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Orange County, CA
Reference librarian, wannabe film critic
Interests: film, technology, books, crafts
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I knew that you would like this. I thought it was totally enchanting.
The Owl And The Pussycat - - Moonlight Kingdom (2012) - - 10 February 2013
Strongly recommended. Wes Anderson’s Moonlight Kingdom follows in a line of movies about child couples setting off on Edward Lear adventures. Recently there was Hugo (2011) and there are several others. Most are set in the 60’s and most have a boy and a slightly more mature, very pretty girl. W...
I love Peter Stone's work. Glad to see you reviewing againa. I've never seen this so I guess I'll have to get it on Netflix.
Nice Image - - Mirage (1965) - - 26 October 2012
Recommended. In the mid-sixties, Alfred Hitchcock was a highly dependable money maker for Universal Studios. The suits wanted more of the same. After Charade made a bundle, writer Peter Stone (Father Goose, The Taking Of Pelham One Two Three) was a hot commodity and churned out several great, f...
Silence is Golden - The Artist (2011)
Highly Recommended I just returned from seeing The Artist, the critically acclaimed and widely discussed silent (almost) film from the Weinsteins. If you love movies and movie history, this is your film. It is pure pleasure from start to finish, and I challenge you to name the various movies paid... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2012 at Silver Screener
Elder Tales - The Book of Mormon
Highly Recommmended I had the good fortune to see the Book of Mormon on Broadway last month and it is everything its reputation claims. It helps if you know the South Park sensibility before going (especially going with your parents, as I did) so that the shock value of their... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at Silver Screener
National Velvet Jumps Her Last Hurdle
I read with sadness the passing of Elizabeth Taylor today. She was truly an actress that lived life on and off screen larger than life. She was more than just her astonishing beauty; she brought her passion and recklessness to her roles, particularly aptly to those written by Tennessee Williams.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2011 at Silver Screener
Royal Pain - The King's Speech (2010)
Highly Recommended This sounds like such a small movie when it is described. A lesser known facet of King George the VI's rule as king of England after his brother abdicated seems like an odd premise for a movie, let alone one worthy of Oscar. Watching Colin Firth portray a... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2011 at Silver Screener
The Truth About Grief: The Myth of Its Five Stages and the New Science of Loss (2011)
Recommended This book goes a long way to reassuring those whose grief process doesn't match the "stages" paradigm. Ruth Davis Konigsberg reminds us of how informal Kubler-Ross's process for developing these stages was, and that it was based on anecdotal tales from those confronting their own mortality. Given the breeding... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Silver Screener
Some Like it Hot (1959) - RIP Tony Curtis
Highly Recommended I was saddened to hear of the death of Tony Curtis, whom I have always enjoyed watching, even in his more kitschy films (think 1993's The Mummy Lives, with Curtis as the mummy). This evening I watched Some Like It Hot in his honor and remembered just why... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2010 at Silver Screener
Annus Horribilus - The Queen (2006)
Recommended. I was never very interested in this film, as I wasn't a royal family watcher (at least not the current royal family) nor a Princess Diana fan. I was somewhat critical of the queen's response to her death at the time, as it did seem a reflection of her... Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2010 at Silver Screener
Romancing the Princess - Roman Holiday (1953)
Highly Recommended Since I was reading about Audrey Hepburn recently, it inspired me to watch Roman Holiday again, one of my all time favorite movies. Audrey Hepburn made her debut as a leading actress in this film, and she fit the role so well they gave her an Oscar for... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2010 at Silver Screener
Fifth Avenue, 5 A.M.: Audrey Hepburn, Breakfast at Tiffany's, and the Dawn of the Modern Woman - 2010
Recommended for film buffs I am not sure why the author felt he had to legitimize this film study by connecting the movie to a sociological study, because the book succeeds best as a consideration of the difficulties in modifying a complicated novel into a seminal film. While the author's... Continue reading
Posted Sep 2, 2010 at Silver Screener
Mike, I do recommend the third as you are rather left with a cliff hanger at the end of the second. He did a decent job of tying up loose ends, and it is well worth reading.
Millenium Trilogy - Steig Larsson's Lisbeth Salander
Highly recommended I spent my summer vacation finally reading this much talked about Swedish trilogy. I tend to resist reading books that get that much hype, particularly when the author is no longer around to explain or defend his books (Larsson died prematurely of a heart attack and all thre...
Millenium Trilogy - Steig Larsson's Lisbeth Salander
Highly recommended I spent my summer vacation finally reading this much talked about Swedish trilogy. I tend to resist reading books that get that much hype, particularly when the author is no longer around to explain or defend his books (Larsson died prematurely of a heart attack and all three... Continue reading
Posted Aug 27, 2010 at Silver Screener
infoQueen is now following Lisa Johnson
Aug 26, 2010
Star Island - Carl Hiaasen (2010)
Marginally recommended Just finished Carl Hiaasen's Star Island, his first adult fiction title since 2006's Nature Girl. It focuses on the absurdity of starlet fame (think Britney, Lindsay, Paris, etc) in Florida and features one of Hiaasen's more edearing characters, Skink, the ex governer who lives in the Everglades and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 16, 2010 at Silver Screener
I just had an inspiring conversation with an old...
I just had an inspiring conversation with an old friend who is one of the few people I know who is even more into movies than I am. I am in a place in my life where I need to find a way to share my love of movies and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2010 at Silver Screener
infoQueen is now following Kona Duke
Aug 2, 2010
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Aug 2, 2010
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