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Stephanie Hobson
Recent Activity
Stephanie Hobson is now following Angela Pritchett
Dec 30, 2010
Oh, and I didn't glaze them.
Mini pumpkin spice cakes
My favorite cold weather flavor has always been pumpkin so Mom would often make this rich cake when I was home for holidays. She and I both loved the combination of spices and generous amount of brown sugar. It's such an adaptable recipe too because it's good as a layer cake, bundt, muffins or...
Just made this in mini-loaf pans... delicious! Exactly the taste I've been looking for. Thank you for sharing your mom's recipes.
Mini pumpkin spice cakes
My favorite cold weather flavor has always been pumpkin so Mom would often make this rich cake when I was home for holidays. She and I both loved the combination of spices and generous amount of brown sugar. It's such an adaptable recipe too because it's good as a layer cake, bundt, muffins or...
Stephanie Hobson is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 30, 2010
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