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Oh, Jen, your kiddo's checking out her first book--and THE first book of the year--is so perfect. I love it.
That back-to-school issue of Seventeen was the best! I just loved it. I had an up-and-down relationship with Gourmet, but I sure do miss it. I cooked my first Thanksgiving out of that magazine, and it took me about three weeks. I even roasted chestnuts! And Laurie Colwin's writing was so wonderful. Have you read her books about cooking & food, Dawn? I think you'd like them. Home Cooking, More Home Cooking, These days we get the New Yorker, New York, and Connecticut Magazine (which comes to us free, for some reason...boy, would I love to see the eds. redesign it!). My mom gives our son her National Geographics, and he also has a subscription to Popular Mechanics and Popular Science. I often buy or look at in the library food magazines (Weight Watchers, Vegetarian Times, even tho I'm not vegetarian, Eating Well), and occasionally, when I'm feeling ambitious, Runners' World.
Toggle Commented Feb 3, 2015 on More Q & A: Magazines! at By Sun and Candlelight
Dawn, I hope y'all have a peaceful day of recovery today. Your Earlybird made it through the MRI with flying colors. Yay! Thinking of y'all... Susan Chicken Spaghetti
Happy blog anniversary, Jen! All best wishes for many more. It's always fun reading & seeing what Baby Bookworm is up to.
What fun!
Happy blog anniversary to you, Jen!
Toggle Commented Dec 18, 2012 on 7 Years and Counting at Jen Robinson's Book Page
Susan_Thomsen is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Definitely get a sled! But don't get one of those inflatable kind--dogs can chase them and bite them, thus deflating the fun! One layer of good wool socks with snug snow boots will keep your feet warm. My kiddo wears the long johns when he skis and sleds and ice skates. Snow pants too. Children wearing snow pants when ice skating avoid the wet gloppy clothes afterward.
Toggle Commented Dec 10, 2009 on Learning Curve. at Bird and Little Bird
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Such a fun book! You have a really nice blog here. I've enjoyed reading!
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Hi, thanks for rounding up! I'm in, with a review of Blaze Ginsberg's Episodes. Susan Chicken Spaghetti
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