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Andrew Stewart
Recent Activity
I was a Catholic for 25 years, went to Catholic school, altar server who wasn't raped, whole nine yards. Also gay, so I got really hurt by the Church when they said it was gay priests who raped kids, really destroyed my self-esteem for years. I have already done the therapy and cleared this up, I'm not putting money in their troughs to defend these pedophiles, so is there a certain point where I can let this sit for a few years, just know for my own good the truth in regard to my atheism, and be 'un-baptized' on my own schedule?
Why Are You Still Catholic?
This is an expanded version of a piece that was first published on AlterNet. If your softball league or your children's school did what the Catholic Church is doing, you'd quit in outrage. So why are you still Catholic? For any Catholics who might be reading this, I have a question for you: Why...
Andrew Stewart is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 22, 2011
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