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i love the red spots...i look for those sorts of bits in all the handdyes when i use them....i make paths around them.
talking without sound
yesterday i was sewing and thinking and reading Jude's Post and Dee's forum post in Jude's Spirit Diaries and suddenly there was a little box, top middle of screen with my son's name and i think it said hey ma and as i have learned to do, i clicked it and yes. it was him. like the old Instant ...
heart hugs from one gup [grandmother] to another, grace.
picasa experiment
OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANKS JUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think this is how my santa would look...until my man grows his beard....
7: 20 AM we've a real winter sunrise this AM. and...
7: 20 AM we've a real winter sunrise this AM. and even a bit of ice. but a warm fire and a big stack of wood as well. we are lucky. a note to self, not to forget that. snow cloth. hoping for snow. but not too much. some can weather a storm. probably depends how strong your heart is. ...
for some reason, i can't post this on magic, so i will post it here on your magic....
jude your cloth has been through many changes...and still evolving even after half a year of working on grace's, her's takes on new directions too....mine feels like the tortoise to your hare's. no i am not unhappy with mine, just observing the different pace.
i must get pix taken, have found something 'new' to work on....
the tree
it's here barely visible. i can't find a time of day when it appears to the camera as it appears to the eye. but, it is now here. this is for Helen Salo who likes details the photograph is of one of my other selves
grace grace grace...i did it....i discovered a simple way to double expose us....i 'borrowed' from you your lizard and added it to one of my newest pix in picasa using the collage worked and is posted on SEW. if you don't like it, i will delete it! pronto!
what IS it about Spirit Cloth....thinking.....
i don't know why it's so important, trying to figure this out, but i am anyway. what IS it about the Day to Day flow of Spirit Cloth, the quiet momentum of Magic Diaries? and maybe this might be some of it.... it's the opportunity, the priviledge of going along with Jude's mind, as it m...
what a great idea! so you have tamed the blue a bit, do you like it better? is the thread all couched down?? even those trailing through the flower?
when nance said something about continuing a line, couching, i'm pretty sure she wasn't thinking this, we are i really like the Wad. really. so stitched it down. and it makes it all better, but it's not quite IT yet. not sure what will be next, but this is good. and...
those chili's are fantastic! wonder if you could pound them into fabric? if they didn't work you could always throw the fabric in the bean pot and cook off the mush...
the magic is sure twinkling with energy at your house!
there seems to be a quickening of Signs. they always play a part in things for me, and i always take note (i think), but recently, some are really standing out. this recent sense of it all began with that post of September 5, Still heavy with love, with the finding...
oh sorry...completely glossed over the possible i am not sure what the heck to say...*big smile*
that Kaleidoscope phenomenon
for the last few days, my life has been filled with people. this is not ordinary anymore. and this is all i have been able to do with the Diaries cloth. can you see the sitting buddha figure inside the cut out circle of one of Glennis' linen moons???? and look at this ~!~ this c...
deb sure is, but i just asked her how come the food add ons to the dye process...i am missing something there.
aside from that, she has one in a pot on her deck, in todays' photo, that i am a bit wanting...but must be patient, a giant burrito is coming my way already.
that Kaleidoscope phenomenon
for the last few days, my life has been filled with people. this is not ordinary anymore. and this is all i have been able to do with the Diaries cloth. can you see the sitting buddha figure inside the cut out circle of one of Glennis' linen moons???? and look at this ~!~ this c...
hehehe....i always moan and groan about hating being sick...always. so glad you are feeling better, somehow the sun helps that too.
better, thank you
just like that, i am suddenly feeling a lot better. i did stitch while seemingly in a coma. stayed with the silly cloth, just something light to keep a smile on my face. added hearts for fun and because i was thinking home is after all, where the heart often is. and it is nice to have a home ...
i just posted on SEW, and mentioned YOU too! i love the orange gifted-flower and plan to use every last bit!
Diaries cloth is all stitched down, ready to Continue
there seem to be, here in this beginning, 6 uhhhhh, 6 "rooms" of the whole. i don't know what that means. the bright flower, thanks to Vicky~cat in the batt for making me take a second look an Arlee moon, lower right horizontal scrap from Jude scrap from Jude atop an Arlee ...
a fresh new pallette! finestkind.
here's where it is now. i made a decision, changed my mind and then changed my mind again. this is the far end of the living room....a wall window. we need a break from each other. we need just some not constant looking. (as i look out of the corner of my eye) (this window is about a ya...
i can picture no-see-ums living in that small bundle. that would be like long island to them.
moment to moment
so i walked outside this morning and found this stuck to a the corner of the deck. something from my thread nest must have broken loose. it had obviously been there for a long time. i peeled it from the surface. the threads and the small snip of silk are almost felted together into a tiny clot...
addy on its way, but considering you wrote this in the am and it's now after noon pacific time....
something i'd not expected. it seems as if watching this large cloth, i am somehow very easily imagining small cloths. maybe because the large one will be a ummm, collection of images? and maybe because i have been rooting around to find those ever so small scraps that i could neve...
nancy i can see doing it because the perfection is what you are striving for, and i admire the hell out of those who can and do. i have never had that drive and am sure i don't miss it.
teachers...i can see why the teacher would have you start over and over, but i can also see how boring it could be for a teacher to have to do that, to get the kids to do it right! i am finding with my granddaughters that if i just give them the threaded needle...the piece of fabric....and a little bit of direction, they are doing a bang up job of 'sewing'. i used to repeat after my mother, "don't cut out of the middle", but these days i have changed that tune!
today, two days in the middle, and then Friday
counting down again. and having looked this extra time at these pieces of cloth on the wall, not finding any changes to least i think so....decided to take it down and baste the central pieces down so that it can be put up on the wall and taken down to work on without all the...
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