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But before you go too far down that road in terms of mining out things you can throw at me
You needn't concern yourself with me throwing anything at you. I see you now, and realize that you're only doing the best you can with what you have, seeking a modicum of control in contexts and over circumstances in which you honestly have little or none.
You are not now, nor have you ever been, an authoritarian personality project exemplar. It has been my mistake to confuse your shrill rhetoric with that of the self-willed and radically autonomous so-cal Aryan Nations thugs or no-cal human biodiversity goblins I've mixed it up with over the better part of the past decade and who also occupy the fringes of that Californian right-wing political tent.
Peace be with you Doug.
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
Dougie...., you know that if THE MAN says you right-wing conservatives are cognitively impaired, then you're TRULY cognitively impaired, right? I'm just a simple and humble student of the advanced neuroscience handed down from the empyrean heights of military industrial powerhouses like Northrup Grumman.
Sum'n objectively wrong with you cats..., whether it's a speciation level fork or not, well, TBD..., to the victors go the future!
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
I know and associate with these Christians because of their Works which are valuable and edifying to me.
I stand across a political chasm from right-wing conservative wattles.
I know them by their noxious emanations - and not only find no ecumenical common ground with them - my kernal of truth holds that our cognitive divergence is nothing less than speciation.
Before too terribly long Ken, we will fight for the future.
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
Absent the institutional wealth of the Catholic church, the orthodox nevertheless work hard and exemplify their ethical higher ground. Not surprisingly, there are no right-wing conservatives holding it down at St. Mary's of Egypt. - I hold their creed in high regard because I know them personally and have participated for years in their Work(s).
I know you right-wing conservatives personally, as well. I know you by your rhetoric and psychology your history and your scary fallacious thought
I believe there will be far fewer right-wing conservatives holding forth in my parish, and I can't wait to see how the objectivist nut in Topeka sustains his pretensions under new ecclesiastical management.
As far as the feminized thought and speech police of political correctness go, well..., they're nearly as bad in their own way as the cognitively challenged yet politically active right-wing conservative. If only both ends of the American political bell-curve could be culled....,
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
Religion intensifies human nature, for good and for ill.
Because the institutional Catholic Church comprises the full spectrum of human types, it has fully developed mystical, dogmatic, ascetic, ecstatic, saintly, authoritarian, scholarly, charitable, ritual and artistic traditions.
Whatever it is that Ken and the one-dimensional American conservative right call themselves doing..., not so much.
Not only now, but never.
Here ends the lesson for today!
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
It may have occurred to you, but its not true.
There is always, always more to learn.
What you think after you know each layer of truth revealed to you is what matters.
You have been told - and have come to imagine - that you have been handed "The Truth".
Some of us recognize that we are involved with a lives-long process of "unpeeling the onion of truth" knowing full well that there is no golden kernel inside. There are only layers of illusion and misunderstanding. What matters is to know all the errors, all the self-serving explanations, all the mistakes, all the twisted observations, and then, not to find, but to make a kernel of truth. To light a candle of truth where there is no truth to be found.
This is the enduring institutional Church's gift to us, to free us from the illusion that any one explanation will ever contain the final answer for all time, for all hearers.
Thus it is that we find ourselves now enjoying the unprecedented governance of a Jesuit Pope who is upsetting smug elements in the Church who had arrogantly and incorrectly imagined themselves in possession of "The Truth".
This is delightful to those of us who understand that there is Work to be done and always, always more to learn.
The Catholic Church is turning away from the demented objectivist delusions of the American conservative right, turning away from the authoritarian demands for ideological compliance and conformity - and toward something almost explicitly approaching orthodox higher-ground.
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
Even with that, you of want no part of the beliefs that motivate your Catholic organization to do good works.
lol, in reading through the Evangelii Gaudium, it occurred to me exactly why the institutional church has been able to endure lo these many centuries, irrespective of the whims of either ecclesiastical or secular fortunes and rule of various and sundry potentates.
Ken, the fundamental difference between the Catholic church, and whatever it is that you call yourself doing, is that the church is designed and operated to cater to the interests and the needs of the broadest possible spectrum of cognitive types. It is inconceivable that whatever it is you call yourself doing, could sustain and appeal to a society of scholar soldiers like the Jesuits. The operation of great, powerful, and enduring institutions of higher education and all the rest, are incompatible with the singular and simple-minded summons to ideological (cognitive) conformity that you emphasize and demand.
On the other hand, good works take all types.
Shifting gears briefly, if we were to examine what went into the design and construction of a gothic cathedral, I could demonstrate in fairly short order that what I have described above has been the case for at least 900 years. There are depths to the mother church - hidden in plain sight - which lend themselves very nicely to the promethean apostasy which I freely admit. In whatever it is you call yourself doing, this has never been - nor could it ever be - the case.
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
Isn't the pope just as degenerate as he tries to find a way to reach others to the saving knowledge that Jesus is Lord?
We appreciate your timely illustration of why the the pseudo-religious ideology of the right-wing conservative little-man is so marvelously compatible with objectivism.
Are you sincerely incapable of discerning the difference between the Pope's emphasis on good works, and the institutional configuration of the Catholic church as a system for promoting and delivering good works (soup kitchens, orphanages, schools, hospitals, colleges/universities), and the institutional configuration of conservative protestant evangelicals as a system for delivering rhetorical breath and britches from the pulpit, and scant else?
You know you're drawing a false equivalence. The only question begged is, why would you even attempt such a flimsy and transparent rhetorical pose?
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
The Pope had a great deal to say about the orthodoxy and what constitutes orthodox ecclesiastical standards and authority. In the relationships brought by Christ, he asserts something nearly identical to the distinguishing spiritual praxis of hesychasm
In "no to spiritual worldliness" I think you did his specific admonishment a disservice by taking it out of the far more encompassing context in which it was asserted, to wit:This worldliness can be fuelled in two deeply interrelated ways. One is the attraction of gnosticism, a purely subjective faith whose only interest is a certain experience or a set of ideas and bits of information which are meant to console and enlighten, but which ultimately keep one imprisoned in his or her own thoughts and feelings. The other is the self-absorbed promethean neopelagianism of those who ultimately trust only in their own powers and feel superior to others because they observe certain rules or remain intransigently faithful to a particular Catholic style from the past. A supposed soundness of doctrine or discipline leads instead to a narcissistic and authoritarian elitism, whereby instead of evangelizing, one analyzes and classifies others, and instead of opening the door to grace, one exhausts his or her energies in inspecting and verifying.Proud and unrepentant promethean apostate as charged - practicing a militant mystical elitism which requires one to show and prove a la Mishima (the first two minutes and the last two minutes)
everything else is self-calming conversation for sheep....,
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
The Christian right begins and ends with the lie that it is morally elect, superior, and sits in judgement and authority over other humans. Nothing demonstrates the degeneracy of the Christian right so surely and completely as its determination to legislate and coercively impose its standards on others. This isn't an evangelical posture, rather, it's an authoritarian and punitive posture.
Francis has called on American Catholics to eschew their punitive Calvinist heresies and to instead exemplify Christian mercy by their good works. That is the essence of the evangelism and the means by which others can be brought to the sacrament.
This will - of course - prove impossible for the little men who have for overlong dominated and skewed the political face of the church. However, given the explicit papal summons to better exemplify Christian teaching and praxis, the era of hypocritical lip service - which is central to the so-called Christian right - will now be subject to a great deal of scrutiny. What we know from the outset is that the Catholic tribe is clearly and indisputably distinct from the impaired tribe of authoritarian little men who have labored hard these past 40 years to coercively impose their authoritarian neuroses on the rest of us
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
lol@Dougie wetting his pants about the first Jesuit, first non-European national pope in 1300 years - running things and chastising the pointy-headed and degenerate American formation which he has plainly chastised and repudiated in the Evangeli Gaudium Pundits have been zeroing in on the more provocative aspects after his release of the document last month. I’ve read all 244 pages of it and I’m here to tell you that he has pretty well burned down the Christian right’s moralistic narrative along with a good bit of the more mainstream conservative cohort. Francis knows that you're rotten to the core Dougie and he knows further, from first hand experience, where your rottenness and irrepairable cognitive deficiencies inevitably end
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
That's because no less an authority than military industrial research has established that the wattles are cognitively impaired
Obligatory Seriousness on.. Duck!
I'm on vacation today so I have too much time on my hands so I've been pulled into the hot mess that is the controversy over Phil Robertson. So here's the most enlightened thing I can say: If you believe others to be inferior and you are an arrogant bastard, then what you need is a constant str...
lol, speaking of "crossing legal lines", atheists don't hold a candle to theoconservatives and bibtards..., I only wish more atheists were engaged in political activism on a par with the wattles who've shown their mandrill-behinds at all levels of electoral politics in the U.S.
Not Gay Enough
I know that making broad generalizations about any culture, let alone contemporary upper-middle-class American Left Coast gay culture is an exercise in rope pushing, but that's never stopped me before. Besides, what are you going to do about it? I blame my culture. So for some reason, after rer...
Cobb, do you believe Alec Baldwin is a bigot?
Not Gay Enough
I know that making broad generalizations about any culture, let alone contemporary upper-middle-class American Left Coast gay culture is an exercise in rope pushing, but that's never stopped me before. Besides, what are you going to do about it? I blame my culture. So for some reason, after rer...
I am apt to conclude that, in the vein of the feminization of the American male, this misdirection close to the center mass of Hollywood's entire business model is apt to succeed in peacetime.
the choir says amen and amen...,
So understand that I am not suggesting that the character flaws of Hollywood are naturally attractive to Jews and/or gays.
lol, nice and conspicuous dodge driven by the political power of those who demand feminized political correctness.
Personally, I'd like to believe that that political power has reached its apogee and will henceforward be in decline Where men are required to depend on one another, the spoken word doesn't even come from the same psychological spigot as it does among a bunch of food-powered, make-work sissies dressed up in suits and acting important. Soldiers within a unit can say and do whatever they want with each other, because what appears as hostility in the slack-jawed world appears to the soldiers as a means of alleviating tension and building interpersonal rapport. At a very fundamental and objectively real level, the language doesn't matter, because at the end of the day, actions speak louder than words. The derogatory nature of the language loses its offensiveness when seemingly antagonistic soldiers are literally putting their lives in each others hands when engaging the enemy. It doesn't matter what color or ethnicity or religion the man next to them is, because, once the bullets start flying, everyone's lives are in the hands of the "other."
Now the NFL locker room isn't a barracks, and despite all the militaristic language we use when describing the gridiron, the line of scrimmage will never be the same as a killing field. That said, have we reached a point where the perception of society's rules is entirely defined by society's weakest link(s)? The Miami Dolphins players are majority black. Of those players, only one has voiced offense regarding Incognito's behavior. Accusing all these other players of speaking the way they do to keep their employers happy, labelling them sellouts and uncle Toms, and pretending that the extremely odd man out in that context is the bellweather for truth - is.a.priori.ridiculous. The logic of fellow Dolphins in defending Incognito has been similar to that found at a military squad level. Epithets lose their meaning, because for many teammates, they know that Incognito is going to back them up and support them on the field, in the bar room, and every place else their collective dirt gets done.
The character flaws in Hollywood are real and vastly more pronounced among those who dominate the business and its culture. As also on the killing field or the playing field, one must be ever mindful and vigilant for the psychopath and the sadist whose profound flaws occasionally shimmer as a faux virtuous mirage. There's a thin line between heroic masculinity and toxic masculinity...,
Not Gay Enough
I know that making broad generalizations about any culture, let alone contemporary upper-middle-class American Left Coast gay culture is an exercise in rope pushing, but that's never stopped me before. Besides, what are you going to do about it? I blame my culture. So for some reason, after rer...
Well, to put it succinctly, Malcolm X tried to be more than a Negro. He tried to be a free man. It was the fact that he aimed higher than what any prescription of America might offer him was what made him heroic. I think it's beside the point to get bogged down in his religious affiliation or even by his conversion, because what impelled him was a sense, practically unknown by anyone at the time, that he could be more. To me represents the following attitude in response to the question "What do you people want?". His answer is "Anything worth having, anything and everything any human has ever possessed from the dawn of time." With that answer he refuses to be gifted anything. He seeks to gain whatever, by whatever means necessary. He wants Eve, the Garden, the Apple, the Tree and Everything. In that way Malcolm was never a part of the Negro Problem. And he was that way in the same way that there was nothing George Washington could be given by King George.
lol, well put Cobb. Entirely wasted and lost on the white supremacist moron to whom it was directed, but then what else can you expect from a spineless little Eichmann with his lip poked out - demanding from others what he is personally incapable of, and, would never accept for himself?
Perhaps that's what it means to be a little Eichmann....a consummate little man?
Dayyum dude, this borders on perfection:Now how do you go about becoming a completely free and self-sufficient human being given a prior condition of servitude and subservience? Well you certainly don't go and ask your Master. You push all the boundaries. You decide for yourself not to be constrained and you defy anyone who seeks to constrain you. Period. Malcolm didn't want American civil rights and he didn't want America's protection. There was no abstract and principled America for him. He rejected its religion and called its justice system into question. In all of his ways, from what I could see, he operated on his first principles, which was to ask the question of whether a human being has any inherent right to defend his own liberty without reference or regard to the society he is born into, or its laws. Obviously he came up with the right answer which is yes, and by doing so he revolutionized the consciousness of everyone who understood that there might be some other future for the 'so-called Negro' of America, in America or elsewhere than America.IMOHO - you should not have yielded this concession No matter how flawed the man - Malcolm clearly transcended himself and his era. His only failing AFAIK was trusting his fate to god instead of to Smith and Wesson. A little more Robert Williams would've done the brother good...,
Al Jazeera Considers Malcolm X
Al Jazeera is considering Malcolm X and the fate of Black Nationalism. And they invited me to discuss it Thurdsay, but I'll probably not have enough time away from my other commitments. I've written a lot about Malcolm X here at Cobb and I still think rather fondly of the man. I never read the...
Notwithstanding the fact that I still find authoritarian males with no personal game politically repugnant - for whom the church functions as a collective reproductive-success security club - flagrant, promiscuous, gay male cruising is abominable.
Going to the Y to lift weights in the evening on the weekends has reminded me of exactly why some lifestyle choices are simply not acceptable. Cruising the showers in the mens family changing room of the YMCA, because the Y is not well "policed" in the evenings when its utilization drops, is a guaranteed recipe for somebody getting their head caved in.
Your Gay Friend is Ugly
I'm going to beat this horse to death again. A thought occurred to me this morning in consideration of the liberal activism in support of gay marriage. It recalls once again my insistence of the importance of 'The Legacy of Stonewall. Once again this afternoon, on Talk of the Nation, I heard a st...
Hah! same also for what goes on across the solar system...,
The Soul Markets
Ever since I first watched 'thirtysomething' back when I was twenty something, I knew that I wanted to work as a small independent consultant. I knew that my life wouldn't be as full of the sometimes silly drama that infected that crowd of actors, so I figured that running a small business could...
I say go for it! Anything to get the subterrenes off the drawing board and down into the bedrock
The Soul Markets
Ever since I first watched 'thirtysomething' back when I was twenty something, I knew that I wanted to work as a small independent consultant. I knew that my life wouldn't be as full of the sometimes silly drama that infected that crowd of actors, so I figured that running a small business could...
The barrier is the perception that all those places are profoundly alien environments where they don't belong, or even "have no right or business being there".
Yet something in this peculiar round-eyed fantasy world is less alien and more welcoming than the round-eyed real world? Animemanga-world is safe because it's fantasy - and - the Japanese language acquisition has solely to do with further/freer exploration of and participation in this escapist domain.
Please excuse my further request(s) for stereotypes, but would you characterize the ghetto otaku as nerds?
(p.s., it could always be SO MUCH worse as long as they don't fly off the rails into brony or furry-ism, it's probably just related to a little harmless Bruce Leroy-ism.)
The New Transgressive Fungibles
About 18 years ago, Charles Isbell came up with a theory about why people who can't deal with black individuals ask about *your* opinion about the same list of black people. I wrote about it here: But over the past ten years or so, this stupidit...
Doing those things may be very easy to do physically, but the psychological barrier is high.
Please summarize the high psychological barrier as you see it?
I have noticed that more than a few black millennials--some of them from the "ghetto"--have been swept away by Japanese anime and manga, so swept away that they go to the effort of learning Japanese on their own, often without a formal teacher of any kind.
While I'm sure individual mileage varies, if you had to make a blanket characterization to account for their motivation, what would that characterization be? What differentiates these cultural aspirants from their erstwhile non-starters?
The New Transgressive Fungibles
About 18 years ago, Charles Isbell came up with a theory about why people who can't deal with black individuals ask about *your* opinion about the same list of black people. I wrote about it here: But over the past ten years or so, this stupidit...
These humans are creatures of habit. Watch one for a little while, and you will come to see the majority of his sad little cow paths. There is also the perennial and pernicious tendency toward eusocial imitation, best characterized as "monkey-see monkey-do".
If you go to a catholic mass, go to a library sponsored presentation or event, go to the art museum, go to the symphony, all free or relatively inexpensive things mind you, what percentage ghetto representation do you suppose you'll see? (hint, "one bean in a bowl of rice")
THAT, my friend, is the beginning of "getting out of dodge". Doesn't take very much, isn't rocket science, isn't hard to do.
It does, however, require straying off one's familiar and comfortable cow path, and, breaking the mold of imitating those in your immediate vicinity. I will always look at the medievally diminutive little women from Guatemala riding the bus on the way to their thankless jobs cleaning up after hotel guests downtown - and marvel at their capacity to cross thousands of miles, huge language/culture barriers - only to comparatively happily serve the large strange humans until such time as their own offspring become larger, strange humans themselves.
The New Transgressive Fungibles
About 18 years ago, Charles Isbell came up with a theory about why people who can't deal with black individuals ask about *your* opinion about the same list of black people. I wrote about it here: But over the past ten years or so, this stupidit...
The GWOT, Homeland Security, and the Intelligence Industrial Complex was a massive success at employing millions of creepy-assed crackers to do everything from drive trucks in war zones for a cool quarter mil, to cavity searching granny at the airport, and if you were a self-taught linux script kiddie, sys admin-ing NSA data center assets for a cool $122K in Hawaii..., no college degree required.
Seems to me at the low-end, community centers that promulgate energy efficiency, localvore production and consumption and a host of other community centric modalities of civic engagement is a VAST improvement over the hot mess spawned under G-Dub where every rednecked peckerwood and his sister-humping cousin got a gub'mint contractor job and a top secret security clearance...,
Our Obligations To Street People
You know the old saying about giving a man a fish. When I look back at my debts of gratitude towards the Leftists that made my welfare their business, I try to distinguish that which was useful and inspirational from that which was by turns condescending, phlegmatic and authoritarian. The Left...
lol, no doubt that choosey mothers would always choose big dick as the man with his finger on the trigger....,
Suspicionless Surveillance
Suspicionless surveillance is the term used by Edward Snowden to describe the ambit of the US government's ongoing SIGINT. It is, as I understand it today, a total capability which is limited only by policy. Being a database architect myself, the extent of this capability comes as no surprise. I...
I drew neither a partisan or ideological distinction.
When slick willie commenced to channeling Lee Atwater earlier this week, stumbling out of pocket to call the Hon.Bro.Preznit.Double-0 a "wuss" and a "total fool" for not over committing to the neo-con agenda for the middle east, I bit my tongue.
There is a long-standing struggle for admission to the establishment hegemony going on in America nk-san. Observe and recognize.
Snowden's only conspicuous sponsors at this moment in time are Greenwald/Cato.
Cato = Koch
Koch = the primary contenders for full-time and permanent admission into the proprietary upper echelons of the American establishment.
Yeah, they're nutty as phuk, Randian libertarian dominionist birchers and all-a-dat, but, they've earned their berth and are now demanding to receive it.
If not, then they'll keep hammering away at the apparatus of status quo elite governance until they do some genuinely permanent damage.
Snowden is a public puppet of this faction.
Only the pointy-headed tail-end of the bell-curve could be persuaded to imagine otherwise.
Two parties, one ideology, sub-san.
A whole range of IQ's and grounding in realities embodied in that big bell curve though.....,
Snowden & Obligatory Seriousness
Some young dude named Snowden with a clear and present risk to his own freedom has divulged something that may or may not be relevant to Americans' privacy and freedom. He is ratting out the existence of a tool used by the NSA which goes under the name of PRISM. As far as anybody can tell, and t...
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