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Allah is not going to like this when he hears about it.
Anti-CAIR Ad Campaign Gets Widespread Publicity in Florida
New AFDI ad in our new campaign to launch in Tampa offering real help to Muslims Good news! Our honor killing ad will be running in Florida (above). Over 90% of honor killings worldwide are Islamic, and Tampa was the site of the Fatima Abdullah honor murder. Fatima Abdullah was a Muslim woman ...
Four Americans are murdered, the Ambassador assassinated, and the liberal left reacts with apathy and a yawn. This is worse than pathetic, it is disgusting.
NY Times Tall Tales: A deadly dishonest mixed-up narrative on Benghazi
Perhaps the NY Times is desperate to stave off impeachment hearings on Obama's treasonous perfidy in Libya on September 11, 2012: A Deadly Mix in Benghazi -- The New York Times Perhaps the New York Times is trying to shore up the imploding Democrat party by deconstructing the truth on their ...
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it, and those who do not.
Merrrrrrrry Christmas!
Christmas in Rockefeller Center, New York City Take a skate at the Rockefeller skating rink. Click the image and drag our mouse over the image. Merry Christmas to the best readers, activists, artists, poets, writers, thinkers, players, doers, soldiers, fighters, lovers on the net. Wishing yo...
I bet the ground rumbled and plaster fell out of the ceiling.
Merrrrrrrry Christmas!
Christmas in Rockefeller Center, New York City Take a skate at the Rockefeller skating rink. Click the image and drag our mouse over the image. Merry Christmas to the best readers, activists, artists, poets, writers, thinkers, players, doers, soldiers, fighters, lovers on the net. Wishing yo...
Exactly how does Islam calm the savage? The answer is it doesn't. It creates savages. And if the jihadi is already a savage, Islam increases their savagery so act's like this article are frequent rather than rare.
Jihad in The Congo: Muslim Terrorists Rape And Mutilate 21 In The Congo
The news gets worse in Africa, as every country is under siege by jihadists. "Muslim Terrorists Rape And Mutilate 21 In The Congo" Religious Freedom Coaltion, December 19, 2013 (thanks to Mark) United Nations peacekeeping forces have recently discovered the bodies of 21 men, women, children and...
Sorry for the double posts.
End of Year Surge: Two New Campaigns in Counter-Offensive for Freedom
2013 was a killer year. When you and your family hear of the daily acts of jihad both here and abroad, where do you turn? If you are like most knowledgable freedom lovers, you come here. You support our work. Why? Because you know that no one is doing the work we are doing, going on the offense...
If you don't support sanity, what are you supporting? Whatcha gunna do when insanity runs wild over you? Lots of dhimmi, useful idiots in the west have their heads on backwards,
they see where they have been, but have no idea where they are going. Pam and Robert were banned from the UK by supporters of insanity. This proves that the insane have totally lost their minds. Pam and Robert see where this insanity is going, and do their best to put on the brakes. They are not the only ones who see this, but they are the prime people who have actually been doing something about it. When you support their efforts, you are supporting sanity. If you are able, donate generously and often. Our sanity may depend on it.
End of Year Surge: Two New Campaigns in Counter-Offensive for Freedom
2013 was a killer year. When you and your family hear of the daily acts of jihad both here and abroad, where do you turn? If you are like most knowledgable freedom lovers, you come here. You support our work. Why? Because you know that no one is doing the work we are doing, going on the offense...
If you are concerned for Christians, what are you doing about it?
Pamela Geller, WND Column: Duck Soup
Check out my column this week for WND: DEFENDING THE WEST Duck Soup Where's outrage about this gay oppression? Exclusive: Pamela Geller weighs in on hypocrisy of 'Duck Dynasty' scandal All this ballyhoo and hullabaloo about the “Duck Commander” and his biblical reference – why? The blowback...
Gays and Muslims are all for free speech until the subject turns to them, then they freak...
Pamela Geller, WND Column: Duck Soup
Check out my column this week for WND: DEFENDING THE WEST Duck Soup Where's outrage about this gay oppression? Exclusive: Pamela Geller weighs in on hypocrisy of 'Duck Dynasty' scandal All this ballyhoo and hullabaloo about the “Duck Commander” and his biblical reference – why? The blowback...
You know how Islam treats gays, but what do you do about it?
Pamela Geller, WND Column: Duck Soup
Check out my column this week for WND: DEFENDING THE WEST Duck Soup Where's outrage about this gay oppression? Exclusive: Pamela Geller weighs in on hypocrisy of 'Duck Dynasty' scandal All this ballyhoo and hullabaloo about the “Duck Commander” and his biblical reference – why? The blowback...
There is no Islamic sharia penalty for killing your children or your childrens children,
All honor killing victims are either out right apostates or on the edge. This is what upsets the bro's down at the mosque. The father is shamed because it is his job to keep his daughters on the straight path of Islam. Sharia is both the enabler and the way. Apostates must be killed. If the daughter insists, there is nothing else the father can do Islam and the bro's down at the mosque, demand it.
The Role of the Mosque and the Muslim Community in an Honor Killing
Extended members of the woman’s family accused her of “disgraceful and outrageous acts” in a petition that was widely circulated in her village of Deir Al Ghusun, near the West Bank town of Tulkarem. The petition demanded Ms. Zeidan’s father, Munther, “reinstate the cultural and religious ...
'The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam' (Obama to the UN), is a huge tip off as to who, or what, Obama really supports. That he embraces the MB is no surprise. The 'shahada plot' is deeper than most realize.
Obama's Partner Muslim Brotherhood Terror-Prez Morsi linked to al-Qaeda Chief
I know it's Pravda, but the American press will never cover it. Obama is a huge supporter of the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood, and the US press is voluntary state-run media. Hence, no coverage. The recordings of these phone conversations will tell all. Before the "election," the Obama ...
‘We know that some people who have a completely perverted ideology do regard soldiers as a target,
Oh? What perverted ideology is that, and exactly how is it perverted? Statements of surrender like that are what is wrong with the British gov. Of course we all know Pam and Robert are more dangerous than the abject stupidity of these officials.
MI5 tried to recruit Rigby's jihad killer: Agents were courting beheader just weeks before Woolwich horror
M15 tries to recruiting jihad murderers while banning Spencer and me. Brilliant. A number of the killers’ accomplices are still on the loose, but no worries, Spencer and I cannot enter the country. "MI5 tried to recruit Rigby's killer: Agents were courting Islamic fanatic just weeks before Woolw...
No one but a screwball liberal Obama lover could conceive of such a thing. You made that up.
Anti-Obama hostility ramps up in Egypt -- media blasts American policies, protests decry his "support for terrorism"
Well done, Obama! How's that anti-freedom agenda working out for you? Anti-U.S. Hostility Ramps Up in Egypt By Maria Abi-Habib and Adam Entous, Wall Street Journal, August 10, 2013 Media Outlets Blast American Policies, Further Straining Ties Opponents of ousted President Mohammed Mor...
Haha, that was great...Hey Obama, they don't luvs ya baby...
Popular Egyptian music video tells Obama to screw himself and stop funding Jihad terrorists
Obama has taken this country to new lows on the international stage. I have never seen the US so disrespected and held in such contempt. America was once synonymous with freedom. The US under Obama is the laughingstock of the world. Looking forward to seeing this Egyptian tune performed on Jon...
A part of packaged terrorism is psychological warfare. We make a threat, you jump, get nervous, we laugh.
Senior U.S. Official: Intercepted Al Qaeda Communications Indicate Planned Attack ‘Big,’ ‘Strategically Significant’
I'll tell you one thing. Whatever these Muslim savages are planning in their next big assault on the US, the one thing they are not worried about is what Obama may or may not do. He's a weak, spineless sister and they know it. A senior U.S. official told ABC News that Al-Qaeda jihadists are pl...
BIASED AND UNPROFESSIONAL...The spirit of 'Algore The Great' lives on...Algore invented, among other things, the internet, radio, TV, the vacuum cleaner, washer and dryer, the modern flush toilet, global warming, and beer...And he did all that in an BIASED AND UNPROFESSIONAL manner, and now he is super rich...Al-Jazeera is only following the path to riches Algore set for them...
Muslim Brotherhood Opponents And Al-Jazeera Employees Protest: The MB Channel Is Biased And Unprofessional
Al-Jazeera TV Host Ahmad Mansour To Morsi Supporters: Our Revolution Was Hijacked By The Coup Terror TV: ‘We aired lies’: Al Jazeera staff quit after being forced to be pro-Muslim Brotherhood on air. I have been working closely with Cliff Kincaid for years to keep Al Jazeera off American air...
Hope is not lost...Anti-sharia-ists using sexual jihad as anti-sexual jihad...Topless women invade mosque in Sweden for no sharia and womens rights...Adults only...
Pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters are awaiting religious go-ahead for ‘sexual Jihad"
This is one mad sick culture. Pro-Mursi protesters are awaiting signal for ‘sexual Jihad:’ report Al Arabiya, Saturday, 13 July 2013 A Facebook page with suspected links to the Muslim Brotherhood pledges “sexual jihad” to people camping in a pro-Mursi sit-in in Cairo. (Photo credit: http://ww...
More elitism
Apparently Melanie Phillips can dish it out but she can't take it. She was shocked that both Robert and I would respond to her gratuitous attack on our work. She is calling her cop-out column "A hysterical and ignorant response." What did she expect? That we wouldn't defend ourselves? She has at...
I don't care if the EDL is racist or not...At leased they are men and not girly men...'The enemy of my enemy is my friend'...
More elitism
Apparently Melanie Phillips can dish it out but she can't take it. She was shocked that both Robert and I would respond to her gratuitous attack on our work. She is calling her cop-out column "A hysterical and ignorant response." What did she expect? That we wouldn't defend ourselves? She has at...
It appears JW has been attacked, Typepad won't allow me to sign in or post...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on 2-state delusion: “reaching a 2-state solution is to betray God, the Koran, the hadith and Islam.”
The hatred of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland is a religious mandate in Islam. The existence of a tiny Jewish state is deeply offensive to devout Muslims. Under Islam, it must be destroyed. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a visiting fellow at AEI. Hirsi Ali, an outspoken defender of women's rights ...
Two states or ten states, the jihad against Israel and the west will continue...
Ayaan Hirsi Ali on 2-state delusion: “reaching a 2-state solution is to betray God, the Koran, the hadith and Islam.”
The hatred of the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland is a religious mandate in Islam. The existence of a tiny Jewish state is deeply offensive to devout Muslims. Under Islam, it must be destroyed. Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a visiting fellow at AEI. Hirsi Ali, an outspoken defender of women's rights ...
Even Putin want's to know why we support people who kill their enemies and then eat them...Or if they are not hungry, feed them to the dogs...Man, these people shore is ugly...Islam never fails to show us what ugly really looks like...
Obama-Backed Syrian jihadists beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs
If you need a fail-safe formula for determining who the bad guys are -- ask what side is Obama on: Syria rebels 'beheaded a Christian and fed him to the dogs' as fears grow over Islamist atrocities Daily Mail June 17, 2013 Christian Andrei Arbashe, 38, was kidnapped and beheaded by rebel figh...
Man, these dhimmi creeps shore is smart...None of them own firearms do they? I think I see some disqualifying mental illness...
Pamela Geller, WND Column: Criminal Journalism
Read my column today at WND: DEFENDING THE WEST Criminal journalism Exclusive: Pamela Geller blasts 'libelous' media coverage of effort to defend free speech The war against freedom is being waged in every corner of our nation – in every newsroom and in every mainstream media outlet. One p...
Liberal USA...
You are either doing a fine job of sarcasm, or you are a complete idiot...You would sell your freedom (and ours) for thirty pieces of silver and some food stamps? You must come really cheap...people who seriously spout that drivel are a dime a dozen...
Free Speech Showdown In Small-Town America
The room swells well beyond capacity All eyes are on Tennessee tonight, as the fight for the very soul of America comes to a very small town: Manchester, Tennessee, a town no bigger than 10,000 people. (Almost 2,000 people were there.) This was the perhaps unlikely venue for a seminar led b...
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