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Suzanna Klein
Bay Area, California USA
Recent Activity
Suzanna Klein is now following Kaylene Maalste
Jul 12, 2014
This is very beautiful...causes a strong resonance in me...
Toggle Commented Jun 1, 2013 on viewpoint at handstories
Oops, I meant to say HER cowl!
Toggle Commented Jul 2, 2012 on rainy day projects at bee creative
1 reply
When I was very little, my grandmother made lye soap...I still have a piece of's brown and has a unique smell. Somehow I remember her making it in the old washing machine that had a wringer on the side of it...perhaps I've scrambled up the memories, but it was quite a process and I love that chunk of old soap.
Toggle Commented May 31, 2012 on recycle day: at the local apothecary at bee creative
1 reply
This makes needs a rest sometimes! I was glad to see the hops vine...I make a little tea of hops and lavender before bed, as a sleeping aid, but I've never seen the plant before...thanks!
1 reply
I love hearing about all this. What a gigantic difference from one year to the next...for some reason I need to repeat that I love hearing about it all. xoxo,s.
Toggle Commented May 13, 2012 on i really don't know what to say at windthread