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Susan Getgood
Recent Activity
Will you be updating the tool on the Groundswell page with the new category?
I think your approach is very reasonable Stefania. To Kimberly's question, re: a product you reviewed in past & wish to discuss again. Knowing you, you were totally transparent in the initial review. If you decide to tweet about it again in the future, why not link to the initial post. Not in every tweet in a stream, just the first time. Would probably be useful to your Twitter followers anyway, to know what you thought of the product. To Daily_Pinch: Absolutely. Under the guidelines the company has a responsibility to provide guidance to bloggers about their disclosure obligations. If it does NOT, it can be held liable. I wrote about this on Marketing Roadmaps this week. (
Toggle Commented Nov 17, 2009 on Transparency on Twitter at Clever Girls Blog
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Nov 17, 2009