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Sue Batton Leonard
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For those of you that are beginning a new venture into becoming an independent publisher in 2010, you will need a check list of things that will make you a publishing success. Here are steps for your publishing success check list: A good idea that is unique, inspirational or educational Belief in success as a writer or publisher Contact with those who can help you along the way Determination that never quits - check this twice! Excellence in all you do - find a great editor. Freelance publishing professionals for help when needed. Good cover design the Pops with Interest Honest opinions from others Innovative way to market your publication Joyful jubilation as you pass each hurdle Kick in the pants - when you get frustrated Lots of good advice from experienced publishers Masterful story line Name/title of publication that will attract buyers Order Fulfillment Company to process, pack and ship Printer who is reliable and affordable Question others for... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
The inequality in hospice facilities is great when you compare our country with other countries. I recently had a conversation with a friend about end of life care in her native country of Macedonia. Throughout her childhood, Macedonian's traditionally cared for their own. The elderly and others at end of life always stayed in their own homes with family by their sides during their final days. There was little consideration given to alternative care since the majority of homes were multi-generational and extended families typically lived under one big roof. The Macedonian population, and the people of other Balkan countries, have become more transient. Young adults are more apt to leave their childhood homes now, and travel to Australia and the United States of America for better educational opportunities, thus leaving no one to care for the elderly. Often, they never return home to reside with their extended families. What is lacking in the entire Balkan region is education about... Continue reading
Posted Dec 11, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
As much as I hate the idea, I am afraid I will be joining the ranks this year. The ranks of last minute shoppers. The end of the year has crept up on me all too quickly, and as with any business, there are so many end of the year things that I need to take care of before I can even think of being prepared for the holidays. I really don't like waiting until the last minute to holiday shop. I like to put thought into the gifts I am giving, and know that I am buying a gift that the receiver will really like. And then there is the issue of fighting the masses of last minute shoppers, standing in line at the cash register and waiting your turn to pay. On second thought, I think I will shop on-line this year, and I will be prepared for the holidays! After all, you can buy anything on-line and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 10, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
"It helps a ton when you learn people's names and don't butcher them when trying to pronounce them." ~Jerry Yang. Ok, I just can not help myself. I read the quote above, and it brought to mind an incident that occurred when I was a front office trainer at a ski resort some 15 or more years ago. I should not make fun of people, especially since I am not good at remembering names either. But, you will see, those in the service industry can learn from this story! One busy, snowy holiday weekend, a new front desk employee, in training, was brought into the foreground to help. We had 210 hotel rooms worth of check-ins and a shortage of front desk associates because some were stranded on their way to work due to a snowstorm. We were operating at a deficit in help. The hotel lobby was filled with guests arriving and waiting to check into their rooms. In... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
Can you imagine a company like Ben and Jerry's ice cream deciding to sell a new flavor without taste testing the concoction first? It would never happen! Before they even begin to create a flavor, the company often canvasses ice cream lovers for suggestions. A lot of research and development goes into a new flavor before it goest to market. The company mixes and tastes, mixes and tastes, mixes and tastes, until they are completely satisfied with the test batches. Then, all the marketing details. They need to come up with a name and packaging for the new flavor that will excite discerning palettes and make customers want to scream for the new ice cream. If you are a self-publishing author or independent publisher, the same kind of consideration needs to go into your book. Talk with those whom you think would be your prospective readers and get a feel for whether your book would be saleable or not. Research... Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
I would like to take this day to honor a segment of our population that I consider to be the most noble of all. They are those who put themselves on the line for others, each and every day. They have witnessed end of life like no others, and have helped families come to terms with their losses. I am speaking of our military service men and women as well as all the paid and unpaid hospice workers across the country and around the world. Last month, my friend Marina Carter, of Vermont Piano Music volunteered her time at a candle lighting service in Middlebury, VT in support of National Hospice Month. Her exquisite piano music comforted and soothed those in need. Over a several hour period of time, those families who had lost their loved ones filed into a church to light candles in remembrance of those whom they mourn. The service was a somber occasion, yet it was... Continue reading
Posted Dec 4, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
It is astounding to me that, although the need is great, the general population knows so little about hospice services. With our aging population, it would behoove all of us to become educated and informed about the services of an organization that provides comfort and care for those facing the end of life. I recently read some staggering statistics about hospice. According to The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization, 1.45 million hospice patients were served in 2008. Out of approximately 2,500,000 deaths in 2009 - close to 963,000 were cared for by hospice workers. These numbers include patients cared for in private residences, nursing homes, residential facilities, acute care hospitals and hospice inpatient facilities. All of us have known someone who has been cared for by hospice workers in the final days of their life. My hope is that along with my family, a compassionate and caring hospice worker will be by my side to comfort me at... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2009 at Community Marketing Blog
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Dec 1, 2009