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Steve Stroh
Seattle, Washington area
Writing about Broadband Wireless Internet Access since 1997
Recent Activity
Welcome to Daily Wireless News
In more than two decades of writing about Broadband Wireless Internet Access, I've developed a "wide net" for gathering information about the Broadband Wireless Internet Access (BWIA) and Wireless Internet Service Provider (WISP) industries. In the last few years, I've extended that net even wider to encompass the Broadband Satellite... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2021 at Daily Wireless News
FCC Warns Inactive/Non-Responsive C-Band Earth Stations: File or Be Terminated
From CommLawBlog, by Paul J. Feldman 2021-03-03 ... Recently, the FCC’s International Bureau published a Public Notice regarding (1) operators of incumbent FSS C-Band earth station antennas that have been reported as no longer operational and (2) incumbent FSS C-Band earth station operators that have not responded to communications from... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2021 at Daily Wireless News
Test Post 1
Emergency Broadband Wireless News - Test Post 1 Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2016 at Emergency Broadband Wireless News
Steve Stroh is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
I'm switching back because the title fields aren't long enough to see the entire title of my blogs. I have a number of them and the first few words are the same for a number of blogs, so I can't tell them apart when I try to edit one. At least I could see the entire title in the old TypePad.
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The dashboard is a nice concept, but it's rendered useless for me because some of my blog titles are longer, and all I'm seeing of those blogs is the first two words (and those first two words on a lot of my blogs are the SAME two words, so I can't really tell them apart.
Second, and this is a feature I've asked for, is a way to see an abbreviated (shortcut?) list of my blogs as I have quite a few that are no longer active. I don't want to delete them (well, eventually), but I want to see at a quick glance the ones that are active.
Because of these two things, I'll end up switching back to the previous dashboard.
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