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conservative, but not republican......if that makes any sense.
Interests: reading, writing, listening to music, and hanging out wit friends.
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i still have no followers, that sucks Continue reading
Posted Jul 17, 2011 at Paris Hilton
i think that's a great idea. but i always wanted to be a ghost hunter. so that's probably why it sounds great to me.
Toggle Commented Jul 14, 2011 on No title at Paris Hilton
Enter the URL of a video you like to share Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2011 at Summerachimon's blog
Summerachimon is now following BabyBumbleBeesLivinginHarmony
Jul 12, 2011
Summerachimon is now following Rui de Castro Guimarães
Jul 12, 2011
Summerachimon is now following Ed
Jul 12, 2011
ok........ i need some more followers, so somebody....follow me
yea ive never been fortunate to have a stalker but if i did, i bet it would suck too.
man o man, am i tired...... time to get some sleep. later everyone Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at Paris Hilton
just a laugh
religious guru's: lol..... that's all i can say
well anyhow, its nice talking to u. im about to leave here and have some fun. chat later
his intentions were against the union, he was a southern loyalist. he didn't like the union. he had a grudge against them cuz they took away his family from him. his mom and his bro. i think he was a sociopath from the get go and that was his way to seek revenge. but if u think about it, nothing he ever did changed the way he felt. i suspect he was never happy and probably didn't know what happiness was.
oh and by the way, in no way do i support his way of life. i believe in law. im just noting a historical reference.
u know, talking about being strong and powerful without owning a thing.
u know what else history has taught us ed........ consider the famous outlaw jesse james. what did he stand for? what did he take and why did he think he had the right to take?
hmmmmm interesting thought
yea, its just sad to think how much our politicians really aren't listening to us. Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at Paris Hilton
yea they are........ mr. trump may not be perfect but at least he has the balls to call it like it is.
i should have a pic of me, huh
yea the mentally ill part makes sense.
another wish, tell mr hilton to tell mr. trump to run for presidency. so that america can get on it's feet again. thank you Continue reading
Posted Jul 11, 2011 at Paris Hilton
Summerachimon added a favorite at Paris Hilton
Jul 11, 2011
a wish would be a world without war
Toggle Commented Jul 11, 2011 on 11:11 - Make a Wish... at Paris Hilton