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Nice! I'd say #2 is most common.
Parenting teens: the face infographic.
Having entered my 11th year of blogging...she said, in a Gandolf-like voice...I sometimes feel this incredible need to share a few insights, if you will, to help save other parents a few headaches -- especially, parents of younger kids. In case you missed it: there's the little infographic to he...
Well, if it is a rat or squirrel, they chew on the wires and then your house burns down. Which, in my opinion, is an excellent solution to having rodents in the attic.
We have bats. I hates them. Even the little bitty babies...
Thoughts that ran through my head while some animal chewed my attic last night
I was fast asleep last night (Here was me: "Zzzzzzz") (No, you're welcome) when for some reason I was jolted awake. I was in a total dog sandwich, as I always am, pinned to one position, and I wonder why my hips often hurt. Could it be the contortion of my body eight hours a day due to dog press...
You're out of luck, Just Paula. She says no such thing. And Matthew still hasn't come back from the dead (which is what I'm hoping for). I picture him suddenly showing up (in ghost-form or not, I don't care) and saying to Mary, "Have you done something jolly with your hair?"
FogJune LegJune
I think I've been pretty subtle about this, but Ned has been gone all week and I was vaguely aware that he was gone. YAY! NED IS BACK!!! Here's a picture he sent me from the Natural History museum. Ned loves him some natural history. Nothing about my history is natural. Make no bones about it....
Thank you, Beverly, for putting that lovely image in my mind today. I will never look at an office desk and trash can the same way again.
There are many things I've been meaning to tell you, then I get here to my computer and forget. I am doing the same thing with Ned, who is finally in New York, and every time we talk or email I think, "Oh, yeah, I was saving up to tell him..." ??? Why does that happen? Anyway, the FIRST thing I ...
I checked out JDate once (for my BROTHER, people - I was trying to fix his pathetic profile so maybe he could get a date) and that's how I found out I had gotten old - all I could think as I paged through some potential women for him was "Now THAT does NOT seem like a nice Jewish girl."
I also took a gander at the men who were my age - they all looked like middle-aged accountants. No lie.
There are many things I've been meaning to tell you, then I get here to my computer and forget. I am doing the same thing with Ned, who is finally in New York, and every time we talk or email I think, "Oh, yeah, I was saving up to tell him..." ??? Why does that happen? Anyway, the FIRST thing I ...
Iceland totally has a volcano. 3 years ago or 5 or 8 or whatever, it erupted and disrupted flights all over Europe. So, yeah, it was totally in the news.
And I'll confess - I never pulled on pants over my exercise leggings this morning. Because it was too cold to go out. I really don't understand my reasoning at all, but it sure feels good to only be wearing stretchy spandex for a change. I ALWAYS get fully dressed, even when I have no plans to go anywhere. But not today.
Watch - this will be the day my house catches fire and I will only have time to grab my wall-hanging monogram initial and run outside. With no pants.
Winter Storm 2014
We had a pretty dramatic accumulation of less than half an inch of snow, and I was hoping they'd delay work today, but no. Don't even laugh. They closed school early yesterday because it might could snow. "Might could" is one of my favorite Southern phrases. Along with "carry." If someone needs ...
I went out for pizza last night and I blotted up the grease with my napkins, too. We're practically twins!
Iris Murders Christmas
I am running late today, so I will not run down every single detail that happened in November, but I will tomorrow. I know! Lucky you. I took down the Christmas decorations, finally, and piled them on the table so they'd be in once place, then I assure you all month I will find Christmas hand t...
And a Happy New Year to you! In jail!
I slay me. Seriously, do you know how glad I am that it is no longer December and people are no longer saying "Merry Christmas!"? Maybe by March I can get the Happy-New-Year-to-you-in-jail line out of my head.
New year. Same me.
I just got back from a Loving Kindness meditation downtown, where everyone got on my nerves. Seriously, y'all. It was at noon, and one of the 17,000 people named Alex at my job reminded me I should go. Have I mentioned to you that they've hired a whole bunch of new people at work, and all of the...
I had to look up who Chris Robinson was. What's with that hair?
Oh, and I am totally Team Ned, re fiscal planning and all that. But I'm still broke.
Sister Lu is screaming out somebody else's name
That title has nothing to do with anything. I was just singing it to Tallulah, who seems to be over me singing anything to her. I love The Black Crowes. I'm just like Kate Hudson that way. Once, I was walking my friend's dogs, and she lived in an apartment in kind of a hoity-toity neighborhood...
Hello (hello, hello)...Is there anybody in there? I am so Pink Floyd-y. Honestly, it's been so long since I've logged onto this blog, I felt like I had to blow cobwebs off this site. It was like when George Bailey comes to his house on 320 Sycamore, but he's never been born, so the whole place i...
Knitting and yoga and sleeping enough. That is the sum total of my plans for the year. Anything good that happens on top of that will just be icing on the cake. Lord, I sound old, don't I?
2013: Lessons Learned . . . 2014: Lessons Applied
I think I covered the ground fairly well in my last post, but in the spirit of starting the New Year with explicit intention, I thought I would share mine for 2014. In a word . . . balance One reason I spend a lot of time helping others is that I'm good at it (I'm sure there's a whole lot of ...
My kids forage for cheap pizza coupons. Does that count?
Wild Food on an Urban Platter
Have you heard of foraging? Oh, come, come, it's all the rage. "Foraging" is basically being a modern-day hunter/gatherer. Apparently, there is food everywhere, all around us, if only we were paying attention. And were carrying a spade, gardening gloves and a copy of "Guide to Edible Plants ...
Sorry, honey, he's mine!
Oh, To Write For The Alan Brady Show!
The other girls were in love with David Cassidy. After all, it was 1973 and "The Partidge Family" was hot, hot, hot. But while the other 10-year old girls were singing "I Think I Love You" and not even bothering to notice that Susan Dey was playing air piano, I was turning my television dial to ...
Amen! Kids will fight, no matter what...
No, my children don't get along
I have 3 adorable children. I had no part in their genetic makeup (they are adopted), so I have no qualms about bragging that they have gorgeous faces, perfectly curly hair, and the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. We often go out together, and I receive many comments related to thei...
Darn - Melanie and I were hoping that it's only the first one who's hard to see go! I'm thinking we need an MNO this week for all of us who have just sent a child to college.
Funny how the house can seem so empty while it's still full of children...
It's Time - She's College Bound
The day has arrived ... this morning we leave to take Ginny to Belmont Abbey College for her freshman year. I keep telling myself, "You've done this before. It won't be as hard this time." I'm fooling myself. It's just as hard. I'm going to miss this girl so very much. We all are. For...
Terrific! I Stumbled you.
Today's Mailbox
(Thanks to Lawyer Mama, who forwarded this to me): Dear American: I need to ask you to support an urgent secret business relationship with a transfer of funds of great magnitude. I am Ministry of the Treasury of the Republic of America. My country has had crisis that has caused the need for ...
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