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Suzanna Klein
Bay Area, California USA
Recent Activity
Suzanna Klein is now following Kaylene Maalste
Jul 12, 2014
This is very beautiful...causes a strong resonance in me...
Today "I Eye You" is done. When this piece was started, it was a place to stitch my truths, what I still think is the truth. I imagined waving it in victory when justice finally came to light. But sometimes you have to decide to keep on fighting, or to accept things. I can...
Oops, I meant to say HER cowl!
rainy day projects
It would have been 100% local except the pasta came from Italy... Orecchiettte is my favorite shape of pasta and I haven't figured out how to make it. I'll just say I'm honoring my great-grandmothers. One who was from Italy and Nana who made it with the sharpest cheese she could find (as my ...
When I was very little, my grandmother made lye soap...I still have a piece of's brown and has a unique smell. Somehow I remember her making it in the old washing machine that had a wringer on the side of it...perhaps I've scrambled up the memories, but it was quite a process and I love that chunk of old soap.
recycle day: at the local apothecary
I've always loved the word "apothecary." This weekend's projects included making a batch of herbal shampoo and a bar of soap. The bottom of a plastic bottle (the cream used for my ice cream!) was used as a soap mold and an old honey jar to hold the shampoo I made up. The shampoo is a handf...
This makes needs a rest sometimes! I was glad to see the hops vine...I make a little tea of hops and lavender before bed, as a sleeping aid, but I've never seen the plant before...thanks!
Thank you for coming to visit! This is a place to...
Thank you for coming to visit! This is a place to leave a comment if you have a question, a suggestion, or just want to say you were here. Comments are being turned off on individual posts for awhile. If I decide to continue this way, I'll erase comments after they have been up for a month.
I love hearing about all this. What a gigantic difference from one year to the next...for some reason I need to repeat that I love hearing about it all. xoxo,s.
i really don't know what to say
it has been Some Week. and i hesitate to put it all here because this blog is about Cloth, or, is supposed to be. but ..... Cloth turns out to be Life?, it seems................... and this is Life too. Jude's Contemporary boro 2....SO much. aside from the denim jumpers, asi...
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