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Sharon LaMothe
Seattle, WA
LaMothe Surrogacy Consulting-Expert Guidance, Education and Support
Interests: music, travel, life coaching, movies, reading, family, business consulting, heath, meeting new and interesting people
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I am RETIRING at the end of this year from my Surrogacy Consulting career, and I am happy to recommend Simplify Surrogacy to anyone needing a consultant to assist them through their surrogacy journey. Read more about Amber Deming and her surrogacy consulting business here: I believe you will be very happy with the prices and services Amber has to offer! Continue reading
Posted Nov 15, 2023 at Surrogacy 101
Fortunately, the CDC has now released data to support the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant people and is recommending that everyone over the age of 12 get vaccinated against COVID-19. In spite of such compelling evidence, it’s clear from speaking daily with surrogates (and hearing the stories from surrogacy agencies) that vaccine hesitation is fueled by misinformation. Whether you’re an intended parent or a surrogate yourself, you should have a few facts: Continue reading
Posted Dec 8, 2021 at Surrogacy 101
Here is where those of us who have met these challenges head on while devoting our careers to the Fertility/Infertility industry, welcome a company like GoStork. How does GoStork help breast cancer survivors that want to build or grow their families? Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2021 at Surrogacy 101
Part 3 of Egg Donation 101: Choosing Between Frozen or Fresh Donor Eggs By Guest Blogger Eran Amir Both fresh donor eggs and frozen donor eggs have specific pros and cons which you should consider Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2021 at Surrogacy 101
Factors to consider when selecting an egg donor Choosing your specific egg donor is one of the most personal and important decisions you’ll make. Many intended parents choose to seek the services of an egg donor agency - however, choosing which agency to work with is a big decision in itself and many intended parents go to multiple agencies before they find their perfect donor. To make the process easier, GoStork provides the largest free online database of over 10,000 egg donors from various egg donor agencies all in one place, allows you to compare egg donors side-by-side, then connect directly with the agencies of your favorites. Egg donor profiles you review include the donor’s physical attributes, education level, medical history, as well as family history, among other elements such as ethnicity and religion. Undeniably, you are presented with a large amount of information, but in this case, the more information the better! To get started, you’ll want to decide what characteristics matter personally to you. Here is a list of criteria you’ll have to consider: Age – Donor must be between the ages of 21 and 30 but if you prefer one on either the younger or older end of that spectrum, that’s a valid decision BMI – Donors must have a healthy Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18-27, but as far as the donor’s specific weight - that may be a consideration that’s important to you. Medical History – Personal health history (ideally, a non-smoker, non-drug user and non-alcohol dependent, has no STDs, and is not undergoing treatment for depression or anxiety - these elements are pre-vetted and indicated for you to consider), family health history (ie. you would be looking for egg donor profiles with no family history of genetic disorders, and no significant family history of cancer). Reproductive history – If applicable, you’ll see information about ‘proven fertility’ in egg donor profiles, ie. a previous successful pregnancy shows that the donor has the potential to provide healthy eggs. You may also learn that the donor has donated eggs prior that resulted in a successful pregnancy. Appearance – You’ll see the donor’s photos, (ideally current as well as from childhood) and - when available - videos, natural hair color, eye color, height, and, as already mentioned, you’ll see her weight. Many intended parents are interested in donors with similar physical features to themselves, while others are interested... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2021 at Surrogacy 101
Egg Donation 101 & What to Look for in an Egg Donor By Guest Blogger Eran Amir Part 1 A Quick Overview Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2021 at Surrogacy 101
Every day can feel like an eternity when you’ve been trying to grow your family for quite some time. Now that you’re considering surrogacy, asking “How long will the process take?” is completely normal. While specific timelines vary, a typical surrogacy journey lasts anywhere from 18 to 24 months. Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2020 at Surrogacy 101
The rate of success for one cycle of IVF varies, depending on the age of the female. The average IVF patient goes through two cycles of IVF, meaning the total cost of IVF is typically between $40,000 to $60,000. Here’s a more detailed breakdown of IVF costs, including procedures and medications. Continue reading
Posted Sep 17, 2020 at Surrogacy 101
My journey to parenthood started in 2016 and it’s hard to believe how much has happened in the few short years since then. Today, I’m a father, a husband, and the founder of a new company, GoStork, which in some ways is also my baby. Continue reading
Posted Sep 4, 2020 at Surrogacy 101
Now is the ideal time to research and think about what you really want and when; where you see yourself as an individual, as a couple, as future intended parents, and what kind of relationship you want with your surrogate. Start your journey by researching; vet various surrogacy agencies, including their offerings and the price tag attached to their services. Learning all about surrogacy, the journey and roadmap ahead, and what options you’ll have to choose between along the way, will all help you make more informed decisions about your future. Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2020 at Surrogacy 101
Accept the Possible Obstacles It would be wrong to say that every part of the surrogacy journey is positive for both the prospective parents and the surrogate. This journey has its highs and lows, and doing your research beforehand and being totally aware of all that the surrogacy process involves, both physically and psychologically, will help you have a smoother experience.5. Prepare You Continue reading
Posted Aug 12, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
Thank you for sharing your experience Mary! Needless to say everyone considering surrogacy needs to do a lot of research and get a professional to assist them. So important that you have your budget set (as best as you can) up front and understand the process.
In our latest article, “Tips for Egg Donors,” we collected the best advice for women considering the egg donation process. Now we have asked 32 experts to share their number one tip for intended parents turning to egg donation. Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
Surrogacy is hugely fulfilling, and the journey really is positively amazing. One of the worst parts is the medications, especially the shots. Other kinds of medications you could expect are birth control pills, estrogen patches, oral tablets, vaginal creams, steroids, antibiotics, aspirin, CoQ10, prenatal vitamins and DHA. This is not an all-inclusive list and each clinic or Reproductive Endocrinologist has their own “cocktail” of medications that they use. The medications, kind, and amount also depend on your body and how it responds to the medication in order to make the best environment for the little embryo(s). Typically, medications are started 3-4 weeks before transfer and weaning off of them begins week 10 of the pregnancy, depending on your clinic, doctor, and body. Continue reading
Posted Jul 24, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
I’ve received a lot of questions recently from surrogates who are frustrated when they get turned down by a fertility clinic or by an agency for a health issue that doesn’t seem that serious. I really empathize with you. It’s so hard to put yourself out there to do this beautiful, selfless thing for someone else and then be turned down for something outside of your control. It can feel like an unfair judgment on your health or life. But keep in mind that agencies typically only accept a small percentage of candidates, and fertility clinics accept an even smaller percentage. For them it’s about giving intended parents the absolute best chance for a good outcome, so being really picky is part of the process. Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
If you are able to be a surrogate, and help with that longing for someone else, well nothing is more amazing. Helping create a life, that might otherwise not be? Remarkable! It’s loving a life enough to sacrifice yourself and your family for a baby. A baby to create another family. During the pregnancy you know this has been a long, sought after thing. You want nothing more than to watch this life grow and flourish into a happy and healthy baby. There is a hope, not just for yourself and your family this time, but a hope for a miracle, a hope to make another’s dream come true. There is a love and a bond as you create this life, adding in the desire for the best for someone else. Watching your belly grow, as the dream grows, yes, there is a relationship with this being you are helping to create, wanting the very best for this baby and their family. Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
Surrogacy is a generous and selfless act. Women choose to become surrogates because they want to give the gift of life to another family and, of course, because they want to enjoy the experience and be the best surrogate they can be! You have decided to give a priceless gift to those who cannot start a family on their own. However, this process does not come without some challenges. Even though every surrogacy journey is different, here are six things to keep in mind when becoming a surrogate. Continue reading
Posted Jun 18, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
How much the compensation could help their own family is a secondary thought. Some women become surrogates for a family member or close friend, and in those cases they often don’t request compensation, or at least significantly reduced compensation. The surrogate’s expenses related to the pregnancy are covered by the Intended Parents, whether the surrogacy is altruistic or compensated. It really depends on the surrogate. A decision to act altruistically or be compensated depends on the gestational carrier’s relationship with the Intended Parents, whether she chooses to go through an agency or not, and even on if she lives in a place where laws don’t allow her to be compensated. No matter what choice a gestational carrier makes, I can tell you from personal experience as a surrogate, being a gestational carrier is work. It takes time and energy, not only for a pregnancy, but also with the relationships of the others involved in the process with you, especially the Intended Parents. Being a Gestational Carrier is a wonderful gift that is priceless to many people who couldn’t otherwise have children of their own. Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
If you are planning to hire a surrogacy agency then expect to pay anywhere from $18k-$50K depending on the services offered, how long that agency has been in business and the size of the agency. A Surrogacy Consultant, like myself, will also assist with a lot of these steps but only after the Intended Parents have found their own surrogate (be it from an Internet search, through a friend or working with a family member). It can be significantly less expensive with a consultant. Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
I know we have all heard the horror stories of the controlling and demanding Intended Parents. Really most intended parents want what’s best for you and their baby. With that said, some things to expect, that may seem strange in a Gestational Carrier Agreement are limits on travel, handling rodents, reptiles and poop, and extreme sports. Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
You have decided to give a priceless gift to those who cannot start a family on their own. However, this process does not come without some challenges. Even though every surrogacy journey is different, here are six things to keep in mind when becoming a surrogate. Continue reading
Posted May 25, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
My friends and family were mostly completely unfamiliar with having a baby via Gestational Carrier, it seemed weird to nearly everyone I knew and they were worried on my behalf. Nobody, me included, didn’t know what we didn’t know. The only exposure most people have to surrogacy is either “Baby Mama” or a million lifetime movies where everything that could possibly go wrong, did. So I decided to take the opportunity in this article to address some common fears and worries from an IP perspective. Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
Frequently, intended parents also feel burdened by creating a structured weekly Skype or face time call with their surrogates. They want the relationship to grow organically. Yet, many families experience a honeymoon period with their surrogate and this does not always last. Very often, once the initial excitement of the positive pregnancy test wears down, everyone gets busy and it is far too easy to fall into the trap of only talking about the pregnancy. If this happens, the relationship can feel more like a business relationship than a friendship. Continue reading
Posted May 17, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
No one wants to have a baby for another family and be left with over 40 lbs., sometimes closer to 100 lbs- however, as women, this is something that we must deal with! So what is the best way to make sure the baby weight will fall off and quickly? Here are 5 tips for losing your surrogacy pregnancy weight. Continue reading
Posted May 14, 2019 at Surrogacy 101
A doula is a trained professional who provides information and support for a family during their pregnancy, birth, and early postpartum time. In preparation for labor and delivery, a doula can coach a pregnant woman of what to expect in the process, options in the case of complications, and techniques for coping. Although a surrogate will likely not need the same background information as in her first pregnancy, a doula can provide guidance for new circumstances and information for the intended parents on what to expect. Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2019 at Surrogacy 101