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Interests: Knitting, sewing, felting, baking, making dolls, reading, collecting children's books, charity shops, haberdashery departments, chocolate, wool, Japanese food, Indian tea, paper, fudge, rose essential oil, chappatis and dhal, sitting with a group of women and sewing/knitting/talking.
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Hey Rada, I can't email you but read your lovely comments above. I've changed computers too so lost your address. Anyway, click on the link on the side bar or contact me through Etsy again please? Nice to hear from you ..... Simmy
Toggle Commented Nov 9, 2011 on Postscript at Echoes of a Dream
Simmy is now following D
Nov 9, 2011
Hi, I was just googling how to make sweet potato cakes and I came across your blog. I lived in Japan twenty three years ago (yikes!) and it's been really interesting reading about what it's like with children - I'm actually very impressed about the level of play in their kindergartens and the fact that children walk to school alone..... do remember that but I was in my twenties at the time so it didn't have an impact on me. Anyway, great blog. I really want to take my children over to Japan - everything is so natsukashi.
Toggle Commented Sep 21, 2010 on End-of-summer sewing at Origami Mommy
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Mar 15, 2010
I was really lucky to be able to meet Kristin (and stay with her in fact) when we went on our family holiday, summer before last. Her eye for colour is amazing and I agree her Julia wool is gorgeous. I used mine for granny squares in the end.
Toggle Commented Nov 13, 2009 on pick 'n' mix at jane brocket