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Steyns Crossing Africa
Crossing Africa
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Wow! I had to post this immediately after receiving the email update from Darrin the Kiwi this morning. You will remember Darrin as the guy we met on our Crossing Africa trip while staying at Jungle Junction in Nairobi. He is currently in Khartoum, Sudan. Check out below who he... Continue reading
Sadly we did not have a lot of time to spend in Uganda as we were a bit behind schedule after waiting for a spot opening up to trek gorillas in Rwanda. We were mostly on the road and during this time and encountered a lot of rain during this... Continue reading
In January 2012, the three Taylors, (father, son, and daughter) and friend, John Byett, set off from Cape Town through Africa to Cairo, on Kawasaki KLR 650 motorbikes, and from there, heading north and east, ending up in Singapore four months later. They have just arrived in Cairo and have... Continue reading
Our journey on two 200cc Motomias on 'Crossing Africa' from Cape to Cairo took a turn westwards through to Rwanda so that we could go and visit the famous mountain gorillas in their natural habitat - one of the few places in the world where they still roam freely. Rwanda... Continue reading
When we met Susi, Marc and Tam in Wadi Halfa in the middle of November last year, they have just arrived by ferry and were waiting for their bikes to arrive from Aswan, Egypt. We were getting ready to leave Sudan the next day going in the opposite direction. I... Continue reading
The container ship carrying our battered MotoMias arrived Sunday a week ago and we had an appointment with the customs clearing agent for Wednesday. Johan Badenhorst and Stefan Sonnekus of was also there to pick up the three Amaroks. Tania unfotunately had to work on Wednesday and I luckily... Continue reading
During our three-month trip from Cape to Cairo last year on two Chinese roadbikes, we met some interesting people along the way. All of them with a fascinating story to tell. Since I have returned from our Africa trip, it has been my dream to share some stories about them.... Continue reading
Driving on gravel for more than 1000 km through the Western side of Tanzania still remains one of the highlights of our entire trip. We enjoyed the people of Tanzania and the place was overflowing with small bikes exactly like ours so we felt right at home! Here is the... Continue reading
We loved travelling through Malawi on our Crossing Africa trip. There were many highlights so it was difficult to choose them. Here is a pic of our route we took through Malawi: To read all our daily blog posts during this time, please visit our Malawi section Tania’s highlight –... Continue reading
Here is our route through Zambia: Click here to read all our blog posts from our time in Zambia. Francois’s highlight: Meeting Jeremie and Claire from France on their bicycles just outside Lusaka. We had a lovely lunch next to the road with them and listened to their stories of... Continue reading
Namibia is one of the most exciting and beautiful countries to travel through by motorcycle. The roads are good, the scenery stunning and with the exception of the Caprivi very quiet in terms of traffic and people. Here we also camped at some of the most beautiful campsites during our... Continue reading
Our Crossing Africa trip started on Monday 5 September 2011. We left our home at 18h00 and only had a short 45 kilometers to complete to spend our first night camping next to the pit straight at the Killarney Race Track. The next day we pushed through all the way... Continue reading
As promised we will start posting reflections on the Crossing Africa trip, including some stats mined from the GPS and our diaries. The first update will cover our highlights and lowlights of the pre-trip planning stage. To see the blog posts during this period click on: Francois’s highlight: Tania... Continue reading
Since we bought the GPS just before the trip and was still figuring out how it operates as we rode out of the yard, it is going to take some time to mine all the data, but for those of you who cannot wait, here are some teaser-info: The total... Continue reading
During out three month journey through Africa we tried to blog about our experiences every day. We also linked up our blog with some of the social media tools available, such as Facebook and Twitter, to communicate back home. A few years back it would have been an entirely different... Continue reading
We had a great time in Pretoria last week, catching up on some lost sleep and spending time with family and friends. The time was just too short and we will have to go back some time next year to host a proper Crossing Africa party! Thanks to everyone there... Continue reading
We were biting nails yesterday as we had our flight tickets booked for today at 13h45 and thus had to leave Alexandria by at least 6h00 this morning. No one had any idea how many hours (or days) it would take and by midday we sat in Captain Shakaer’s office... Continue reading
Phew! What a day! But we have good news - the Motomias are safely in their container with the Voetspore team's Amaroks at the port in Alexandria. The Trust Shipping Company sparked to get everything sorted for us today and finally by 18h00 we were done - all the admin... Continue reading
From Sunday the only thing on our brains was “shipping”. We basically had three days to get the Motomias loaded and the admin sorted. Today is day three and we are a bit nervous about the time left to get everything done. The Egyptian system is a difficult one, bureaucratic... Continue reading
We got up before sunrise as we still had 520 km to go. The plan was to ride hard to reach the pyramids at Giza before 12h00 and the tackle the Cairo-Alex highway to reach our end destination before sunset. I tried my best to keep my speed as close... Continue reading
Early morning we woke up (being tucked into bed at 8pm last night), well rested and eager to get back on the road. The family was still sleeping so we quietly got up, dressed and pushed our bikes back outside. Here is where the Motomias spent the night... As Francois... Continue reading
We struggled to get up early as it was very cold outside. The setting was beautiful in the morning light... Dressing up warmly we set off towards Baghdad trying to eat up the kilometres. Early on this strategy however fell a bit flat when we reached the first security check... Continue reading
We left Aswan at about 8am looking forward to tackling the last part of the journey to Alexandria through the Western Desert in Egypt. Not many tourists dwindle off the main tourist route that stretches down next to the Nile from Cairo to Aswan, which is exactly the reason why... Continue reading
This morning, while having breakfast, Kamal arrived at the hotel. Last night we contacted a new broker (or fixer) since Kamal didn’t sound too interested in helping us today. He must have caught wind that we’ve found someone else, because today he was very eager to help. We first had... Continue reading
We spent another day in Aswan waiting for the bikes to arrive, but still no luck. We are hoping that they will arrive tonight or tomorrow morning. This morning we went with Johan from the Voetspore team to DHL to explore some more options in terms of shipping the three... Continue reading