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I've been thinking about writing a blog post/essay that covers technology in romcoms, and I'd also like to toss another title into the mix of diversity if you haven't included it already... -Diversity/Mixed Race Relationships- The Shape of Water is a marvelous example of tolerance and acceptance in terms of a romantic relationship. Although it's more romantic than comedy, there's plenty of humor in the film. -Technology- I'm enamored of Two Night Stand which is predicated on a hookup app bringing the main main characters together. It's a charming film that shows two strangers getting to know each other after an intimate encounter and being forced to hang out due to a severe weather event. It's the technology that brings them together. Although it might be a stretch, digital filmmaking force a coupling of two friends in Zack and Miri Make a Porno. There's also High Fidelity, which I think you've included, but I would include in the technology category due to mix-tapes being central to the romance and and the story, which was really an 80's and 90's thing, which ultimately gave way to the playlist, which brings me to... Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, which uses the technology of the playlist, and the music they share, to help develop the relationship. NNIP is certainly weaker on the technology angle, and I can't think of any other recent romcoms that rely on technology, but there are the classics of Pillow Talk (telephone), Lover Come Back (miracle pill), and You've Got Mail (email) all of which utilize the technology of the day to bring the lovers together.
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Apr 8, 2019