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Flagstaff, Arizona
Recent Activity
I would love to see Roo dancing. Would she be willing to perform for the video camera?
work-life balance (mostly) obtained!
We have some new routines in 2011. Roo-tines. I have been able to pick up some regular freelance work (yay!), so we have arranged for Roo to go to a nearby daycare three mornings a week. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday HPR drops her off at 8 and I pick her up at noon. The daycare center relies ...
SteveO is now following juliloquy
Dec 18, 2010
(I can't stop)
"Jesus, how many times have I told you not to stand up in the pew?"
just alright with me
We have been doing holiday festivities up proper around here. Shmoo couldn't be more zazzed about it all. We have watched Olive and the Grinch and Frosty and Charlie Brown. (Not Rudolph. Looks like someone's done some serious copyright restricting there; we can't find it free anywhere online.) L...
"Jesus, don't make me stop the car!"
just alright with me
We have been doing holiday festivities up proper around here. Shmoo couldn't be more zazzed about it all. We have watched Olive and the Grinch and Frosty and Charlie Brown. (Not Rudolph. Looks like someone's done some serious copyright restricting there; we can't find it free anywhere online.) L...
OK, I'm just back from spending another hour on Passive Aggressive Notes. I hadn't been there since September and had to catch up. Serious time suck.
the post about posting
I did it! And if you've been reading, I apologize! No, but really, I'm glad I did it. Glad that others, like Gretel, did it, too! And no way do I want to continue at this pace. I hear of some people doing blog 365 and I think, no way, not for me. Here is why. I am an editor. Many people think ed...
I think the correct term is Jesi. Speaking of which, I dusted my bookshelves in August and discovered I still hadn't taken down my nativity set fro the past Christmas. Oops! It's great to hear the latest from your household.
fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-la
I just finished eating a piece of my mother's fruitcake. Now I know that fruitcake gets a bad rap, but that is from people who have not tasted my mother's fruitcake. I may have a slight buzz from it. /hic/ Shmoo's and Roo's ages are so fun for Christmastime. Shmoo is so excited about it. We said...
She's on the big girl screen (sniff). They grow up so fast!
It's 10:52 p.m. on Sunday, so you get pictures.
To illustrate the difference one year and three months can make. Sorry for the blurry, but awwww.
What a relief! I'm elated she's back.
sheesh, this is becoming a cat blog
When we were trying to decide which cat to adopt from Animal Control, Shmoo was lobbying hard for a kitten. HPR and I prefer adult cats, thinking they are harder for shelters to "move." Shmoo said, "but if we get a kitten, maybe Stella will come back to take care of it." It made me cry. Despite...
I was going to write the very same thing!
these holiday displays just keep getting earlier and earlier
Not even the Christmas cactus could wait until after Thanksgiving.
I am bummed. She was such a good kitty.
farewell, sweet girl
It has been nearly three weeks now since Stella disappeared. It seems unlikely that she will return. Loki has seemed pretty depressed, although he has seemed better the past few days. But we thought he'd be too lonely without a kitty companion. We have adopted a kitty from the county shelter. ...
I just got back from your photostream--thanks for taking my request. Can you post more of the interior house? Can't wait to visit MD and to see you next week in MN.
still no time for a proper post . . .
new digs, originally uploaded by juliloquy. but my brother requested photos of our new environs, so head on over to my Flickr account to see.
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