Stephanie’s Favorites

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Have you ever considered having your banner change each time your blog is loaded? Ever created two or more banners you absolutely love, which perfectly fit your blog, but then had a terrible time choosing... Continue »
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Last summer I launched my new vintage shop and wanted to have cards to hand out to people I met... Continue »
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Blockquotes are used for a myriad of things--think recipes, quotations, poetry; it's something that has enough significance, or requires emphasis, to be set apart from the rest of your blog text. Our goal with this... Continue »
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You may see TypePad blogs at their own domain – like – and wonder how you can set it up for your blog. The answer is simple—use domain mapping. Domain mapping allows your blog... Continue »
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Blog: Go Make Me
Custom furniture by Thomas Wold out of Berkley are more sculpture than pieces of wood. 'Fractured Fairy Tales' (top) is like stepping through the pages of Alice in Wonderland. Recycling old wares into contemporary (dare I say 'groooovy') furniture is... Continue »
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All this talk of Christmas shopping might be making you itchy and scratchy if you are trying to figure out how to stretch that almost non existent Christmas budget. Let me introduce you to one of my favorite bloggers Cathe Holden of Just Something I Made . Cathe is a prolific creative blogger who offers up amazing, affordable projects with every day items that are easy to find. Unlike Martha Stewart - you don't have to locate " 10 small ass hairs from a newt spun into thread" to make a good craft. The genius of Cathe is that she... Continue »
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Let's talk converting pictures to HTML. It's hell for those of us who have absolutely no computer knowledge. I am about the age to just miss computers in school. The internet and HTML were barely a whisper waaaay back in the age of the dinosaur. I think we learned the keypad. Most of what I've learned I've had to teach myself. So I thought I'd pass my almost negligible knowledge on to those of you who might need it too ! Ok so lets say you would like to convert an image into html for a blog button or just... Continue »