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Have you even seen this film becasuse you sound like a total retard, no offence, but in my opinion this is at the top of the greatest movies ever made
he very basic problem of this movie is that it...
he very basic problem of this movie is that it totally disregards its own premise once they get to Pandora. Given the state of Earth, unobtanium is the savior of the human race. Among other things, it lets us get off the shithole planet. And maybe make it less of a shithole. Fixing your power tra...
Stephen added a favorite at AVATAR
Dec 20, 2009
It would take me some time but eventually i would...
It would take me some time but eventually i would do the same as "Jake" did at the end and live in the avatar body forever Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at AVATAR
I agree I think that this is the best movie that I have ever seen and it makes you want to be able to expirience it
This is the best movie i ever seen! 10000/10...
This is the best movie i ever seen! 10000/10 stars!
Stephen is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 20, 2009
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