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I can still remember the day that my parents caught me out not being able to read the clock from across the room. Since that time (age 10) my glasses and I have been constant companions. First thing on in the morning, last thing off at night. The change to "progressive" lenses was a little depressing, though, I have to admit. The Beloved needs her glasses all the time, too, but won't wear them. She looks great in her glasses, but she can't get over the hump. I don't get it. I think most women look great in glasses. I think it conveys confidence to wear them, but maybe that's a viewer-versus-viewee thing.
Toggle Commented Apr 15, 2013 on Believing in Seeing at serendipity
1 reply
Great post. I feel very similarly about the first start-up that I worked for. It has become the yardstick against which all other work experiences are judged. And no, we didn't create a thing of value. I've been at it again for the past couple of years -- and maybe because I'm a founder and not a joiner, or maybe it's just the time or the fact that I'm older -- it's still fun, but it's not the same. Or maybe it's because we don't have a jacuzzi. Yet.
Toggle Commented Oct 13, 2011 on My First Rodeo at serendipity
1 reply
Great post. Great testament.
Toggle Commented Feb 17, 2011 on Forged at serendipity
1 reply added a favorite at serendipity
Feb 16, 2011
100% True! This should be posted in every workplace!!
Toggle Commented Nov 10, 2010 on Communication Etiquette at I think
When She Who Must Not Be Named and I split, I realized there was a whole section of people that had been in our lives who were going to get "her" story and believe it. It used to drive me crazy thinking there would be a whole set of people to whom my name is dirt because they were fed half-truths and outright lies. In the end, there was nothing I could do about it and I've sort of realized as much as it stinks, I'm going to be dirt to those people.
Toggle Commented Oct 20, 2010 on Past Tense? at Artsy Lady's blog
I tell ya, when I read that yesterday, I was very glad to have gone the wp route. It didn't give me a good feeling about TypePad and the remains of SA.
Toggle Commented Sep 23, 2010 on Typepad's future? at I think
Very good! I completely agree about "this is not a restaurant". I try to be of the "I'll try anything once" camp. Sweetbreads? Yes. Menudo? ok. Kangaroo? Yum. Haggis? No. On Sunday, we were over to friends' for dinner and he produced a product that a friend had brought back for him from the World Cup. A black and white striped can of zebra-pate'. It was left in the can.
Toggle Commented Sep 22, 2010 on Tongue on Tongue at serendipity
1 reply
I could sign in with my wordpress ID with no's in the drop-tag under "more" places to sign in. Easy peasy.
Toggle Commented Sep 18, 2010 on Question at I think
I don't think that's strange -- when She Who Must Not Be Named and I split, the anxiety leading up to the split was much worse than the post-split reality. Making the decision was the really hard part.
Burned bacon makes me sad... but your process of self-discovery (even the hard parts) makes me happy.
I definitely agree! I took up piano a couple of years ago and it's like a whole different part of my brain gets engaged while I'm playing. Ditto for activities that keep you thinking! Good list.
Toggle Commented Sep 10, 2010 on Age Proof Your Mind at I think
I'll say it... [this is good].
Toggle Commented Sep 9, 2010 on The Erector Set at serendipity
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Sep 9, 2010 is now following karen c.
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Sep 3, 2010 is now following geology_woman
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Sep 3, 2010