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Moving Day!
Well, the day has finally come when I can show you what I've been working on over the summer, and into the fall. My new Susy Jack* website is now live, and starting with my next post, I will have... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2011 at heysusy
Hi Everyone - thank you for commenting! Just popping in to mention that you can spend the giveaway $$ on anything your little heart desires... my work, or anyone elses!
Lucky You Lucky Me! { Hello!Lucky Holiday Giveaway }
I know, I know. "What??? Two giveaways in a month?" But, I tell you, it's true. This summer, I was lucky (pardon pun) enough to be one of several great artists to create a collection of customizable holiday photo cards with Hello!Lucky. The designs launched a short while ago, on their newly re...
Lucky You Lucky Me! { Hello!Lucky Holiday Giveaway }
I know, I know. "What??? Two giveaways in a month?" But, I tell you, it's true. This summer, I was lucky (pardon pun) enough to be one of several great artists to create a collection of customizable holiday photo cards... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2011 at heysusy
Website Redesign - Sneak Peek
Hello, all. Now, I'm not one to get too excited about things until they happen-- preserving my excitement is something I've gotten really good at in the course of owning a business-- But, now that we're onto the testing and... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2011 at heysusy
Congratulations.... Connie! You won! I'll be in touch and we'll get your calendar right out. : )
Thank you to all who entered. I'll be sending out a newsletter shortly - with a subscriber discount, so if you are signed up, expect that soon. : ) Susy
2012 Susy Jack Grid Calendar Giveaway
My 2012 Calendar Collection is now in store, featuring a new, writable grid style available. It's full of color and pattern, and has a handy grid and notes column for writing in your to-dos. I've wanted to offer a writable style for a long time,and I'm so happy that this is the year! In ce...
Crystal Vision
I find crystals so inspiring... Don't you? Here are three images from my archives which I find particularly great. Lately I'm finding myself more and more drawn to natural geometries. Today I hand off my final edits for the new... Continue reading
Posted Oct 25, 2011 at heysusy
2012 Susy Jack Grid Calendar Giveaway
My 2012 Calendar Collection is now in store, featuring a new, writable grid style available. It's full of color and pattern, and has a handy grid and notes column for writing in your to-dos. I've wanted to offer a writable... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2011 at heysusy
Well, I did mention that my shop site will house a blog, so I'll be blogging there, in the future. However, it will be more focused on things pertaining to my own work than this blog.
Keep on Dreaming
It's been long time, I know, but I thought I'd pop in for a quick post to let you know what I 've been working on while I've been away from my blog. The next phase is on it's way. With it, the end of this blog (probably in the next couple of months) and an updated home for me on the internet. ...
Keep on Dreaming
It's been long time, I know, but I thought I'd pop in for a quick post to let you know what I 've been working on while I've been away from my blog. The next phase is on it's way.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at heysusy
Hi Natalie! Thank you for the comment! Yes, the 8x10 is definitely the best seller - I thought it might be, because I personally have always wanted to have a wider planner, myself, and haven't been able to find one, (til now...heh heh)
Yes, definitely a very real Susy here. I am very lucky to be able to work with Blue Sky. They're a great group and very down to earth. They really care about their customers, so it's a nice fit. Actually, they are a team of about... 8-10 people... so, it's a very friendly way to do business.
Enjoy your planner, and enjoy the school year! x S
New Susy Jack at Target!
Good Morning, All! I'm back with some happy news. The Susy Jack for Blue Sky Home Series has just launched at Target. I couldn't be more thrilled about the way the products look, and beyond that, they are super useful-- geared towards that tricky intersection where home, life, family, and wo...
Happy Birthday Rachel!!! Yay Leos!!! We really *are* the best : )
And happy 36th to you! I kind of feel like a grown up theres something new and different! : )
When you care enough to send the VERY best.
Hi Everyone. Well, today I turn thirty six! I thought you might enjoy a photo a card my Mom sent me which I opened this morning. It features a foil stamped message and rhinestone decor element which she Damn, it made me laugh. You know, I feel so grateful to have peopl...
Thank you my dear. : ) Yes, though I try, my overexcitability does seem to grow year after's getting worse!! By the time I am 95 I will be able to spontaneously propel myself into outerspace with enthusiasm and spastic-ness.
xx s
When you care enough to send the VERY best.
Hi Everyone. Well, today I turn thirty six! I thought you might enjoy a photo a card my Mom sent me which I opened this morning. It features a foil stamped message and rhinestone decor element which she Damn, it made me laugh. You know, I feel so grateful to have peopl...
When you care enough to send the VERY best.
Hi Everyone. Well, today I turn thirty six! I thought you might enjoy a photo a card my Mom sent me which I opened this morning. It features a foil stamped message and rhinestone decor element which she Damn,... Continue reading
Posted Aug 18, 2011 at heysusy
Hi Vicki,
Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. You know, it's funny, when I post poems, they get very few comments... yet when I post a picture of a shirt or something one can buy...comments galore.
Yet, I post the poems because I know there are people out there who will understand, and I hope, be as inspired and refreshed by them as I am... you have really given me a gift with your comment, and something happy to think about.
It sounds like you have quite the family! Such adventurers! And, I'm so pleased to hear you enjoyed the card enough to give it to your daughter... I am also very close to my mom, and she often gives me little treats, just to show she cares. It makes a lovely difference in my life.
xo! Susy
A poem I liked
Here is a poem my mom gave me over the weekend that I thought you might enjoy. It is about something very simple, and simply expressed, but It made me think. When I was a kid, my mom would come and wake me up at about 3 in the morning to go look at the stars. I would wake up and think she was ...
A poem I liked
Here is a poem my mom gave me over the weekend that I thought you might enjoy. It is about something very simple, and simply expressed, but It made me think. When I was a kid, my mom would come... Continue reading
Posted Aug 10, 2011 at heysusy
Yes! A toast is definitely in order! To dreams fulfilled! I think we both have some toasting to do. : )
Fabric Prints
Here comes the weekend...and I am going to be heading upstate tonight, for a few days with my family. I'm really looking forward to it. I had a very busy week...visiting Printsource, preparing and sending holiday gift guide pitches, and working on a major revision to my website. In related n...
Thank you. Coming from someone with your sense of style, that really means a lot.
It's taking some time to get used to the scale (lots bigger than I'm used to working) And, to match the image in my mind to what is coming out on the fabric...slowly but surely, though! You have a great weekend too.
Fabric Prints
Here comes the weekend...and I am going to be heading upstate tonight, for a few days with my family. I'm really looking forward to it. I had a very busy week...visiting Printsource, preparing and sending holiday gift guide pitches, and working on a major revision to my website. In related n...
Fabric Prints
Here comes the weekend...and I am going to be heading upstate tonight, for a few days with my family. I'm really looking forward to it. I had a very busy week...visiting Printsource, preparing and sending holiday gift guide pitches, and... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2011 at heysusy
Thank you! The little frilly dots actually remind me of you. I know you like your lace and frills : ) x
Happy Tuesday all. Just thought I'd share some pattern work, today. Things are moving right along here in the studio, and I am in the process of designing, organizing, and working on some aspects of my business that I am excited about. Next week, I'll be attending (not exhibiting--attending) ...
Thank you Michelle, I appreciate hearing that from you. : )
Yes, licensing is pretty interesting. Printsource seems to be more of a show where you literally sell the pattern to the attendees right there on the spot. Although, I'm sure there are licensing opportunities to be had, there, as well.
I have found that with licensing, it's really about finding the right fit. I have been really lucky to find some opportunities that were great for me.
I'll keep you posted! : )
Happy Tuesday all. Just thought I'd share some pattern work, today. Things are moving right along here in the studio, and I am in the process of designing, organizing, and working on some aspects of my business that I am excited about. Next week, I'll be attending (not exhibiting--attending) ...
Happy Tuesday all. Just thought I'd share some pattern work, today. Things are moving right along here in the studio, and I am in the process of designing, organizing, and working on some aspects of my business that I am... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2011 at heysusy
Aren't they cool? I just love the way the colors surround the objects - kind of reminds me of a mineral! : )
Weekender { Spinning Yarn }
Good Day! Just popping in, as I have a design-day planned and need to get on it. I hope your weekends take you to many weird and wonderful places...real or imaginary. Textile Art Yarn Paintings by Mandy Besek found here (Note: I've silhouetted them on white to get the full visual effect of the...
To Heaven in a Handbasket
A line I've always liked for it's color choices has expanded. Serena and Lilly started with baby bedding and now...well...I think the garage may be the only area of the home they aren't extending into. Unless you need a Moroccan... Continue reading
Posted Jul 25, 2011 at heysusy
Weekender { Spinning Yarn }
Good Day! Just popping in, as I have a design-day planned and need to get on it. I hope your weekends take you to many weird and wonderful places...real or imaginary. Textile Art Yarn Paintings by Mandy Besek found here... Continue reading
Posted Jul 22, 2011 at heysusy
WOW!!! Go girl!
You are 100% right to chart a course towards something more fulfilling. Just the act of working to achieve greater fulfillment is fulfilling...
It's funny though...waiting til the time is right... You always hear people say "follow your bliss" yadda yadda. As if it's something one can just do immediately, like turning on a switch. To me, it's more of a process. A decision that is created and takes shape over time.
Freeing yourself from this phase is major! But, I am even more excited that it will mean you will reacquaint with enjoying the little achievements and little joys more often, day to day, which makes life fun. I'm so happy for you
Plus now we can have lunch. The next Prosciutto Tower is on me. ; )
A pair.
I grew one. I finally quit my job today. I quit the job that kicked my ass six ways to Sunday for the past two years - the one that scared me silly, rubbed against the grain, left me depleted, worked me harder than I've ever worked. I made it out alive. No - more than that. I fucking killed it...
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