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Sue Marks
Recent Activity
As a Midwest Entrepreneur and Angel Investor, I'd like to give props to Dave for starting the dialogue (for whatever reason) and point out there's a hellova lot of testosterone dripping off these posts :) Good deals become great deals when good people with the right intentions come together to make things enough people want and will pay for. Let's focus on that.
PS. Thanks for posting the Jill Scott song ... it's awesome!
Fire in The Valley, Fire in My Belly... and Yes, Mike, I Have Stopped Beating My Wife.
So i've been debating whether to write this post all day. Unfortunately i probably have more balls than sense, but it drives me fucking insane to see some bullshit superangel conspiracy theory get whipped into a frenzy by people who weren't there, have no idea what the hell was discussed, and a...
Sue Marks is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 10, 2010
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