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I'm not loving the colors I'm working with. I ripped out the version with the yellow at the bottom and started over with blue at the bottom. It's better, but meh. See, see! This is why you shouldn't stash yarn--one's... Continue reading
Posted Feb 9, 2016 at Knitopolis
I found my yarn. As you can see, it's so old it's labelled "Reynold's Lite-Lopi", but it is indeed the same as Ístex Létt Lopi, the yarn called for in Stopover. The red is the main color. I haven't participated... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2016 at Knitopolis
I finished this a couple of weeks ago, but I didn't get around to taking a photo until all we had left were piles of dirty ice after Snowzilla struck. I loved the yarn (Brooklyn Tweed Loft), I love the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2016 at Knitopolis
Back in February, I finished Jared Flood's Kelpie and discovered that I adore Brooklyn Tweed Loft. Luurve. Here's my Kelpie lounging in the snow at Deep Creek Lake in Western Maryland. Hopefully, it was imbued with some magical snow summoning... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2015 at Knitopolis
We missed the bluebells at Bull Run last year because they came so early--in March! But, they showed up around the third week of April this year. A bluebell wood is a magical place. Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2013 at Abyssgazing
And the trip home from the beach: Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2013 at Abyssgazing
I love this Hipstamatic pak. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2013 at Abyssgazing
We headed over to Alexandria a few weeks ago so I could experiment with some Christmas light bokeh with the new 35mm DSLR. Those had mixed results, but I got some pretty good Hipstamatics. The first three all are taken with the Tinto 1884 lens and C-Type Plate film. Tinto 1884 lens with W40 film. Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2013 at Abyssgazing
I was in Charleston recently. Unfortunately, only for a few hours. Here's a sampling of my Hipsta shots. Both of these were taken with the Tinto 1884 lens and the W40 film. These two use the Helga Viking lens and the new C-Type Plate film, which I love. I can't wait to experiment with this one more. Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2013 at Abyssgazing
A recent trip to the beach resulted in a little side trip to Milton, Delaware. There are lots of nice old houses in Milton, so we stopped to snap a few roof details via Hipstamatic. Lens: Lucifer VI; Film: Blanko Noir Lens: Tejas; Lens: DC Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2012 at Abyssgazing
We were in the seafood section of an international supermarket last weekend. Hipstamatic time! Set at randomize. Lens: Melodie; Film: Ina's 1969 Lens: Americana; Film: float Lens: John S; Film: Ina's 1935 Lens: Roboto Glitter; Film: Ina's 1969 It's always a bit of a gamble to go with the random selections, sometimes they don't work out at all, but sometimes you get really nice surprises. There are getting to be so many lenses and films that it's getting difficult to remember them all--randomizing gives you the opportunity to try out combinations that might not have occurred to you otherwise. Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2012 at Abyssgazing
Fog is enchanting. Waiting for my carpool this morning, I took a few Hipstamatic shots. The first uses Ina's 1935 film and the Labatique 73 lens. The image below uses Ina's 1935 with the John S lens. Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2012 at Abyssgazing
Warm weather is hitting us hard and early this year. It's only March and there have already been several 80+ degree days--this is very unusual. Therefore, I've been thinking about non-wool knitting. Along with that, I've been thinking about stash... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2012 at Knitopolis
Except for some minor flurries a couple of times, this is our only snow of the season. Continue reading
Posted Jan 19, 2012 at Abyssgazing
I drive through Kentucky once or twice a year and, usually, I drive by this very old stone house that sits along US 23. I first stopped by to photograh it in 2002. Considering it's been more or less open to the elements since then, it looks alright. I hope someone rescues it soon, though. Additional photos can be found here. The photo at the top is taken with the Hipstamatic app using the Matty ALN lens and Ina's 1969 film. The circa 2002 photo at the bottom is for reference and is not an iPhone image, of course. Continue reading
Posted Dec 22, 2011 at Abyssgazing
I was driving through West Virginia on Thursday. It was a beautiful crisply chilly day. A bit of snow had fallen the previous night, so I couldn't resist taking a short side trip to Grandview. I was the only human around, so it felt a little strange walking out to the overlook. Creepy, but in a good way if you know what I mean. The sky and treetop image is a straight iPhone photo, the image of Grandview is a Hipstamatic using the Tejas lens and Ina's 1935 film. Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2011 at Abyssgazing
I got my first Blythe doll five years ago, but I haven't taken too many photos of her (or the other two I have). Blythe is a big deal on Flickr and recently I thought I'd like to get in on the fun, so here's one of Plummy. Her kitty is handmade by Violet Pi and her outfit is by moshi moshi. The iPhone photograph is altered with TiltShiftGen. Yes, I still play with dolls. Continue reading
Posted Dec 7, 2011 at Abyssgazing
Time has a way of escaping me. I can procrastinate for years at a time. Seriously--and when I look back, I think, "oh, it's only been a couple of months..." This has to be some sort of disorder. Anyway, among... Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Knitopolis
We drove up to the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia NP in mid-October. The summit was completely fogged in--there's supposed to be a view of Bar Harbor in the background of this image, but it was only mist this day. It was dreamy and magical. The colors were so beautiful. I would love to match them up with some Jamieson Sheltland Spindrift wool and knit a Fair Isle piece to commemorate the experience. Someday. This image was taken with the iPhone camera and fiddled around a bit in the TiltShiftGen app. Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Abyssgazing
This was taken at a flea market a few weeks ago using the Hipstamatic app and that other "Cowboys and Aliens" lens--Matty ALN--and the Ina's 1935 film. Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2011 at Abyssgazing
We decorated the Christmas tree last night. One of the old Shiny Brite ornaments is featured in this photo taken with the Hipstamatic app using the Libatique 73 lens (a Cowboys and Aliens tie-in!*) and Ina's 1969 film. *I really like both of the Cowboys and Aliens lenses--the other--"Matty ALN"--imparts a green glowing starburst effect. Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2011 at Abyssgazing
I took this photo of the clouds reflected onto the surf directly with my iPhone camera. No post-processing apps, no nothin'. Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2011 at Abyssgazing
This photo was taken at the Congress Inn at Cape May, NJ, with the Hipstamatic app using the Tejas lens and Ina's 1969 film, Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2011 at Abyssgazing
This is an iPhone image I caught at a flea market and processed in the Photogene2 and Picture Show apps. It's pretty spooky. Totally aside from that disturbing little sailor doll, I find the early 50s television look sorta creepy. Although I'm trying to unpack it here, I'm not sure I have the vocabulary for the task. Despite their being in black & white, certain old shows seem more "real" than a black & white movie of the same vintage somehow. For me, it is looking through a window to the past and I don't mean that metaphorically, but literally,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2011 at Abyssgazing
After trying with some difficulty to navigate through the nearby town's pumpkin festival, we arrived at the lighthouse with only scarce few minutes of daylight remaining. I had my phone set to randomize the Hipstamatic settings--this shot turned out to be the Lucifer VI lens with Float film. I love the grungy old Viewmaster look. It has a sort of Through the Viewfinder appearance, as well. Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2011 at Abyssgazing