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Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. -Leo Buscaglia
Interests: god, nature, family and friends., all things art related
Recent Activity
I used Golden's Fluid Acrylics and then heat set the material in the dryer on high heat. It would be really fun to see what patterns the kids make. Let me know what happens.
1 reply
Suzet is now following MaryAnn F. Kohl, art book author
Jun 1, 2011
I would love to see some examples too. Is the result the same as using wax resist with tempera? It seems like there would not be contrast without the black. Will you post photos MaryAnn?
Suzet is now following Suzet
Sep 20, 2009
Happy B-Day! I saw you and Suziblu do the promo video and came on over here to check it out. You seem like a fun person and I like your stuff. I am always up for a new trick for my bag.I hope you pick me ;)
Toggle Commented May 12, 2009 on Ohhh sexy girlfriend... at The Land of Lost Luggage
1 reply