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Aaron Strout
Austin, TX
head of location based marketing at @wcgworld - blogger, podcaster, dad and husband. also love to take LOT's of photos. I'm @aaronstrout on Twitter.
Interests: blogging, marketing, podcasting, skiing, Red Sox, Patriots, BBQ
Recent Activity
@Claudio - cool. We'll be sure to check out the video.
@Niall - it is interesting. Not 100% why that is other than the fact that I know there is more awareness/sensitivity in Europe surrounding privacy. This will be an interesting one to watch over time.
Location-Based Marketing: What's in it for Me?
The following is a guest post from Mike Schneider and Aaron Strout, co-authors of Location-Based Marketing for Dummies. Mike is the senior vice president, director of digital incubator for allen & gerritsen. Aaron heads location-based marketing efforts at WCG. You can read more about Aaron an...
Allison - agreed. Thanks for commenting.
Location-Based Marketing: What's in it for Me?
The following is a guest post from Mike Schneider and Aaron Strout, co-authors of Location-Based Marketing for Dummies. Mike is the senior vice president, director of digital incubator for allen & gerritsen. Aaron heads location-based marketing efforts at WCG. You can read more about Aaron an...
@Howie - good point. I think that ShopKick has tons of potential but they need to clean up their act a bit (and not spam with tons of random notifications). To your point about POS apps/LBS, it's going to be most powerful for a lot of people but is probably the least fun. That's not necessarily a bad thing... just means leveraging point of sale/traditional loyalty programs is an extension of something that already exists versus something new.
@Cheap - agree. That's why were excited that it was a Dummies book because it made us focus on keeping it simple.
Location-Based Marketing: What's in it for Me?
The following is a guest post from Mike Schneider and Aaron Strout, co-authors of Location-Based Marketing for Dummies. Mike is the senior vice president, director of digital incubator for allen & gerritsen. Aaron heads location-based marketing efforts at WCG. You can read more about Aaron an...
Bryan - thank you sir. Really appreciate the comment and the kind words. I agree that the Dummies format was probably the perfect approach given some people's hesitation around the technology. Let's hope others agree with you. ;)
Aaron | @aaronstrout
Location-Based Marketing: What's in it for Me?
The following is a guest post from Mike Schneider and Aaron Strout, co-authors of Location-Based Marketing for Dummies. Mike is the senior vice president, director of digital incubator for allen & gerritsen. Aaron heads location-based marketing efforts at WCG. You can read more about Aaron an...
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Sep 7, 2011
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