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Suzie Snyder
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I have some suggestions for holiday decorations.
It would definitely be nice to have a Christmas tree, with lights and ornaments available as well, so farmers may decorate their tree however they want.
I like the idea of having a snowman that we can decorate with things like hats, scarves, carrots for noses, etc.
Another idea I have is to make Santa and his sleigh available so that those of us with reindeer can have Santa in front, and our eight or nine reindeer behind him.
Wreaths would also be nice, as would snow. I'm not sure if snow could really help the crops, but it seems like it would be a nice addition.
Poinsettias would be wonderful as limited-time flowers that we can plant, as well as any other Christmasy flowers or crops.
There should be items for Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and solstice, so everyone may decorate as they please.
I am very excited to see what FarmVille comes up with.
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You can now send Presents! Purchase select items from the Market and send them as Presents to your Neighbors. In addition, Sweet Seeds for Haiti has raised over $700,000 to provide sustainable meals for families in Haiti, thanks to all of your generous contributions. Remember, your last chan...
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Nov 29, 2009
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