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Well, here is one. And this one: And this one..from two days ago.
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Good on Joe for sticking to his values.
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Technically speaking, they said he did not get a fair hearing and sent it to the lower courts to be reheard. It's the civil equivalent of getting a new trial without ruling on the merits of the bakers first amendment claims. The real winner is due process.
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If Chicago leaves, Cook Goes with it. If Cook Leaves, the collars go with it.
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"Our readers complain about you - and since they are conservatives that resent trolls mocking them and their belief system, we cater to them, admittedly." My apologies, I didn't realize this was supposed to be a "safe space" where debate is not encouraged. Forgive me if I thought that a public website with comments feature with moderaters can choice which comments are posted wasn't cool with the comments being posted. I didn't realize I was "disturbing the peace" of a website that choices to let comments stand. You think you can have a comment section on a website and be safe from "trolls"? That's not how it works. Your site, your rules. Much love and respect.
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Sorry for the confusion Paul, I agree with you. Rauner is the clear choice for Governor, as he's actually fought for taxpayers. Meanwhile, Chase likes to point out how I took on the Democratic machine, was thrown out and welcome to the Republican Party where I currently help candidates, my township. I also never actually filed to run as a Democratic candidate. Chase is just an anonymous troll who can't check ballotopedia and couldn't win an election if he/she was the only one running. #winning #getoverit #Rauner
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Right on Char. Don't let anonymous trolls get you down. You do you.
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They must be really upset with Trump then
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Don't forget Crain's! They endorsed him today as well. Hows that revolution for Ives going? #MadigansfavoriteRepublican
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Oh no, you caught me! What to do? Trump was a Democrat before too, did you vote for him? Can anyone never change their party affiliation? BTW did you check the Daily Herald or Chicago Tribune? "The question facing voters in the Republican primary election for governor on March 20 is who will be the standard-bearer of the party. Will it be a sincere, stalwart but flawed incumbent who has been frustrated in his efforts to bring reforms in business and state government? Or, a three-term state representative with a limited record of accomplishment, a demonstrated, indeed proud, history of ridiculing Illinois citizens who do not share her uncompromising conservative values and all but no chance of winning in November?"
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"While Ives is telling the truth about do-nothing and not-in-charge Rauner, Rauner is spreading lies against Ives, even accusing her of wanting to raise taxes." According to BGA, she has made at least two false statements, one of which is a direct attack on Rauner. And considering she is claiming Rauner raised taxes (which he vetoed) that is more than fair. "Republicans who are pushing Rauner are pathetic and irresponsible." Cause that's going to make us vote for Ives. It's not all we may agree with him, or think he has the best chance to win in a blue state during a blue wave, we are all just bought and paid for. Want unity? Start by checking yourself
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I agree with the sentiment, but this seems one sided. Ives has been attacking Rauner non stop, but the second he hits back we have to be nice? You can't have it both ways.
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Lizard people? This guy used the term lizard people?
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66% of Republicans want Rauner, 33% Want Ives. In response, you blame us, the party, the media, and everyone else but Ives for gaining majority support. Did you ever think maybe said they would vote for Ives and then actually voted for Rauner? It's hard to have an actual debate when you just get called RINO over and over while spewing the same misinformation Ives and Proft are spreading. Good on Aaron for not letting the session become a circus.
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Yard sings don't vote. People in endorsement meetings do. Rauner is winning those.
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"I am always concerned about truth and reality." Then Ives is not your candidate.
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The Daily Herald, Sun-Times and Chicago Tribune would disagree.
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Sounds like your the minority trying to impose it's will on the majority.
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Here is another hypothesis. Maybe more people just want to vote for Rauner.
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