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Auren Hoffman
San Francisco, CA
lover of new ideas
Interests: entrepreneurship, growing talent, engineering, foreign policy, policy
Recent Activity
2014 Book Recommendations
Every year I re-edit my list of favorite books of all time. This year's edition has a few subtractions from years past and a two additions I read in 2014 (one by Peter Thiel and one by Ben Horowitz). Enjoy:... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2014 at Summation
How to be Absolutely Awesome. How to optimize for...
How to be Absolutely Awesome. How to optimize for growth. How to manage your career path. And how to to have a long term career plan. Continue reading
Posted Oct 8, 2014 at Summation
How to choose between multiple job offers
Posted Feb 14, 2014 at Summation
Great conversion about changing law schools to two...
Great conversion about changing law schools to two years (from three): Continue reading
Posted Feb 7, 2014 at Summation
The Moneyballing of the CMO
Posted Jan 13, 2014 at Summation
Sam Lessin just reminded me that he actually came up with this idea in 2010. See his TedTalk:
(worth watching)
The coming decline in ownership
We will soon own a lot less stuff The next few decades will witness a massive decline in ownership. Renting, not owning, will become the primary way people in the first-world consume. The last century saw an enormous increase in ownership. This change was spurred by a few factors: Wealth: so...
The coming decline in ownership
Posted Dec 19, 2013 at Summation
The Biggest Losers Win Big
Posted Sep 26, 2013 at Summation
Mike -- I love that article you wrote last year. Everyone should read it. You're right. We should all swim downstream.
To become a superstar, improve your strengths (not your faults).
(Originally published as a guest on Nir Eyal's blog: To really differentiate yourself in this winner-take-all world, you should be focusing on improving your strengths, not your weaknesses. Most ...
To become a superstar, improve your strengths (not your faults).
Posted Aug 19, 2013 at Summation
Don’t Google this ... but Google isn’t even close to being a monopoly
Google may be the biggest search company on earth. But if you stop to think about it, Google actually owns a miniscule market share. You might argue (after googling it) that according to comScore, Google has 66.9% U.S. market share... Continue reading
Posted Jun 29, 2013 at Summation
Now is the Last Bubble
We’re in midst of the last bubble. This bubble will likely go on for longer than previous bubbles and crash much harder. This current bubble is fueled by being the last chance for baby boomers to strike it rich. Here... Continue reading
Posted Apr 17, 2013 at Summation
my reading list
The following are a list of books that I think about regularly. These are the books I have read since college that have most impacted me. I highly recommend all of them: Ultimate Auren Hoffman Reading List: Adventure Capitalist: The... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2013 at Summation
Yann -- I accept your conclusion. As someone who majored in engineering, I would love to encourage others to do that too
Cre-8-TVT will trump systems thinking
The Right Brain Revolution Over the next 100 years, the importance of creativity will trump systems thinking due to the rapidly escalating power of computers. No, I’m not talking about an apocalyptic “Rise of the Machines,” but rather about the future ascent of people who excel in creativity, ...
Ali: I think learning to code is awesome -- and it is extremely creative and important. But if one if going to code, one should strive to be great at it (and be a software engineer). In the new world we are moving to, you need to be great or you will be outsourced.
Cre-8-TVT will trump systems thinking
The Right Brain Revolution Over the next 100 years, the importance of creativity will trump systems thinking due to the rapidly escalating power of computers. No, I’m not talking about an apocalyptic “Rise of the Machines,” but rather about the future ascent of people who excel in creativity, ...
Bing: you know more about creativity than almost anyone. honored to have you as part of the conversation on my blog!
Cre-8-TVT will trump systems thinking
The Right Brain Revolution Over the next 100 years, the importance of creativity will trump systems thinking due to the rapidly escalating power of computers. No, I’m not talking about an apocalyptic “Rise of the Machines,” but rather about the future ascent of people who excel in creativity, ...
Jeff: really appreciate your comment. I loved your book on neuroscience.
Cre-8-TVT will trump systems thinking
The Right Brain Revolution Over the next 100 years, the importance of creativity will trump systems thinking due to the rapidly escalating power of computers. No, I’m not talking about an apocalyptic “Rise of the Machines,” but rather about the future ascent of people who excel in creativity, ...
Cre-8-TVT will trump systems thinking
Posted Feb 5, 2013 at Summation
Abe Lincoln will have 1 million children by 2033
Posted Jan 9, 2013 at Summation
Personalization: The Store Clerk vs. The Machine
Posted Dec 18, 2012 at Summation
tale of two haircuts: does price correlate with looks?
Haircuts are interesting. Before last week, I'd never spent more than $22 for a haircut. When I got married, I went to my go-to local barber (then it was $12) and got a good cut because I didn't want to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 3, 2012 at Summation
thanks Kat! and I am so thrilled you have been reading Summation for years.
The “Pretty Girl” Paradox
A fast friend heuristic to determine who to marry, hire, or even invest in The “pretty girl” is the object of desire, rare and easy to spot. For our purposes, the “pretty girl” (gender neutral here) can be a potential mate, a company where you may want to work, someone you may want to hire, or ...
Tony: thank you so much for commenting -- I am honored that the CEO of Zappos takes the time to read and give thoughtful replies on one of e-commerce's busiest days of the year.
When I look to build a culture and hire great people, i think of Tony and Zappos. Zappos is the gold standard.
The “Pretty Girl” Paradox
A fast friend heuristic to determine who to marry, hire, or even invest in The “pretty girl” is the object of desire, rare and easy to spot. For our purposes, the “pretty girl” (gender neutral here) can be a potential mate, a company where you may want to work, someone you may want to hire, or ...
Fred: thank you for your comments. I haven't thought about how this works in politics but I hope to be as eloquent as you in a future post.
The “Pretty Girl” Paradox
A fast friend heuristic to determine who to marry, hire, or even invest in The “pretty girl” is the object of desire, rare and easy to spot. For our purposes, the “pretty girl” (gender neutral here) can be a potential mate, a company where you may want to work, someone you may want to hire, or ...
The “Pretty Girl” Paradox
Posted Nov 19, 2012 at Summation
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