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Greg and Jan
Greg prefers being called an "International man of mystery". Jan just likes being married to such a mysterious international man.
Interests: our interests include:: what god's doing in our generation book, i better let her tell you what she likes... i (jan) like third day, the late rich mullins, we don't like tofu., books, finally, delirious, and natalie merchant (go figure!) we both can agree that mexican food is quite delicious. and, and more books! art (especially german expressionist pre-1920 art) music - i (greg)like classical
Recent Activity
In my town last fall a certain cartel killed a group of kidnappers who came into town looking for possible victims. I agree that narco-traffickers would pay little or no attention to the census personnel.
Greg and Jan is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010