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Aqua Sara
Water consciousness for personal and planetary health is my motto!
Interests: sustainable living, creative writing, everything about water, aquatic bodywork, spa-retreat, soulcraft
Recent Activity
For information on the 2014 Tracking the Soul workshop (November 14-18 in Willow Springs, MO), please follow this link:
Letter to my wild woman warrior
A personal account of the Tracking the Soul Workshop held 15-18 November 2013. Based on a book of the same title by Joe Landwehr, this year's event was hosted at Hearthaven retreat center in the Missouri Ozarks. The workshop is repeated annually and more information can be found at the end...
Ten gateways to India
Exploring the northern Indian town of Dehradun, it is entrances that have entranced me. Here is a small selection. Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2014 at Diving Deeper
Body intelligence: a poem
A poem about yoga in which I am trying to capture that intelligence that is not of the mind but of the body or the embodied soul. When we move from that natural intelligence, fear can sometimes be transmuted into total trust. No need to hide under the mat! Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2014 at Diving Deeper
Around the world 180 degrees
The transition between the years 2013 and 2014 presented an exhilarating contrast, as from an almost perpetually snowbound Greenwood forest in the Missouri Ozarks, I contemplated a beckoning life in another forested place half way around the world in the Himalayan foothills. Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2014 at Diving Deeper
Oh, Ruth I love your artist's insight into these colours ... it reminded me of another icicle photo I have from the same place, this time not on a bluff but from the cabin roof:
Winter colors: the spirit of place
In the world of home interiors, natural tones, are often boring neutrals. Yet the natural world is never boring or neutral. Even in winter, colors abound. One winter, when I lived in a cabin beside an Ozark creek, I decided to enliven my white-walled living space. I didn't anticipat...
That term 'botanical bully' made me smile Pamela and certainly it seems to apply mostly to plants that are displaced from their true homes, creating a rough toughness that human beings can display too! In this forest I've noticed that over time what ecologist call 'succession' happens in the areas that have been disturbed either by human action or storms. Plants come in for year then fade to make room for a different set of plants until very gradually the trees take over again ... I must write about this sometime as it is interesting and requires both patience and some cautious intervention (though that last part is more a matter of my own impatience I think). We might think of some kind of 'contrarian cultivation' you could employ in your urban situation ;)
Meandering and tending: garden wild
Someone with enough botanical knowledge to be mistaken might think we are growing marijuana and poison ivy around the stone monk who sits at our forest cabin door. In fact, the elegant plant behind him is Indian Physic and the lovely shrub to one side is Fragrant Sumac, both native to this pla...
I love this Ruth ... 'hearing winter silence' is speaking to the same thing as 'silent music', a kind of inner hearing. This reminds me that many body-workers (aquatic included) find that if outer music is provided for a session it can sometimes block any experience of inner music. I do have the book you mention and shall read more tonight.
Silent music and some sadness
Snow fell overnight and continues its silent music deep into this day. On the calendar for December 2013 beside a photograph of a snow-bound cabin that looks like Thoreau's (and today could be the one in which I write), the philosopher's hopes meet my own: 'As you simplify your life, the...
Swimming in the earth
A poem by Jessica Penrose, from the UK poetry magazine Rialto, describing a deep and anguished connection with land or place, a Persephone story. Continue reading
Posted Jan 14, 2014 at Diving Deeper
The wood between worlds
Reflections on the Narnia Chronicles series by C.S. Lewis, in particular The Magician's Nephew in which The Wood Between Worlds appears. Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2014 at Diving Deeper
The hydra and the hero
We can find some clues in mythology that relate to the value of becoming vulnerable enough to free our feelings and bring to consciousness our suffering in order to recover our strength. Here the alchemy of Fire and Water is described. Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2014 at Diving Deeper
Journeys in mythology and water
The word 'journey' has become popular in the names of health and spiritual practices. You are invited on a 'sacred journey' or a 'healing journey' which may or may not involve outward travels but will always involve inner explorations. Mythological quests, shamanic journeys, spiritual pilgrimages ~ all enticing the traveler into unfamiliar territory in search of meaning or healing.
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Posted Jan 11, 2014 at Diving Deeper
The hanged man: fire and water
Personal reflections on the Hanged Man. Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2014 at Diving Deeper
Snow shadows
Water, wood and rock/ Two winter blue snow shadows/ Crossing over my heart Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2014 at Diving Deeper
It may be interesting to add here that in writing about the Sun Dance ritual in the book that accompanies the Sacred Path Cards, Jamie Sams describes how both women and men in Native American spirituality pay homage to the feminine (experienced as Mother Earth and as Water). This particular Sacred Path Card symbolizes Self-sacrifice and denotes acts of self-sacrifice that restore the sacred in life:
'The purpose of the Sun Dance is to allow young Warriors to share the blood of their bodies with the Earth Mother. It is understood that women do this through their Moontime, or menstrual cycle. Women give of their pain through childbirth and men through the Sun Dance, so the people may live....
'During the last two days when the piercing ceremony and final dance take place, many women make small cuts on their forearms or pierce their biceps or wrists. They allow their blood to drip and touch the body of our Mother Earth to show respect for the dancers and to once again recommit their lives to the guardianship and the preservation of all living things. This is an act of self-sacrifice for the women as is the Warrior dancers' piercing of the flesh in the chest....
'These Mothers of the Creative Force have acknowledged the fact that any liquid from our bodies is a female element as is the Water Clan Chief. Our tears, our urine, our blood and our saliva are water elements that when given back to the Earth Mother may be recycled as moisture for the fertilization of future growth.
'The Sun Dance acknowledges the female aspect, and the dancers honor both sides of their nature through this Sacred Rite. Just as the water elements travels to Father Sky to take the form of Cloud People, a Warrior's heart travels to Grandfather Sun to be illuminated during the Sun Dance as his blood nourishes the body of the Mother Earth.'
Jamie Sams on The Sun Dance in 'Sacred Path Cards: The Discovery of Self through Native Teachings'
The Well of the Strong: Women and the Spa World
Water is the great nurturer and connector. In its unique transformations it links the mundane with the mystical and lends meaning to life. This description could just as well be applied to the feminine principle, intuitive mysteries embodied (at least potentially) by womenfolk. Women and Wate...
May you stalk the wild mystery
May you stalk the wild mystery, all the way into the new year! Sara xxx Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2013 at Diving Deeper
One single drop of this compassionate water
Vision Spa Retreat explores innovative and creative approaches to the human and environmental crisis-opportunity we face, as this relates to A New Vision for Spa+Retreat. It also considered water as a profound indicator of personal and planetary health ....
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Posted Dec 21, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
The Well of the Strong: Women and the Spa World
Water is the great nurturer and connector. In its unique transformations it links the mundane with the mystical and lends meaning to life. This description could just as well be applied to the feminine principle, intuitive mysteries embodied (at least potentially) by women. Women and Water are profoundly linked. Continue reading
Posted Dec 16, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Future Spa: Bringing concepts to life
This new Forum hosted by Vision Spa Retreat is intended to inspire free-flowing dialog about some of the challenges of visioning and then manifesting a spa venue that can truly call itself 'eco'. To start us off, we're looking at what turns an inspired spa concept proposal into the real thing. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Beauty and Harmony: an interview with water advocate Barbara Harmony
Barbara is one of Vision Spa Retreat's Advisors. I asked her to assist us partly because she's been a strong and effective Advocate for Water Quality and Bioregionalism over the past 30 years. Her home and her inspiration for all those years has been Eureka Springs, a spa-resort town, deep in the Ozark hills of Arkansas. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Harbin Hot Springs: quintessential spa-retreat
In times of rapid change, it can be hard to find places that do not disappoint good memories. Remote places may have more chance of this, but less and less so with the relative ease of travel and trendsetting communications. Places where people gather, especially the popular ones, seem to be subject to even more of an erosion of character. But there are some people and some places that somehow sustain the essence of what they have meant to you, whatever the length of absence. Harbin and its devotees and residents are this for me, as it turned out. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Imaging Spa: an interview with photo-artist Linda Troeller
Over the last two decades, photo-artist Linda Troeller's mission has been to convey through her work what it actually feels like to enter a spa and immerse yourself in the experience.....Vision Spa Retreat is focused on all that is soulful and sustainable in spa, so I was delighted to learn more from Linda about how she came to be involved with spa art and what has inspired her in that. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Standing for something: an acronym for Vision Spa Retreat
As I pursue my vision of a spa culture that is soulful and sustainable, my hope is to encourage a shared sense of purpose, and to establish a foundation of guiding values. In my work and in my life, wherever... Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
The Evolution of Spa by Sara Firman
Very few think of SPA in it's broadest terms, as a cultural form encompassing all the things we consider important for our wellbeing. It's a rich cultural legacy that has in many ways been increasingly obscured by the tempting commercialization of what was once sacred and shared. At times of upheaval, such as that which we are experiencing now, a willingness to reflect on our cultural evolution and the symbols of that - spa being one - may offer some insights into our predicament and our recovery. Recently, I spoke to Jonathan [Paul deVierville] about his abiding interest in the concept of spa and asked whether his focus has changed over the years. Continue reading
Posted Dec 15, 2013 at Vision Spa Retreat
Ebb and flow
Outside the kitchen window in my cabin in an Ozark forest is the windspinner pictured here on a snowy day. When the wind turns the copper wing at the top, the blue glass ball flows up and down the spiral. It reminds me of the ebb and flow of life on our blue planet. Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2013 at AQUAEST
Silent music and some sadness
This is what we have now in the face of each day's bad news. Silent music and the way in which it could dance us towards peace. 'As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.' Henry David Thoreau Continue reading
Posted Dec 6, 2013 at Diving Deeper
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