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Reader, writer, picture taker
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Oh, Jen, your kiddo's checking out her first book--and THE first book of the year--is so perfect. I love it.
Literacy Milestone: Checking Out Her First Book from the School Library
Last week my daughter started Kindergarten. Which is a literacy milestone in its own right, of course. She was a bit nervous at first, but seems to be settling in well. She was fortunate to have several kids she already knew in her class. After orientation, a friend who knows of my interests i...
That back-to-school issue of Seventeen was the best! I just loved it.
I had an up-and-down relationship with Gourmet, but I sure do miss it. I cooked my first Thanksgiving out of that magazine, and it took me about three weeks. I even roasted chestnuts! And Laurie Colwin's writing was so wonderful. Have you read her books about cooking & food, Dawn? I think you'd like them. Home Cooking, More Home Cooking,
These days we get the New Yorker, New York, and Connecticut Magazine (which comes to us free, for some reason...boy, would I love to see the eds. redesign it!). My mom gives our son her National Geographics, and he also has a subscription to Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. I often buy or look at in the library food magazines (Weight Watchers, Vegetarian Times, even tho I'm not vegetarian, Eating Well), and occasionally, when I'm feeling ambitious, Runners' World.
More Q & A: Magazines!
Happy Weekend, my friends ... Several posts back there was some conversation about magazines and folks wondering what I read and if we might talk a bit about magazines in general ... And of course, I'd love to! But let me start with some questions for you, all: 1. Firstly, what magazines do yo...
Dawn, I hope y'all have a peaceful day of recovery today. Your Earlybird made it through the MRI with flying colors. Yay!
Thinking of y'all...
Chicken Spaghetti
Earlybird's MRI was today ...
And now, Thursday evening, we're finally home ... It was a tough day - a loong day - but he did well. We spent several hours at Children's Hospital in Boston (I wish everyone had this hospital local to them) and both EB and Little Bear (who tagged along of course) were as good as gold. EB was...
Happy blog anniversary, Jen! All best wishes for many more. It's always fun reading & seeing what Baby Bookworm is up to.
Reflections on 8 Years of Blogging
Today marks the 8 year anniversary of the day that I started my blog. Here's what I said in my very first post: "Hi! I'm Jen Robinson. Here are three things that you should know about me. I love stories, especially in book form, and most especially mysteries, thrillers, and children's books. T...
What fun!
My First Group Read-Aloud
I have read many picture books aloud to my daughter over the past 3 1/2 years. Prior to that I read books to my nieces and friends' children here and there. But until last weekend, I'd never done a read-aloud for a larger group. But when the organizers for my church's Mommy and Me group asked m...
Happy blog anniversary to you, Jen!
7 Years and Counting
Today marks the 7th anniversary of the day that I started Jen Robinson's Book Page. One weekend, after suggestions from two different friends that I stop talking about doing something regarding children's books and take action by start a blog, I just sat down and did it. I chose TypePad because...
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Mar 15, 2010
Definitely get a sled!
But don't get one of those inflatable kind--dogs can chase them and bite them, thus deflating the fun!
One layer of good wool socks with snug snow boots will keep your feet warm.
My kiddo wears the long johns when he skis and sleds and ice skates. Snow pants too. Children wearing snow pants when ice skating avoid the wet gloppy clothes afterward.
Learning Curve.
The first snow of the winter has officially fallen. I'm stunned by the beautiful blanket of white, early-season fluff that covers everything around me (I remember from my childhood that it won't be nearly as pretty come mid-March). However, I know next to nothing about living in it. As my ...
Such a fun book!
You have a really nice blog here. I've enjoyed reading!
Library Monday: The Paper Bag Princess
I was first given a copy of The Paper Bag Princess by Robert Munsch during my freshman year of college by a cousin of mine who felt strongly that all young women should probably be aware of the wisdom of saving one's self from the dragon rather than waiting around for the prince to show up a...
Hi, thanks for rounding up! I'm in, with a review of Blaze Ginsberg's Episodes.
Chicken Spaghetti
Nonfiction Monday, Part 3: Links for You!
Today I'm introducing "Nonfiction Monday!" It's the first time I'm participating in this weekly event. Many bloggers in the kidlitosphere take part in this event every Monday. Find out more at the Picture Book of the Day blog. If you are a blogger, please include your link in the comments sec...
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