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Niagara Falls Helicopter pad, just after the flight over the Falls. Spectacular!
Interests: Sewing, travelling (local or overseas, it doesn't matter), cooking, social networking.
Recent Activity
I like the option, too - and first in best dressed - just so you dont get left with any one type of cut!
More market research.....
The fat quarter verses 30cm. Someone asked why l bothered doing fat quarters the other day. Said some shops sell as a 30cm bundle instead. I have noticed a lot of customers opting for the 30cm of late, they prefer a strip that goes across the width of the bolt. What do you think?
i made a quilters roll from jennifer's pattern and i adore it. it keeps all my blocks safe, dust free and nicely wrinkle-free.
Jennifer Knol Designs.....
Jenn has just been in for a visit. We have discussed e-patterns and we are going to give them a go. I am playing with her Quilter's Roll pattern over the next few days. You will be the first to know when we have the e -patterns up and running.
hi karen - can i please book a place for the Saturday August 6th, 10.00am > 3.00pm.
Cost: $37.50 plus materials.
Stack and Whack lesson? I'll check with lee and jackie too. When do you need the money and how do i get it to you? Sue :)
The August Calendar.....
Have just published next month's calendar. Apart from the regular Sewing Circles we are offering a Stack and Slash workshop on Saturday August 6th. We ran one for the Thursday girls recently and they loved it. For details visit the Classes Album.
Your best friend calls you and tells you he/she's really sick? How do you show you care?
I follow Mrs Martins Quilt Shop and would love to share sewing project updates with anyone. Can you post pics? I'm trying to learn how. Continue reading
Posted May 21, 2011 at Susanleeyoung's blog
Sue_Young added a favorite at Mrs Martin's Quilt Shop
May 21, 2011
Sue_Young is now following Karen Martin
May 21, 2011
Sue_Young is now following The Typepad Team
May 21, 2011
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