yes? Then, read on. Because all our stencils are made to order we won’t usually have discounted excess stock to offer. However, I miscalculated the quantity on a large order of stencils going to... Continue reading
Most of the stencils in the Mosaic Collection have layers; one for each colour so the application of the paint is simple and precise; you will not have to worry about colour separation because we have done that for you. You just need to decide which colours you would like to use. This fabulous range of stencils is simple to use and looks great. Continue reading
There are several reasons why a person might choose to decorate their home using stencils but I limited it to five so read on to discover what the Ai Chatbot and I had to say Continue reading
What does Gothic pattern look like? If you think of the painted pattern on church walls and grand civic buildings of the Victorian era you will recognise Gothic Revival. These richly detailed patterns historically were stencilled in deep reds, blues and golds although a modern interpretation might use pearlescent colours, monochrome, pastel and self-tone examples Continue reading
I stencilled one of the fabulous shepherd's huts at Hesleyside Hall in Northumberland. The hut was called Bracken. My brief had been to soften the edges of the decoration inside the hut with stencilled 'greenery' to match the wallpaper. The... Continue reading
'How do I prevent paint leaking under the stencil?'. Well the short answer is do not use too much paint but if you would like a demonstration join me on YouTube and will share some tips for achieving crisp, clean, repeating pattern with a stencil The demo is less than two minutes long. Continue reading
'Treat her to an experience you can enjoy together with a stencilling class from The Stencil Library. After a guided tour around The Stencilled Home, enjoy tea, cake and a stencilling session. Decorate and take home a cushion cover to remember the experience forever.' Continue reading
Would you like to learn to stencil or improve your stencil skills? Continue reading
I'll be participating in the SALON of decorative painters in Bergen, Norway next week so I will not be able to post stencils or supplies The website will be accepting orders, Chips will be cutting them for you but they... Continue reading
I've made a little collage of paintings available at the moment. All of them are limited edition originals. The paintings are made using stencils and hand painting. They are all on a plywood and Mdf frame painted onto canvas. The paint is applied through multi layer stencils so each painting... Continue reading
Posted Apr 25, 2022 at Chippendale & Morris
The name of the stencil comes from the Nagara River in Japan where for a short season each year fisherfolk sail the river at night catching Sweet Fish with their trained cormorants. Continue reading
I love getting home made birthday and Christmas cards, there is a lot of creativity among my friends and family. This card was particularly special and because it is vaguely painting related I thought I would feature it. My birthday card from Chips was based on a portrait that he... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2022 at Chippendale & Morris
It has been a long while since I took you all on a day out with me. A date for your diary this month might be to visit the lawns of the walled garden at Wallington Hall in Northumberland and... Continue reading
Four new prints of flowers are available from today. None of them are lilies or even gilded but they do have embellishment and although a flower needs no embellishment I think these ones have benefitted from it. Flowers from our garden have been digitally painted then stencilled with patterns from... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2022 at Chippendale & Morris
The bee has fascinated humans for centuries. Their image carries much symbolism, it can stand for community, industry, power, immortality, sweetness and resurrection. Perhaps that is why Emporer Napoleon of France adopted it as one of his symbols and so... Continue reading
Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen designed the stencils, we made them and the recipients loved them! Described jokingly as Baha-Boho-in-Baha-arnstable Episode 4 of Changing Rooms featured stencilled panels of tropical plants and birds in a bedroom makeover for the popular television show.... Continue reading
This stencil helps to mimic the squares of metallic leaf that you may find in the background of Asian style murals and wallpapers. One of the experts in this style of decoration is Japanese artist Yaeko Kurimata of the Tokyo... Continue reading
Folk art stencils for canal art are a perfect way to create an authentic look of barge painting Continue reading
Tile stencil 'T2 Medieval no3' is one of my favourites. We now offer it in two depths of stencil film; our usual 125 micron and the heavier version 190 micron. A new instruction leaflet shows how to quarter turn the... Continue reading
method of combining our gilding powder with water based metallic paint to make a gorgeous rich gold colour, suitable for stencilling on fabrics as well as many other household surfaces. Continue reading
Just a little note to apologise for not taking you on my travels at the moment. Like many of you I haven't been anywhere since the lock-downs started. I apologise for not bringing you inspiration and information from the stencil... Continue reading