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I can still remember the day that my parents caught me out not being able to read the clock from across the room. Since that time (age 10) my glasses and I have been constant companions. First thing on in the morning, last thing off at night. The change to "progressive" lenses was a little depressing, though, I have to admit.
The Beloved needs her glasses all the time, too, but won't wear them. She looks great in her glasses, but she can't get over the hump.
I don't get it. I think most women look great in glasses. I think it conveys confidence to wear them, but maybe that's a viewer-versus-viewee thing.
Believing in Seeing
Although my optometrist assures me that my eyes are remarkable for a woman my age, I am starting to feel the effects of my aging eyes. The mottled blur of things that are much too close. The inexplicable shortening of my arms. The squinting. I am told by experts that I can't actually feel my l...
Great post.
I feel very similarly about the first start-up that I worked for. It has become the yardstick against which all other work experiences are judged. And no, we didn't create a thing of value.
I've been at it again for the past couple of years -- and maybe because I'm a founder and not a joiner, or maybe it's just the time or the fact that I'm older -- it's still fun, but it's not the same.
Or maybe it's because we don't have a jacuzzi.
My First Rodeo
The sign in the kitchen read “Your mother doesn’t work here. Except for Karen Carbonnet.” So of course I never did the dishes. And that’s the kind of place it was. Family oriented, everyone became friends, dated, squabbled and married. It was what I imagined life on a kibbutz was like: everyone ...
Great post. Great testament.
New marriages are very much like the rings we exchange: shiny, new, full of sparkle for the bright future ahead. With or without diamonds, made out of precious metals like platinum and gold, they shine with promise. As well they should. Over time the rings tend to tarnish a bit, not unlike the m... added a favorite at serendipity
Feb 16, 2011
100% True! This should be posted in every workplace!!
Communication Etiquette
The order of importance in communication at work is this: face-to-face > phone call > Email/chat > Facebook/social networking 1. When there is someone talking to you in person, do not entertain phone calls, unless it is urgent. If you have to take the call, excuse yourself to the person(s) in f...
When She Who Must Not Be Named and I split, I realized there was a whole section of people that had been in our lives who were going to get "her" story and believe it.
It used to drive me crazy thinking there would be a whole set of people to whom my name is dirt because they were fed half-truths and outright lies.
In the end, there was nothing I could do about it and I've sort of realized as much as it stinks, I'm going to be dirt to those people.
Past Tense?
Well… it was cold last night for the third night in the row. I shivered under my quilt and blanket and tried to get warm. So after work today I dropped by the house to pick up some other blankets. Blindsided. I picked up the envelope. Oh! His grandmother has written him a letter! I looked...
I tell ya, when I read that yesterday, I was very glad to have gone the wp route. It didn't give me a good feeling about TypePad and the remains of SA.
Typepad's future?
It seems SixApart has been acquired by VideoEgg and will cease to exist. Does anyone know what would become of Typepad? I was just getting comfortable with typepad. Thankfully I still have my wordpress blog for backup..but I'd like to know if typepad is on shaky grounds. I'd like to switch befo...
Very good! I completely agree about "this is not a restaurant". I try to be of the "I'll try anything once" camp. Sweetbreads? Yes. Menudo? ok. Kangaroo? Yum. Haggis? No.
On Sunday, we were over to friends' for dinner and he produced a product that a friend had brought back for him from the World Cup. A black and white striped can of zebra-pate'. It was left in the can.
Tongue on Tongue
It's never a good thing when he gets secretive in the kitchen. He's a good cook and his food is always delicious, but whenever he starts hiding ingredients it means he's about to Broaden Our Horizons. To accept The Broadening is a relatively small price to pay to have someone else take care of ...
I could sign in with my wordpress ID with no's in the drop-tag under "more" places to sign in. Easy peasy.
Dude tells me he is unable to comment on this blog using his wordpress account. Are others facing the same problem? I'd be most obliged if you could leave a comment here to check. If you are unable to, please email to me at [email protected]. Thank you.
I don't think that's strange -- when She Who Must Not Be Named and I split, the anxiety leading up to the split was much worse than the post-split reality. Making the decision was the really hard part.
I’ve been separated one week and one day. I...
I’ve been separated one week and one day. I really thought this would be harder, I thought there would be more tears. I thought it would hurt more. Yeah, it hurts and I’m lonely and all the usual stuff… but… *looks around and considers her life a moment…* I’m actually doing pretty damn good! I ha...
Burned bacon makes me sad... but your process of self-discovery (even the hard parts) makes me happy.
I burned the bacon this afternoon. I’ve been...
I burned the bacon this afternoon. I’ve been hungry for BLT for days now, finally got around to making bacon in the oven this afternoon. I had it in the oven for a half hour, it wasn’t quite done so I left it a bit longer. Before long I’m smelling it, so I went to check it out. There was smoke cu...
I definitely agree! I took up piano a couple of years ago and it's like a whole different part of my brain gets engaged while I'm playing. Ditto for activities that keep you thinking! Good list.
Age Proof Your Mind
Keep your job. Don't retire. Ever. Stay physically healthy. Become an expert in something—anything. Take up the piano. Take a course in something. Learn to roll with the punches. Do crossword puzzles. Go out with friends and find new playmates. Learn French in four years, not four w...
I'll say it... [this is good].
The Erector Set
The boy had an erector set he loved very much. It was so shiny, so strong, he played with it every day, even when he was supposed to be doing other things. He built the strongest platform he could and then started upward: towers, pillars, cranes, skylights and winches. The erector set platform w... is now following LG
Sep 9, 2010 is now following karen c.
Sep 4, 2010 is now following Account Deleted
Sep 4, 2010 is now following Account Deleted
Sep 3, 2010 is now following geology_woman
Sep 3, 2010 is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 3, 2010
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