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Susan Kissman
Recent Activity
My dh and I will celebrate our 20th on Nov. 10. Yes, 1990 was definitely big dress, big hair and big poufy sleeves.
I love following your blog, I also have 4 kids and too much laundry, but I'm not talented enough to blog. :-)
Happy Anniversary, and many, many more.
The Year of the Big Dress and Cinderella Poof!
August 25, 1990 20 years ago (I know...I'm old...shuddup!) I was cruising down the Parkway (a.k.a. Garden State Parkway, for those of you who aren't, you know, from Jersey) surrounded by taffeta and covered in tulle (it was the end of the 80's, baby) as my soon-to-be-sister-in-law mooned t...
Susan Kissman is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 25, 2010
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